36 Post – 117 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Im very interested in an officially supported linux phone, however the fitmware seems not to be upstream(yet?). I hope it will be upstreamed, or else were back to square one with linux mobile hardware support if they stop working on it!

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Open source it first, then I'm interested.

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Its a small company without VC, seems ok so far. Chinese track record for open sourcing things isnt too good because chinese courts dont care about the GPL I think, however they sound like linux enthusiasts, so Im optimistic.

Never tried it on desktop, only mobile, but Organic Maps is really good and has a desktop version

Despite the market domination of Apple's iOS and the legions of Android devices out there, there are alternatives in the smartphone market...

just a wierd line break

some people want to post here but are repelled by "fuck tankies?"


that is the intended functionality of the banner.

Generally speaking, people offended by this are either:

  • libs that dont understand the distinction between tankie and communist or have been misinformed by tankies on what its supposed to mean, but are pro communism(wierd combination?)

  • the "CCCP did nothing wrong" people

maybe having something leftist in the banner or some place like that could help the former, but I wouldnt remove the message, as it acts as a soft filter for the latter.

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This is such a confusing and messy situation. There is definitely more going on that we dont know about. I already posted this in another thread but:

heres what I think could be going on:

tinfoil hat on

Some Microsoft bigwigs read the OpenAI foundation contract again and realise that they gave them a bunch of money but didnt get the nonprofit, and that they are now fully dependant on them, and that Altman is an experienced shark that knows this. They cant just buy the non-profit, the board would never agree. So they hatch a plan.

They get the lead researcher and a bunch of board members riled up against Altman, with a bunch of dirt they have on him. They tell them hes going to run off with the money and show some proof. The board decides to fire Altman. In the same breath but in another room microsoft hires altman, and promise all openAI employees employment at their new openAI bootleg. They then tell the board through the official channels, that they fucked up and need to resign.

Now, the situation was like this:

  • Either the board resigns, and microsoft gets to put some puppets in their place and complete buying openAI
  • The board doesnt resign, microsoft gets all their employees and the company in anything but name and openAI slowly fades in relevancy until Microsoft makes a generous offer of 150% above what they are worth(half of their price right now)

either way, microsoft wins.

so yeah, I think the next thing we are going to see is microsoft buying more openAI and getting actual control, or a complete buy.

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just bs. They are trying to come up with an explanation for why altman was fired that is not: we caught him doing lots of illegal stuff.

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in nepal posting in "vulgar" language is also forbidden by law, as is stuff like stating that you are poly on social media, so them passing another overreaching censorship law is no surprise.

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Generally, a free software license has to grant the 4 freedoms to be compatible to the gpl and co.

Freedom 0 is running the program however you wish, for any purpose. Imagine if that wasnt standard for free software, and having to read every license of every program you are using to find out if you are allowed to run it!

So your funny license would sadly be incompatible with other free software. Consider dual licensing it instead, with agpl + a propriatary license for businesses that hate free software, and make them pay through the nose for it.

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This guy sounds like he snorted every 60s-70s sci fi at once and now his goal in life is creating the torment nexus. I had no idea that the CEO of Y Combinator(hacker news?) had "friends" like this?

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A lot of drivers for hardware are actually not open source, just unreadable binaries that do ...something. No one knows exactly how they work, so some people consider them a security risk.

I think its because the linux kernel is GPL2, not the modern GPL3 like most free software, so I think thats why some components are allowed to be non-free. Not sure though.

So, that practice violates the spririt of free software. So some distributions have those components removed. Its safer, but you may lose functionality, depending on what computer components you have.

Its an important project, and judging by the other comments here, underappreciated.

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well... i prefer the old logo :(

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amazing work. I just changed all my production systems to UTF-Random! �������������������������������. �����������������������������!

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Is this xitter drama im supposed to care about?

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In my opinion one of the full design themes should be picked because some of those single designs look very nice individually but would clash with others.

My pick would be Emiliano's theme, it looks the most like an evolution of the opensuse style. Imo the others are either a bit too minimalist or deviate too strongly from the original design.

Nikolayan's design is also good, but I prefer Emiliano's because that you can recognise the chameleon better in every logo.

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... have practically relaunched the same press release that praises Mammoth, the Mastodon app developed by The BLDV Inc. , the Californian start-up financed by Mozilla (and THEREFORE by Google, which now finances 90% of Mozilla)

Thats a pretty crazy statement. Mozilla is not a shell company for google. They have very different goals, and google pays mozilla for google search as default because otherwise, firefox users would have a different search as default, giving another search engine a serious opportunity to get big.

Mozilla funds many things, and this is just a well made open source client for mastodon. There is no secret big corp. agenda behind it because that would be crazy. Why wouldnt google develop such a thing in house and use their influence to bring users to it, and why use mozilla, the rival browser company, to do it? This is a major flaw in the article, serious enough that I cant take it seriously.

nope. But it keeps getting spammed on lemmy...

Ah yes bitcoin, the currency most known for being the most stable thing that big shady Companies dont gamble and manipulate the value of...

Also famously the most secure way to hold on to your money, as no bitcoins have ever been stolen by someone else🤡

How much of your life savings are tied up in extremely high risk investments like bitcoin? And do you really think the government doesnt know about your money when you convert it back to cash? And do you actually think that banks could just gamble your money away? You know that laws and FDIC exist, right?

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good. ]:)

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This is such a confusing and messy situation. There is definitely more going on that we dont know about. heres what I think could be going on: tinfoil hat on Some Microsoft bigwigs read the OpenAI foundation contract again and realise that they gave them a bunch of money but didnt get the nonprofit, and that they are now fully dependant on them, and that Altman is an experienced shark that knows this. They cant just buy the non-profit, the board would never agree. So they hatch a plan. They get the lead researcher and a bunch of board members riled up against Altman, with a bunch of dirt they have on him. They tell them hes going to run off with the money and show some proof. The board decides to fire Altman. In the same breath but in another room microsoft hires altman, and promise all openAI employees employment at their new openAI bootleg. They then tell the board through the official channels, that they fucked up and need to resign.

Now, the situation is like this:

  • Either the board resigns, and microsoft gets to put some puppets in their place and complete buying openAI
  • The board doesnt resign, microsoft gets all their employees and the company in anything but name and openAI slowly fades in relevancy until Microsoft makes a generous offer of 150% above what they are worth(half of their price right now)

either way, microsoft wins.

soooo... you want KNOME?

serious answer: Just like you said, behind these projects are different visions and different goals so it would make no sense to sqash both together. Whats a sensible default to someone is horrible to another.

And open source has no such limit, take the linux kernel for example: a giant project of crazy scope which is free software and works better than commercial kernels. What free software lacks are in my opinion UI/UX designers, which is why many non commercially made free software have wierd user interfaces.

cool article! However, counterpoint: What is a flake?? The article doesnt say...

Is it like a makefile?

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pretty sure its not the communities themselves, they are just big enough captive audiences that are most likely to click on images, so they are a big target for stuff like this

yes it was a sodium battery, but it had different chemistry. This one does not need to be molten to work!

Id like to add that there are different versions of the car, with the long range version being 302km range, and the battery mass to energy ratio is actually average compared to other batteries.

sigbeqboibe 😭😭 wy hw nugq loko 💀 iwk

I think they are great. Yes, they are a little expensive, but I am really happy with mine, and I've heard only good things about the Stellaris from a friend who owns one.

paywalled :/

na, the whole shakeup was because microsoft wanted to be majority shareowner and the board was against it.

hmm, I imagine the then 2 prevalent systems of neoliberal capitalism and soviet-style "communism" to be a pretty terrible combination actually. Although I believe I get what he was trying to say about individual rights within an economy of the commons(or at least thats how I interpret it).

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join... the company...

you are... the company...

your company...stirs..within you...


5 minutes before I go on a 3 week long vacation to a remote island obviously!

hamter ❤️

As long as the right concept wins - yes.

For example GNU Taler could be used for the digital euro. Its anonymous for the buyer, backed by banks and traditional banking infrastructure and fast.

Its also somewhat unlikely to win. Lets hope the people in brussels make the right decision.

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Don't most desktop environments already have this?

If you want to include this as an option when right clicking the desktop, you will probably need to patch this into the DE of your choice, however I think at least KDE has an option for custom right click actions.

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