JD Vance once wrote that he 'convinced myself that I was gay' when he was a kid

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 378 points –
JD Vance once wrote that he 'convinced myself that I was gay' when he was a kid

Yes, there's more to it than that and it's quite stupid and also quite bigoted. Republicans don't need to know that. They didn't and won't read his book anyway.


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So, is he...

  1. Fundamentally misrepresenting homosexually as self delusion and a choice, or

  2. A closet homosexual in denial, like so many other homophobes

I guess they're not mutually exclusive.

"I closeted myself and am resigned to a loveless marriage in my pursuit of a political career. Why can't you?"

  1. A normal human, most of which are varying degrees of bisexual and questioned things like this wen they were growing up and learning about themselves, but sadly ended up a bigoted asshole