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@100_percent_a_bot @TheAlbatross

No, but the US can sure as hell stop contributing to it. Then, they can go further and stop protecting them at the UN.

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@GroundedGator @febra I hate to say it but this is literally Biden's fault. He is completely undermining his own credibility with the whole Gaza situation and for no good reason

@DarkGamer @naturalgasbad @Marsupial Yeah that's delusional, Israel is committing genocide and has been slow walking one ( ethnic cleansing) for decades

Israeli propaganda isn't fooling anyone anymore

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@100_percent_a_bot Israel is committing genocide, we don't give a flying fuck about their opinion

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@L4s Gee thanks Elon

@mojo @HowRu68 Yeah, shocking what you ask for when your nation is being overrun by a nuclear power

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@galloog1 @TinyPizza What kind of delusional crap is that? Most buildings aren't designed to absorb an Israeli mortar round

Wow! Just vilifying the victims here

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@100_percent_a_bot One issue is that we're funding Israel's genocide. You skipped over that part. Conveniently.
It's time to cut Israel off

@galloog1 No!! Most buildings are NOT build to survive and explosion Where the fuck did you even get that from!! More to the point if you're after one terrorist in one building you don't blow the whole thing up! That's just fucking stupid!


@dumdum666 @Stamau123 At least he's one of the few world leaders speaking against Israel's Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinians. More should, then there wouldn't even be a Hamas

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@L4s This is why Union are needed, especially in the IT space.

@FlyingSquid @throws_lemy Who the hell declares a sandwich????

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@blahsay @DolphinMath they have trying to give them back for months, but the Zionists just wanted to murder innocent people

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@galloog1 Also Israel doesn't check shit. As they're using air dropped bombs inside a densely packed civilian population . Every fatality, every casualty is intentional. Worse haven't seen a lot of armed dead Gaza citizens, we HAVE seen a lot of dead unarmed ones

Don't lie you'll be caught

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@galloog1 Okay, let me help you out here, if some terrorist runs into a building, you don't blow up the entire fucking building full of people. That doesn't work

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@MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte Remember, it's Israel claiming what those bunkers are used for and by whom, and they are well known to lie.
Generally speaking, never trust anyone engaged in ethnic cleansing.

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@Raglesnarf @Purplexingg I did the same!

@MarcellusDrum @Polydextrous Except that FB and Twitter technically occupy different markets

@photonic_sorcerer @Nacktmull It can't be excused yet. No one is working diligently to liberate Palestine from Israel. No one has in decades

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@sugarfree the population size isn't the issue, the population's confinement is

Especially since Israel sabotaged the peace process

@sugarfree I can't hear you over the sound of your Israeli propaganda. Especially considering the ethnic cleansing Israel has conducted against the Palestinians for generations

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@sugarfree Given Israel's conduct lately, calling them anything less than a terrorist state is overly charitable

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@galloog1 Israel has plenty of assets they can use to bolster their case

Yet, nothing. Hell they're so fucking terrible that the Jenin camp they committed an atrocity in, they don't even know they got the person they were aiming for.

They literally bombed a refugee camp and did not know if they got the target or not. What the fuck?!

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@Nacktmull @steventhedev Exactly @Nactmull Pretty sure anyone in her position would be saying less than kind things about their oppresor..and Texans would be DOING less than kind things to them

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@galloog1 @TinyPizza If you believe Israel in any way, shape or form, you're probably horribly naive. We're talking about the same people who are actively conducting genocide against the Palestinians, on top of the apartheid regime. They already inflicted on them. Are Hamas terrorists, yes, is Israel worse? Yes

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@Lilith02 @JAM Do you have the passages for that? I may need to use them

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@L4s Funny how musk fears the truth

@WashedOver that's insane

@mojo You don't sound like you're living in reality. I recommend it.

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@photonic_sorcerer oh btw, saying "Hamas wants to raze Israel from the earth", while Israel builds settlements, refusing to negotiate, commits ethnic cleansing, and brutalizes Palestinians in a myriad of other ways proves you have no idea what's going on over there

@galloog1 No, I've actually been to war, twice. So I'm good. Israel isn't taking civilians into consideration, they're racking up the body count by intentionally using the wrong weapons in a civilian populace.
Oh and that's in ADDITION to cutting off water, fuel, and medical supplies to the CIVILIANS
SO you're trying to bullshit people who now know that's what you're trying to do.
Israel is LITERALLY making more "terrorists" than they're killing with their disproportionate use of force

@theangryseal I believe you, but now I get tohave a little bit of fun at their expense!

@galloog1 You missed the part where that work was intentionally done to sabotage the creation of a sovereign Palestine. Nice thing for you to over at least get over, way to prove your bias.

Israel is literally responsible for this entire situation

@kmkz_ninja You absolutely rock! Thank you!

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@MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte Except the right wing, government of Israel was put in place by a democratic process. Light criticism of Israel, doesn't excuse israel's criminal, terroristic conduct that's been going on for decades. Decades!

You're basically trying to whitewash what Israel has done and that's what's disgusting. Israel's right wing government, is worse than Hamas, murdered and maimed far more, for longer than just one day.

@MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte You are literally defending and excusing terrorism innocent civilians like this