0 Post – 156 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Sure, not-13-year-old-kid-trying-to-sound-cool

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Same. Those 40mil probably went into someones pocket, not surprising noone is playing the game

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I really hope conspiracy theorists start looking at the forbidden sky orb, maybe through telescopes for more detail.

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This is way worse than murder. 'Normal' murderers dont swear to protect citizens before killing them.

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TIL Pizza is a cylinder

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Root beer is definitely A tho

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These apply to all employees, not just GenZ. Its just basic respect. GenZ may just be the ones who dont accept unhappiness just for the sake of having a job.

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On a 'plastic per calories' scale this is very wasteful indeed. But actually it is not just a chip, its more of an activity being sold. Other activities are much worse resource-wise. Some people go skydiving, others eat a chip at home.

If those are the qualities you seek in a partner, I am deeply sorry for you.

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No need to phrase it so hrashly but youre basically right. This post is pure ageism

Are you only asking people who mostly have daughters but also goodlooking sons? How many kids does a person need to fulfill this requirement?

At least 5 I guess? Seems very specific...

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I dont even know anymore. These "Windows bad" posts get so stupid by now I can only assume it is satite at this point. Im just waiting for "Task Bar is 20px high instead of 21, literally unusable"

Listening to music while high? Sounds crazy

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Awesome! Thats a really big step. You can be proud of that. Youre lucky to have such a supportive friend. Just out of curiosity, did you choose that name because of her or do you just like it in general? My first thought was 'I probably wouldnt choose the name of anyone I know', but I cant really relate

Nice bullshit poll making 'Yes' the pre-selected choice and clicking an other option not changing it, even when its highlighted. Dragging choices is absolutely counterintuitive and actively misleading. Lets start a poll if people like murder and wonder about the 50/50 result at the end.

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Before I started doingwhat you describe, Captha would fail on me multiple times. Sometimes I would have to solve 5 captcha in a row. Really annoying. How is 'clicking fast' not human enough if you do it with realistic mouse movement?

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Its apparently made by a Japanese person (name in the top right corner). Shes probably not that fluent in english and pronounces the L words just like that.

Glad you clarified youre not smoking, thats imaginary bonus points for you.

It is really sad when you cant vote for the people who best represent your interests because then the orange nazi gets elected.

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It is literally not exaggerated though

Edit: To clarify, I do not agree with the general accusations of the post, but this is not the part thats wrong.

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I dont even get half of what youre trying to say. Maybe ask an actual question?

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And why would you encourage that if you dont want t the stuff they post?

Why do we like eating nicely prepared food instead of a ground up paste? Its just nutrients, right?

Why do we wear nice clothes? Theyre just for enduring heat and cold, so black robes for everyone should do, right?

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Alcohol is a drug btw, just saying

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Nothing to do with bragging or impressing people. Most people have their own tastes, just because for some reason you have no understanding of the concept of beauty doesnt make the rest of the world weird.

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So "Im not innocent" = "I deserve to be killed by a cop" now? By that logic the US is gonna lose half its population in a very short time.

It still exists but the main problem is solved. Hospitals arent full, the virus mutated to much less deadly variants and the majority of people is immunized. Right now, Corona is just another flu. Sure its not nice but the average joe will get it now and then.

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HeartGold is retro? Fuck Im old

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Didnt reach the masses yet though. Why would 2020 be considered 2019 2? They were probably the most different subsequent years in modern times.

Didnt read the article. Does this mean steam will have to give the option to sell games or would you have to sell the whole account?

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Who think of illusions they cant explain as actual magic? That would be pretty sad.

Exactly. Look good for yourself not for others.

But even uf you dont care about your looks, working out is really good for physical and mental health

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Every game has bugs, that is not really what a 'finished game' is about. Its more about consistently working features, delivering what you promised and working on fixing things you know arent working correctly.

I think they used an outward opening one instead of inward opening. If that window would open inward, you couldnt slip through

Its 0:50 here and Im literally sitting on the toilet...

Awesome suggestion. I will check that out right away. Thanks a lot

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The reason it is even considered to be legalized is the medical use in the first place, not people partying on shrooms. So I donno what youre on about.

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Is there no way to hide seen posts or did I just not find it yet?

Noone said you cant have an ugly efficient car if you want. But theres absolutely no reason to shit on people for wanting their own possessions to be nice. Sure its better to not buy a car at all, but if you need one you should be allowed to get one that you like.

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