The more you know

MacN' to Lemmy – 626 points –

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TIL Pizza is a cylinder

Cylinders prefer to be called thicc circles.

Like a round toast with stuff on it

Let's face it, pizza is an open face sandwich.

(I like that my first thought reading that was like a comic/meme of intentionally faceplanting (your face) into the middle of a (hot) pizza)

lol, I supposed it should really be "open-faced sandwich". My mistake! 😁

Rofl, I genuinely didn't even notice your typo, I was just entertaining myself ... or maybe I have unresolved pizza issues :|

If we're gonna insist to go morphological, then it depends on the edge crust.

If we count that as added thickness, a pizza is a quiche or a pie. I'm pretty sure Chicago Deep Dish would classify as such unambiguously.

If we don't count the edge as upstanding, a pizza is toast.

I'm not insisting, just joking πŸ˜…

Why is a sandwich pizza not a thing already? Like a calzone, but without folding anything.

Curiously, today I had a "kebab roll" ("kebabrulle") which is a big thing in Sweden. Essentially a kebab pizza with a salad on top, some onion pieces, and dressing, rolled up into a roll, wrapped in tinfoil.

Very good, very heavy meal.