
1 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm non tech.

I just work as essentially an administrative assistant in a real estate-esque office making $20 an hour.

Just a married woman in her 20s who is sick of Reddit's shit.

Communities can be rebuilt, as we've seen. There really is no excuse at this point for those mods to not leave and start rebuilding somewhere like Lemmy.

Reddit will never reverse course. Maybe their goal used to be aligned with ours, but now they're just a massive corporation chasing an ever growing profit.

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Mods don't have a duty to do shit, Reddit doesn't pay them anything, doesn't even offer premium at a discount or anything.

Maybe if Reddit was more concerned with not creating a toxic hellspace, they wouldn't need to rely on volunteers to keep their billion dollar corporation running smoothly. Everything about this pisses me off so fucking bad.

Where do they get off saying mods have a DUTY to them, when they LITERALLY are volunteers and reddit gives them nothing.

And maybe if Reddit wasn't killing third party mod tools......like the moderation still isn't gonna be the same no matter how many people you appoint bc you killed the tools that made it possible.

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Ok interesting, I noticed Fry's voice first! It smacked me in the face how familiar but aged he sounded! I'll have to pay attention to Hermes in the next episode.

Overall, I liked the episode! I thought the topical references toward the beginning were funny.

It felt very fast to me though. Maybe just because it was something new, idk, but it felt like it went by so quick.

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So what you're saying is, Reddit is fucking creators by not compensating them, but when you take that work and repost it without compensation, it's ok?

Besides, the great thing about Lemmy is that it's not Reddit. It has a whole different vibe. I think it's worth maintaining that.

Also Meta wants to join the fediverse with Threads.

A lot of it is just people talking about their social media ex, but it IS part of a larger discussion about taking the internet back from corporations.

Yes. I have a husband and a 16 year old autistic son (unfortunately he is very low functioning and does not really help with any chores because of that, despite his age).

My husband works 5 to 6 days a week, usually 12 hour shifts, sometimes if there's a 6th day it's 8 hours. I work 8-5, 5 days a week, but also have about a 45 minute commute one way.

Husband also has a large family and we have a pool, so right now at least one weekend day is usually spent hosting them for swimming.

My best strategy right now is that if I walk by something that needs doing and will take a few minutes or less to complete (think throwing away some trash, tidying the coffee table, grabbing all the dishes in the room and moving them to the sink), then I do it right then. It's not perfect and it doesn't take care of everything, but I'm hoping if I do it more, I'll be able to sort of stack things and do two things at once that need doing and then cleaning will become part of my routine.

But honestly I'm mostly here to get tips because my ADHD brain needs help.

They meant the asshole commenter was having a mental breakdown. I'm sorry they said that, it's ridiculous.

You're allowed to grieve or distract yourself in any way you want. (I would discourage anything self destructive obviously)

There's absolutely nothing wrong with going online. I'm incredibly sorry for your loss, and I am sending many good thoughts your way. ♡

Lemmy feels like Reddit to me and Mastodon feels more like twitter

so to me they're both decentralized versions of popular social media

i just think of them as my new reddit and twitter since those companies are sitting at their desks jerking it all day

I swear every time I check the reviews, a bunch of them are just like kids complaining about stuff they don't understand or mad that there are IAPs, so they give the dev a lecture on why their business model sucks cause their parents won't give them money for it

like so many apps

and i see a bunch of these bogus ones, they're useless

honestly i use AppRaven and I pay 2 bucks a month for premium to get notifications and it's really nice, I've found a ton of neat apps on there and they notify you when stuff is on sale

Pulp Fiction is one of my favorite movies of all time, I can rewatch it at any moment

Overall it's not really fucked up, it's not THAT crazy of a story, there are just some fucked up parts.

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As someone who smoked Camels for years and is now just as addicted to vaping, there are no benefits. Zero.

When I smoked cigs, I stank constantly. Even if I sprayed perfume or had a mint. My fingers always smelled.

I did 12 straight years of choir, but now I have a much smaller vocal range. I'm not as active because I get winded. Now that I vape and have constant access, I get cranky after like 30 minutes of no nicotine.

My blood pressure is higher. I can't be on the type of birth control that gives me less side effects because my smoking makes it higher risk.

I'm raising my risk of cancer. I'm spending a fuckton of money on flavored air.

There is literally no positive and I wish I had never touched it.

This was really well said!!

I'm here from Reddit and that's what I've been doing, just subscribing to whatever I can find for each subreddit I'm losing, and then whichever one seems like it's either most active or has the most quality content stays and I unsub from whatever sublems aren't providing content.

This OP seems pissed off about subbing to multiple sublems that are the same but like....you don't have to. Go use Reddit? lol

The multiple sublems thing is kinda the point of Lemmy, there isn't one big overlord controlling everything

Exactly, I don't think we really have any say in whether that happens.

Those channels are just random people trying to monetize content people post for free. Considering that, I personally hope we don't see any of those channels pop up for lemmy, because I feel like the entire point of lemmy is to move away from monetizing the internet, so if people start monetizing content on here, I feel like it could influence the type or quality of content posted, and then we just become another reddit.

and i feel like lemmy could be a better place than reddit. but not if monetization starts creeping in.

ok i thought i was going crazy, that's the most frustrating thing

i only ever use regular search and image search

if i want shopping results i'll look at walmart or amazon

if i want video results im just searching right on youtube

i don't need a million different tabs

That Oaxacan Sinsemilla seems aight, if I had to puff one...

i've had the same thought as you.

i regularly use the sub tab. i watch youtube on weekends while i clean, so usually on friday i'll check my home page a few times throughout the day, see if there are any interesting recommendations and save them to my watch later.

then in the evening i do one more home page scroll, then i slowly scroll my subs page and make sure i save anything that looks interesting to my watch later. then i might watch one or two videos from my WL that evening and i watch the rest (or what i can fit in) over the weekend.

I don't get the point of subbing to a channel if you aren't checking your subs tab. Like....that's why it's there lol bc the home page is a bunch of recommendations


My theory is that is has to do with the pace.

With a movie, it's a slow burn. There's usually some plot establishment in the beginning that goes slow, then a bunch of filler in between moments that actually further the plot.

With a show, your runtime is maybe an hour, but generally 30-45 minutes. Most shows each episode has sort of a main story and a B-storyline, and both wrap up nicely at the end of the episode. There's less filler because there's less time, so you feel like you've completed something without dragging it out for 2 hours.

And because you didn't have to spend 2 hours forcing your brain to pay attention and make all those connections, it's not burnt out, and it wants more instead.

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Either Cash Cab or Deal or No Deal

I love watching Cash Cab and trying to guess the answers, and I have a DoND app on my phone and I'm not too shabby lol

Interesting, I added body text but I can only see it when I go to comment on the post, then it pops up as if I'm replying to it. Maybe an issue with the memmy app?

Anyway here was the caption: And I got a gram of some acai indica wax to try it with. Been years since I had a dab straw, and that one was silicone.

Apparently (according to google) I can freeze this one for an hour to cool down my hits.

So excited!!

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[5} It's certainly doing the job lol

And the freezer definitely helps, wow!!

Anything at Daiso really. I never need it but I just......need it.

i don't think OP is annoyed by spoilers, they're annoyed by lack of quality comments.

they're saying that all the comments are just repeating what the video already said so they're annoying to read through.

I do, but not nearly as much as Lemmy.

I used to go to reddit for everything. To scroll aimlessly, just to look at aesthetic photos, to read stories...I even had a multi reddit for text based subs, and a third party app on my watch so I could read text based reddit posts at work.

Now, I only go to reddit if i need the resources of a specific sub (earlier i had a question about an app so i went to their sub to browse and see if there was any advice) or if i'm cross posting content to lemmy to get my communities going.

when i just want to scroll and see what's new, ive been coming straight to lemmy every time.

i'm really trying to interact more too.

It depends heavily on where you are.

Are you in a legal state like California, where there are dispensaries everywhere and plugs everywhere?

Or illegal state where it's harder to get?

Is the flower indoor or outdoor?

I mean generally speaking (granted I'm from California where weed is not that expensive), I'm not paying more than $30-$40 for an 1/8 at a dispensary.

I haven't tried dry vape myself but I used to work in a dispensary, and knew people who did. As far as I can tell you don't need any specific flower, any should do. Out of my own head, maybe something less sticky so it doesn't gunk up the vape? idk if that's a common issue tho.

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What you describe as the "issue" is the entire point of lemmy and decentralizing and all that.

once lemmy starts dictating "oh you have to change things in this community in this instance to match this instance" and "everything has to follow one master set of rules" they become reddit.

honestly the best way to solve your issue would just be multireddits, if you wanna see content from both communities just add it to a multilem or whatever they end up calling it.

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Oh my god I have my entire life and my husband and kiddo's entire life on TickTick.

Every tiny thing I have to do during the day is planned out.. I can't even express how much I love that app.

At this point other than Lemmy I mainly just use instagram.

I do have Facebook to keep up with a few family members still, but a lot of them are on IG as well. But I keep my IG a lot smaller cause I post more casual everyday stuff on there, weed stuff and whatnot lol.

I still have twitter cause I've been on there on a bunch of accounts for like 15 years at this point and it's hard to let go, but I really don't tweet much anymore, just go on and retweet some stuff and then leave. Elon has completely ruined it, and I feel like no one sees my stuff anymore, or maybe they don't go on there anymore either.

I'm a refugee from r/futurama!

I wear Fruit of the Loom hipsters (I'm a woman).

Personally I like them bc while the waistband has elastic in it and has stretch, it's not literally an elastic waistband like some underwear.

The material is really soft and comfortable to wear all day long.

I still have "other" undies for special occasions, but day to day I'll rock the hell out of some Fruit of the Loom granny panties. I'm married and my husband doesn't care what he pulls off me, so I'd rather be comfortable lol

I used windows for years but i'm Mac now.

Mainly switched because I have an iphone, apple watch, and airpods so it just seemed to make sense.

It does hurt browsing steam now though. CONSTANTLY finding tons of games I want to play and then they're windows only. ):

used a chromebook for a while, that just sucked all around.

Exactly, this makes no sense.

It doesn't hurt lemmy to have other options for mobile apps. It's like a phone case. It doesn't affect how the phone works, you just picked yours because you like it and it's comfortable to use.

I could use the lemmy mobile site, but memmy has swipe gestures and themes and a much nicer UI, so it makes it much more pleasant to browse lemmy. It feels more intuitive.

Same, I never felt like participating on reddit because a lot of the content i saw was already past its moment, it seems silly to comment when no one has engaged in hours, let alone a post a week old or something.

There's a lot more engagement to be had here.

To be honest, I don't think so.

Personally, I'm dedicated to transitioning to Lemmy. I was an Apollo user and it's disgusting how dirty they did Christian Selig. I will still use reddit for niche subs, cross posting to lemmy to get communities going, and for the odd question that I google now and again. There are still years and years of valuable content on reddit.

But while some people find it exciting to be part of a growing community, helping build something, other people are just here to lurk and consume the content provided. Those people are too impatient to wait for Lemmy to gain more traction, users, and content.

I think a lot of people made accounts or will make them, will check it here and there but ultimately get bored of the lack of content (compared to reddit) or give up when they can't figure out the federated/decentralized thing.

There are still some things that confuse me, but I'm LOVING lemmy. I love finding more of my subs that have migrated, or creating them and finding new content to add to them.

Reddit used to be a hobby, something fun, rabbit holes to dive into. Then at some point I stopped actively searching for cool niche subs and just kept scrolling the same front page. It had its uses but it was doomscrolling.

With Lemmy I'm like excited to post content again, which I never really did, and I'm finding myself commenting a lot more. I think I'll end up switching from Reddit permanently.

On my macbook I just go on firefox and use the lemmy.world site

on my phone i do have a bunch of apps installed but im pretty much exclusively using memmy, i just check in on the other ones to see how development is going

Mainly for niche communities that haven't gained traction here yet, and for my city's subreddit, which does have a community here but it's completely inactive so far.

I created like 3 communities and I've got around 20 subscribers on each, but no one is posting so I've been using reddit here and there to cross post content from the original subs to kinda just have something there as an example.

My most frequent is cartridges, just because they're small and convenient and discreet to carry around.

But if I'm just at home, I like taking dabs. Or smoking a joint if I have time, for some reason joints fuck my lungs more than anything so it takes me a while to get through one.

Love a bong, but mine is still packed away from when we moved lol.

You're spot on!

That's the perfect way to put it, Lemmy feels like the forums back in the earlier days of the internet, before social media took over everything and the internet was a bunch of little small niche communities, but each one was tight knit.

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You're right, that's something I hadn't considered. The desire to keep gaining more karma definitely plays a factor in reddit content, people know what will get a reaction, or the type of stories youtube channels will pick up, or what will simply get an upvote and just set out to create as much of that content as possible. And then they post that one post to 38 barely relevant subs so I see it multiple times and it's just a cesspool honestly.

same, using memmy on iphone