3 Post – 21 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I like making things. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. I don't see failure as failure; I see it as progress. Interests include space/rockets, keyboards, and other niche things.

Thank you. Spot on.

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I think I can almost remember the exact day that he shifted. We were talking about our previous girlfriends and he very openly bragged that he's slept with better looking women than I have (I'm not like that). He kept talking about it over and over that day, I could see he was getting a lot of enjoyment out of it.

Before this, he was a different person. Overall good morals, good friend for the most part, rarely put me down.

It was very sudden.

It was also about the time he started to drink really heavily, but that might not be directly related.

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According to Andrew Huberman, there is no one trait that can determine ADHD. It's a lot of common traits that occur together.

Thank you. That makes sense.

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And I will have a good life :)

You're right. It's hard not to take things personally sometimes, but I guess learning to not care so much about what others think is something that can improve with practice.

I tutored as well.

Exactly. If he approaches me in person, I'm not going to pretend he's my friend and stroke his batshit crazy ego, I'm going to treat him neutrally but not entertain him.

Yes he has deleted Facebook messages he sent me on many occasions. Luckily I take screenshots.

At one time, yes we were friends, and I believed that we had mutual respect. That all changed one random day, and he just lost all respect for me.

Thanks. I'm not trying to boost my ego here when I say this, but I have a lot more experience with Engineering and CAD modelling than he does. Pretty sure he feels threatened.

He has his formal piece of paper and his formal job, which I suppose outranks my outside-of-school experience, because it's proper and formal.

Yeah I see what you mean. I want to be the bigger person and just ignore him.

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Well, ok, but you'd think he'd at least talk to me first? If he genuinely had an issue with it, I would value our friendship enough to stop.

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Would you report a valued friend for the same thing? Honestly, I'm curious. Maybe I'm out of touch.

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He has dyslexia.

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I guess I could have, eh. I did end up getting in trouble for it. I had a research job that they fired me from.

The irony is that the students that I did homework for graduated, and I didn't

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As time goes on, I'd rather not think about him at all, but for the rare times that I do, I would want to laugh it off, because his way of bragging is actually kind of funny.

This is only the second or third time that I'm talking about it with anyone else. I didn't know it was this serious.

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Well, at the end of the day the students I did homework for still need to write their tests and exams on their own. They still earned their grades.

Edit: Ok, ok. I won't justify it any further. I guess majority here conclude that it was a serious offence. I believe you.

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