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Joined 1 years ago

It doesnt even melt steel beams, so...

I am currently in the middle of such an event. Small company, 30 persons. The CEO has an unnatural bond with the HR lady. She has shares of the company, and it is an open secret that he very much would like to fuck her.

As a result she gets more and more freedom and behaves as she is somehow entitled of being a second CEO. She is absolutely terrible in management, and has an unusual high amount of fluctuation in her department which covers everything which isnt operative business. So far, in the last 5 years the company hired and was left by six salespeople and no less than 10 team assistants. We usually have two sales jobs and two assistance jobs to fill. This situation alone does not help to keep up our morale.

The CEO keeps up a facade of "we are all family here" and therefore is quite open with announcements when someone new joins us and someone else leaves us. In the past week a newly hired Senior Account Manager quit after less than two weeks in the company. When he made the round of saying goodbye, he told everyone that he quits because he cant stand the management of HR Lady which is his boss.

Since the CEO wants to fuck her he is always somehow covering her faults and trying to hide her incompetence. However, when he announced that not the account manager quit, but instead was fired, since they "could not accept his way of doing the work", which was very obviously a blatant lie, this was the final straw.

Currently all senior employees are either searching for something new or have already written, printed and signed their notice letters.

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I am currently broadcasting "5G_COVID_TEST_EMITTER" for the lulz. It is on a separate VLAN which simply terminates at the switch which generates the PoE for the AP, so despite it being open without a password, it generates no uplink

When i was at my first job in a factory as a trainee, they decided to remodel a manufacturing line and had to move some 40t hydraulic presses. They hired a crane, and the crane guy did the proper mounting of the presses. A 20cm steel beam through the mounting holes of the press, attached to the hook of the crane with these nylon carrying ropes. All fine.

As he lift the press through a hole in the roof, the steel beam just fucking breaks into two pieces. The whole 40t press falls to the ground from a height of 3 meters, leaving a crater of 50cm in depth in the concrete. The broken off piece of the steel beam slams into the driver cabin of the crane, which luckily was reinforced with a steel cage behind the window. This cage saved the crane operator's life.

We were on a smoke break and watched everything. Fucking crazy.

Never step under heavy load hanging from a crane. Never ever.

  • a not fulfilling job
  • extra stress because we are currently planning our wedding
  • climate change

But it's the stuff which is used in nuclear power plants to store the used rods.

Whole milk is just water with some emulgated fat in it. Fresh squeezed juice is just water with some biomass in it.

I suppose we need to switch to sunflower oil or something. It is digestible, has no water in it, but isnt exactly healthy.

Technically the truth. For everything there is a human who is the best at it. Although they might not know it.

Going to the barber. Not only do i look nice afterwards, but this hour of simply doing nothing while nice people are around, good music and maybe a glass of whisky or a coffee is quite good.

Visiting a thermal bath/sauna. Afterwards i am pretty relaxed and tired. Sure, you must get used to the "no clothing allowed" policy, but you can use a towel, and everyone around is also naked and as fat and ugly as yourself.

Driving around on my ebike on a summer evening with good music on my airpods, enjoying the weather and spectating other people enjoying the evening outside.

I thought that cars are only able to drive on the street and was baffled when we saw an offroad rally on the TV

There are some.

The Death Planet ih the new trilogy destroyed the exact same way as Luke destroyed the Death Star.

The fact that they realized that "parsec" is a length unit, and they came up with a total bullshit explanation for "doing the Kessel run in 12 parsec".

Nearly every maintenance infrastructure built like a giant death trap. The reactor room where Maul killed Qui-Gon, the scene where Luke realizes that Vader is his father, and so on.

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That's the spirit

I'd say Coke Zero, but technically this is just a "water with some chemicals in it" goof, and therefore not allowed.

Generative AI. Dall-E just produces dumb images. ChatGPT is absolutely useless, nothing more than some kind of novelty toy. The fact that people are asking it questions and believing it is just so plain stupid. And if i need to do research to be able if it just talks bullshit again - why bother asking it in the first place?

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The kids born from 2010 onwards are Gen Alpha.

I mostly know what they do for a living. I am not really sure how old they are or what are their birthdays. But it simply isnt relevant.

I had my bachelor's party weekend last weekend, and my best man rented an airbnb. We were 9 guys and some of them did not know each other before. Doesnt matter, we had beer and a great time. I think, such details really dont matter, if not for small talk.

Sikhism was already mentioned here. Also, Scientology. I find it quite fascinating and would love read the SciFi story behind it.

Also, all these smaller groups where something weird is behind it. Jonestown, Waco, and so on.

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I think there is a Tom Scott video where he does exactly this

Cyka B blyat!

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Apple App store. Nearly every app has in-app-purchases. Just charge me upfront ffs

He does not have a fancy logo nor a secret identity. Well. By this definition you cannot call Tony Stark a Superhero, neither Thor.

I would say, Jedi are wizards, in a way where Star Wars is more fantasy than SciFi.

mac for working, windows for gaming, linux for serving

Mine is simple: Amnesia Haze. I had a very good two grams from an Amsterdam Coffee Shop. Awesome High, i was in a completely different galaxy. Good Taste as well.

Two remarks:

  • Containers are (and never were) no security instruments but only fancy ways of bundling things
  • You can open up other ports to the internet if you know what you're doing. My SSH is open to the internet, but only with key based auto, and in case i need pw auth as a backup, only with 2FA enabled
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This is the way

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Underrated comment

I vape, so: an old tupper box

  • Wolkenkraft Aeris
  • a regular 4-piece grinder
  • a brush for cleaning
  • a bunch of accessories which came with the vape which i dont use but are stored with the vape
  • a 3d printed funnel and tamper for easier filling of the vape
  • and a lock&lock box for more or less airtight sealed storage for all the good herbs&spices

Hand of Blood Kalle Sterzik

Name a better one

I'm not even mad. I thought about searching something new for longer time already, and since i have gotten some recruiter messages which look like i could almost double my salary, i take this whole story as a sign that this time i do it for real. I won't lose too much. All the colleagues i am considering my friends will stay my friends, since we have established regular happening DnD and MTG sessions. I work as a Cloud Engineer, so the tools and tasks at a new job will stay the same as well. So, why not?

You only "lose" money if you sell low. Dont do that. Our economy somehow relies on infinite grow, so make the most of it. Most stocks recover from crashes sooner or later.

When i had my first joint after years of abstinence i would describe the feeling as: "your view happens with 5FPS and your thoughts happen with 500FPS"

Yeah, sounds familiar. For me its also not about the job in general. I like what i do, and i know that i'm good at it. I like my colleagues and am considering some of them being my friends.

It is about the somehow toxic atmosphere, the lies, and the behind-closed-doors murmurs despite "we are all family here".

Indeed. Sure, they have these features, but only if used correctly while introducing vast more complexity (especially when being executed in a k8s environment,but also executed in plain docker). But, you know what also has security when used correctly? Plain linux.

What about 90% of all images on docker hub executing their main payload as root? What about many images bundling unnecessary software like an init system? What about the fact that even if you rm something in a dockerfile, it is still present, if you execute the rm in a different RUN command? What about every user in the docker group being implicit root on the host since they simply can mount the host's / inside their container? What about the reusing of layers between images like it is even intended?

Doesnt sound like a security tool, does it? Sure, it feels a bit like one, but it was never intended to be one, but a dependency and environment bundling tool which happens to use certain linux APIs which can be used for security. But it wraps lots of abstraction around it.

If you want to use these features for security, access them manually. But, OP said they are kind of a noob. Telling them to just use containers is dangerous and leads to false assumptions.

Source: i work as a cloud/container/devops/k8s expert for over 5 years.

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Not really. The other one.

Once i grinded too much and wanted to vape a different strain so i put it aside in a small glass jar with a lid. It got mold. So i am now making sure to not grind too much.

Nah. The fediverse and having our own control is awesome. Why should we go back?