Israel vows to 'finish the job' in Gaza as War Cabinet member threatens a Ramadan deadline for Rafah to World – 239 points –
Israel strikes across Gaza as US says it will block another cease-fire resolution at the UN

The U.S., Israel’s top ally, said it instead hopes to broker a cease-fire and hostage-release agreement between Israel and Hamas, and envisions a wider resolution on the war sparked by the militant group’s Oct. 7 attack. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called Hamas’ demands “delusional.”

Netanyahu also opposes Palestinian statehood, which the U.S. calls a key element in a broader vision for the normalization of relations between Israel and regional heavyweight Saudi Arabia. His Cabinet adopted a declaration Sunday saying Israel “categorically rejects international edicts on a permanent arrangement with the Palestinians” and opposes any unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state.

Netanyahu has vowed to continue the Gaza offensive until Israel achieves a “total victory” over the Hamas militant group and plans to expand it to Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, where more than half the enclave’s 2.3 million Palestinians have sought refuge.


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"Equivalent response" would have been raping, killing and torturing civilians.

As long as Hamas is around, they will do that shit again.

Maybe, just maybe, people of Gaza should be helping Israel to get rid of those murderers.

This is exactly why armed resistance is both inevitable and entirely justified. The UN agrees - of whom Israel explicitly refuses to allow record the conflict. Israel kills the record-keepers and then gaslights away the truth.

Fascism rides again under the colors blue and white.

oh so, as long as Hamas just kills random Israeli, it's fine? or is this only apply when the targets of the random killings are white Judeo-Christians?