bazed rule to – 159 points –

Is 2 days without shower really that bad? I frequently go 2-3 days without showering, especially if i am not physically active.

I shower twice a day and don't do shit god damn don't you sweat?

Even if sweating unless is super excessive twice a day seems super excessive.

1 more...

Is this really a post both gatekeeping poor hygiene and implying it is positive? Gross dude, take a fucking shower.


::: spoiler (pssst If you wanted the nerd emoji to look bigger you need to add a space after the #)

like this


or add 5 more #s to make it tiny


Or use an image to make it even bigger :::

It does look bigger without the space, you need to not be using an app with a horrible poverty renderer

Is the sopuli website an app with a poverty renderer? Because it's broken there.

Kinda seems like whatever you're using has non-standard rendering.

The website isn't the issue, the issue is that your browser isn't implementing Lemmy's version of markdown correctly.

I'm not on sopuli. You are. I checked to see if it's on my end, but it's on your site, too. In all browsers.

Edit: And lemmy's documentation on markdown includes a space. It seems whatever app you're using didn't implement markdown correctly. No one outside the app will see it correctly unless their app also messed it up.

Okay normie

If normie means taking showers, I’ll take that moniker gladly lmao. I’m a stinky fucker, I don’t care how neuro-divergent you are, you do not want to be around me if I’m not showering regularly.

I literally have to carry around a peppermint oil soaked hankerchief some wilting Victorian maiden because of people like you D:<

What they're not mentioning is the taking Estrogen part. That'll cut waaaay back on the ick smell.

I get the feeling that whoever originally made this wasnt entirely serious...

Wondering if this is an unpopular opinion: if you don't like the unwashed smell of your partner then that's your body telling you you're not a good biological match.

that sounds like weird evopsych bullshit

I don't think smell is even in the top 50 reasons that people end up with their partners, consciously or subconsciously.

If anyone's done a test of whether long-term partners generally adhere to those pheromone rules I'd consider that interesting, but initial attraction, scent-based or otherwise, isn't what determines long-term compatibility with a person.

Sure. That doesn't mean smell isn't telling us something though.

There’s a difference between a natural musk and just straight up dirty though.

That being said, you’re unlikely to be considerably dirty after 2 days of chillin inside.

I like the smell of my partner in the morning, but not after a hot sunny day. I think there are different levels of unwashed to consider.

Sounds like a musk fetish to me. No shame ofc. Get that stink

My poor fucking nostrils

You realise this idea exists independently of decent hygiene, right?

No I don't smelly boi (it's a joke don't be mad)

Seriously though natural BO? No way it smells bad because bacteria eat your oils and poop it out onto your skin.

some people just have a smell that nobody would like so Imma judge that take complete horseshit

Two times a week is sufficient for most people. That's medical advice straight from every Nurse I've worked with 🤷‍♀️