Final night of Democratic convention outpaces closing night of GOP convention to politics – 189 points –
Final night of Democratic convention outpaces closing night of GOP convention

The closing night of the Democratic National Convention on Thursday drew about 26.2 million TV viewers, narrowly outpacing the Republican National Convention's final night, according to data from the media measurement company Nielsen.

The convention's final night aired across 15 television networks and drew about 820,000 more viewers than the estimated 25.4 million people who watched the final night of the Republican event, Nielsen reported.


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So what's your alternative? Gonna angrily be a dick online?

My ballot is my business.

So why are you bitching about it on the internet? Either it is your private business, or you want a discussion about it, both can't be true at the same time.

I didn't bring up my ballot, someone else did

Guess what, you did:

My ballot is my business.