Biden growing more frustrated with Netanyahu as Gaza campaign rages on

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Biden growing more frustrated with Netanyahu as Gaza campaign rages on | CNN Politics

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@100_percent_a_bot @TheAlbatross

No, but the US can sure as hell stop contributing to it. Then, they can go further and stop protecting them at the UN.

Why would they do that? The UN is like 50 Muslim countries, pretty much all of them theocracratic dictatorships. They usually vote as a block against Israel which is pretty bs considering there is one jewish state with one voice.

@100_percent_a_bot Israel is committing genocide, we don't give a flying fuck about their opinion

Assad killed like two million people in his own country, many of them with fkin nerve gas. Where are the people calling this a genocide? Where's the condemnation by the Arab league? They don't give a shit and they wouldn't say a word if it was Egypt who was taking out hamas in Gaza right now.

Comparing Netanyahu to Assad is very apt, I agree

Guy who gasses hundreds of thousands of his own people and bombs them with barrel bombs from helicopters = guy who happens to contribute to the death of 28 k people (at worst) because terrorists choose to hide behind their own women and children. Smartest lemming

I agree that dropping dumb bombs on populated areas is wrong

It isn't if they do the proper strike assessment. If killing civilians was their goal they're doing a very shitty job at it considering they dropped over 20k bombs on Gaza.

@100_percent_a_bot That's horrible!!! How many billions did America give him to do that?

... Awkward

About 12 billion from what I can find

@100_percent_a_bot We gave Israel 12 billion to massacre Palestinians you mean

No you guys spent like 12 billion on "humanitarian aid" for the Assad regime

@100_percent_a_bot Oh, so we didn't send the missiles and bombs?

Like you and the US are sending to Israel for their "defense" against 6 years olds

Why are you this unhinged lmao

Just let them take out hamas so this shit show called Gaza can move towards becoming a semi functional state that doesn't shoot rockets on Isreal all day every day

@100_percent_a_bot btw, most people shoot at their foreign occupier, it's considered "self-defense"

How is arbitrarily shooting rockets in Israels general direction and occasionally hitting your own hospitals self defense? And how is this helping anyone?

Over the past centuries they fought their fight, lost over and over again and are now in a dead end. Now hamas has to be thrown out so the Palestinians vote someone in who can actually be negotiated with.

@100_percent_a_bot Considering Israel has been the one refusing to negotiate and sabotaged the formation of a Palestinian state, your comment reeks of ignorance

But if you think that legitimate Palestinian resistance fighters should have guided weapons, I'd support that after all their colonizer does

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@100_percent_a_bot Given the 30,000 innocent dead people it's ridiculous to suggest that this is solely about Hamas

Why do you support the genocide of the Palestinian people? That's vile

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