0 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

funny way to spell terrorism.

Lemmy probably defended ISIS too.

I bet he is going against guns to make absolutely sure that Trump wins.

I noticed that they reverted the modified comments. tried again. haven't checked the current status.

I wonder if a GDPR delete request is in order?

Netflix produced content is either garbage or cancelled after first season. (or both)

The only quality content Netflix has is made by someone else and more than 20 years ago.

It happens because Linux users are like vegans. They can't shut up about it. And they don't realize that using Linux doesn't make them special or a member of some cool club nor does it mean that they have any friends.

Year of the Linux desktop might just happen if you keep making flowcharts like this.

It must really suck for Windows or Mac users whose flowcharts only have one flowchart box between them and actually using their computer ;P

Oh. Millhouse tries to be a meme again.

The problem so far has been that "more violence" has not been "enough violence". Apply enough and there will be a peace.

Last week when a "Senior Fullstack Developer" who has had "senior" in his title for more than 4 years used a table for layout.

So, some would say killing and raping civilians is legitimate? Cool.

I bought the game only because of the obnoxious virtue signaling cunts screaming about boycott.

Ended up enjoying it tremendously and playing it way too much.

So, thanks to obnoxious virtue signaling lynch mob I guess.

Since you're ok with war crimes, what are you complaining about? if Oct 7 was ok, then what ever retribution Israel drops on Gaza is ok too. Palestinians are responsible for Palestine'd actions.

I think starting one might be more reliable...

I think it was about my very first time on Lemmy when I saw someone seriously suggesting killing the rich. No joke but in all seriousness saying that we should.

In 10+ years of Reddit I don't think I never saw a post like that.

I guess it fits nicely with all the pro Hamas propaganda here.

"Equivalent response" would have been raping, killing and torturing civilians.

As long as Hamas is around, they will do that shit again.

Maybe, just maybe, people of Gaza should be helping Israel to get rid of those murderers.

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Well, this is what is happening right now because there were 1319 dead Israelis.

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a house where there is one less guest telling the host how to clean the place and who to accept in sounds nice.

my interest just went up when I know one less virtue signaler doesn't want to be there!

Lemmy is a pro-Hamas propaganda outlet.

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