
2 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

That bridge needs more 11'8"

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That is interesting that it has bespoke legal definitions. The Wikipedia entry is what I expected

Lynching is an extrajudicial killing by a group. It is most often used to characterize informal public executions by a mob in order to punish an alleged transgressor, punish a convicted transgressor, or intimidate people. It can also be an extreme form of informal group social control, and it is often conducted with the

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Bible told police that he shot Williams following a sex act because he felt “suspicious” about her. After a thorough investigation, Moriarty said, her office could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the crime was bias-motivated but added that hate still could have been a factor.


While this is technically correct, it still doesn't matter. I have built my own high end PCs in the past and it is a huge waste. I'm not even sold on the steam deck yet - I do all my non- critical stuff like lemmy on this 10 year old shit tablet running Android 7

A group could be three dudes in Klan robes. I haven't seen anything yet indicating that applies here. But the history of Deep South racism is also a history of terrorism. It only takes three homicidal maniacs to terrify a county.

Trump was full of invective at the NABJ conference where he complained their technical incompetence delayed proceedings. Turns out the delay was because he objected to being fact checked and they nearly threw him out. (They should have thrown him out, but he showed his feces anyways)

Well, you have two options. The scenario you made up about Harris, or the scramble-butt roundabout happening in trumps head.

Trump won't do anything to alleviate suffering in Gaza. He loves it. Also fuck AIPAC.

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so what's stopping "someone"? there are infinity minus one randos on the internet willing to host juicy hot leaks for whatever ulterior motives.

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All the toss-up states are still toss-ups. States are starting to look competitive were always competitive. No Republican has won the popular vote since Bush in 2004. Prior to that, no Republican won the popular vote since Bush in 1988. (No irony intended).

Basic gas mechanics or whatever that's called is now out the window. You are breathing raccoon pee.

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I mean, fuck Putin, but don't delude yourself that this will get easier

So what's your alternative? Gonna angrily be a dick online?

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Don't let RFKJR voters forget: Trump presided over creation of the Covid-19 vaccine.

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Anyone got a mirror?

While speaking about traditional values, Anna hesitated several times while she stabbed random bystanders

Hordes of Steppe nomads armed with drones is a terrifying thought

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hey you ain't exactly wrong. Jill Stein is just going straight for the office she will never, ever win. Republicans are steamrolling this by snatching up undesirable small-time seats and then being complete freaking loose nuts.

If Jill Stein ever gave a fuck, she would build support county to county. And we need that person. But it ain't her.

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hey she may be a rich diabolical menace, but don't be rude to hags or the unfuckable... whatever that is

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Ohio voters did this already. Along with finally legalizing recreational marijuana for adults. Much love to Yuma.

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Martha Layne Collins, Kentucky Governor 83-87. Democrat.


If there are any sealed files remaining regarding the JFK killing, then FUCKING RELEASE THEM. honestly I don't expect much from anybody. What's Trump gonna do, show a tax return or a balance sheet.

the Green Party is bullshit. where are they on down-ballot elections? City Alderman? County Judge? Animal Control? Sheriff?

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not news that guy was incoherent

The party of freedom wants you to know it's okay to be violent

Wellllll.... no. Optimistically. They certainly are trying to work out the statute of limitations on his various crimes versus what chargeable evidence blah blah blah

Shelly Miscavige? Ummm. Must have uh.. uhh uhh.. misplaced uh. What?

When Balzac and Borpis join up with Scientology, they hold the line... of fake cocaine the church leaders gave them to expose leakers... But shit, still don't know what happened to Shelly


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If you were a RFK voter, then you were never a concern. You wanted to vote for a guy has a freezer full of roadkill.

"Stone buildings burn to the fucking ground, Eddie" - Alex Jones, via knowledge fight. They don't like Alex much, but that was an epic quote

your name isn't on the ballot because you didn't fill out the paperwork and get the required signatures. they do have to be actual signatures. Jill Stein does all that knowing she will be ignored, but she raises some money!

ach! danged sex workers! with their, their, their human anatomy!

i appreciate the detailed perspective. seems like the consensus is it's very location-sensitive whether to call the cops on a given situation. i don't know any of the emergency people around here. I know the County Sheriff is a politically active goofo who loves to be on TV wearing a giant hat. but i'm in the boundary of one small city or another.

there are police in the US who would respond in this way. they're actually prevalent. we just have some way fucked up laws and precedents and a lot of dickheads.

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If it's real... is it real? We would see it. It would just be more distraction regardless.

Since y'all are posting old vans, I suggest the 80s and 90s Chevy g20, converted to a half-camper somewhere in Canada.

yeah the noise is not enough. it's literally not a crime in this area and therefore not the interest of police.

personally i'm inured to the idea of people screaming at each other. don't like it, don't care. I don't think it really hurts anybody outside of the screaming people. is that a crime in some places?

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I was thinking I should move to a bigger city to get better access to transportation. No?

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this is the cynicism that is killing us. you can yourself affect that Overton window by applying your writing skills.

Woo did that guy promise something

i'm just not interested in killing anybody. i'm well-versed in crazy experiences, from inner city New Orleans to Sonora Desert meth heads or the average lunatic in Louisville. I am better off for not being prepared with a loaded gun many many times, because I definitely would have shot many different people.

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