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Joined 10 months ago

Right wing has to shout the loudest. When your ideas don't have merit you must resort to intellectual dishonesty. Unfortunately, this tactic works best on the undereducated, which includes the vast majority of American voters. Why do you think our education system is so terrible at every level? Why do you think they fight tooth and nail against student loan forgiveness? Why do you think school lunch debt even exists?

Mehta tweeted. “The problem? It’s not clear he’s a hypocrite. If he’s not a bigot, why is he being outed?”

Maybe we shouldn't be outing anyone. One's personal sexuality isn't anybody else's business. Even if one is a bigot.

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"Found my new Tinder bio"

-- Allen Ginsburg


It would certainly appear so.

The days of dog whistles are over folks.

Make no mistake about it. Ron DeSantis is a right-wing extremist. He has appointed a right-wing extremist to the New College of Florida's board of trustees who advocates "cooperating" politically with a potential white nationalist dictator. The man opposes CRT and LGBTQ discussion. His basic thesis of reality is that compassion is ruining America.

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The poster has way too long of hair for none of it to be visible in the photo.

Bro, wait until you hear about the cool new hair prosthetic they just invented. I think they're calling it a weg or wig, I dunno something like that. And then there's all the hats and headbands that can be used to put hair up into fancy hairstyles that don't just dangle all the way down like Rapunzel. Really good for vigorous physical activities like running or jumping or even dancing.

He's not being wishy-washy. He agrees with Haywood. He's trying to pull the conservative core into a white-nationalist-based class war and bring about the full-blown Nazification of America.

Those are skulltulas.

And we'll misapply it as well. The asteroid isn't the size of 1000 capybaras, it's as wide as 1000 capybaras lined up. Assuming it's roughly spherical, it's actually closer to the size of 524,000,000 capybaras.

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Asking the real questions.

"In 2021, $68,000 in fines were levied against the park, where a 6-year-old Colorado Springs girl was killed on one of the rides over that Labor Day weekend."

Why include this? Word count?

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Just need to know if they're heavier than a duck.

I feel like that conspiracy is too smart for the CIA

That's exactly what they want you to think!

This used to be a feature that you could filter by on GSMArena, but alas it has gone from even there.

Lizard people. I know they don't exist, you knows they don't exist and anyone who thinks they exist will not view me as their enemy.

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The problem is a constant fight against gravity. You've still got to pump the water effectively to the top of the building every day. And there's still the issue of getting sunlight to the plants.

The question really becomes whether it's more economical to just use traditional irrigation techniques upstream and ship the produce in vs converting a skyscraper into a very inefficient farm space.

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They are not idiots, and they do see the hypocrisy. They deliberately use it to persuade the "hearts and minds" of their voter base. They distract the common conservative with false indignation about hoodies, tan suits and buttery mails.

Hanlon's Razor applies here, but we mustn't ignore the possibility of malice just because their actions seem stupid. With the undeniable history of conservative behavior we must clearly conclude that their intentions are malicious. Especially when the outcomes are so obviously malicious.

If they were merely stupid, their "mistakes" would result in progressive actions equally. They are not plodding onward toward a dystopian nightmare, they are plotting the "utopian" future where they are the ruling elite and the "huddled masses" serve them mindlessly.

I like your ideas, but have you considered that this one:

All natural resources, be it harvested (e.g. ores, oil) or otherwise (e.g. land, air), are property of everyone. If any individual is to monopolise and/or utilise some of these resources, they are to compensate everyone else for doing so.

Effectively makes literally everything free? Not that this would be a bad thing. It just makes so many of the other things irrelevant.

Once you've seen the sausage made it's hard to love sausage. Doesn't mean the sausage is terrible, it just makes you think of watching it get made.

"Do you have any feelings whatsoever about the way automobile taillights work in the US?"

"No, why would I?."

"After you watch this video, you're going to write your congressman."

True. "L*wyer" is a very taboo word in almost every civilized society.

It doesn't work because, as pointed out by another commenter, wealth does not "trickle down". It only accumulates. This has been demonstrated to be a basic function of wealth and the minute you begin to think about it, it becomes obvious that having more resources makes it easier to gather more resources.

You do first need to have said car.

I haven't actually seen it, but I hear this was pretty awful.

Now, here's the thing. I'd say you would be sharing those winnings with the original winner unless you prevented them from getting the ticket

The January 2nd Powerball draw was not won by anyone and paid $39M.

That's plenty of seed money to invest in Google, Bitcoin, et al with perfect knowledge of stock trends. Even if it's only short term knowledge due to breaking from the original timeline, you could easily grow your investment into the billions overnight.

Perhaps the most amazing stock of the year was, formerly known as Scandinavia. Once a closed-end fund specializing in Scandinavian stocks, and then an operating company that owned a hotel in the Canary Islands, it made a small investment in an Internet company last year. Before it disclosed that investment, the family of Alexander Vik, the company's chief executive, was given options to buy a million shares of stock, at a price of $3.25 each. The shares ended 1998 at $3.75, or $1.25 adjusted for two subsequent splits. They ended 1999 at $139.50, an increase of 11,060 percent. The Viks' option position is now valued at $415 million.

More importantly, we don't need to be limiting the discussion of incredibly important political issues such as was just because the imagery is ugly. War is ugly, and reminding everyone of that is vitally important in preventing future wars. When we forget how ugly war truly is, we begin to allow for its glamorization. Much better for me to see the atrocities of war than for my children to experience them firsthand.

Capital-F Faith is directly contrary to science and reason. It's believing things to be true without question or proof.

It's worse than that. It's believing things despite contrary evidence. It's why you can never win any "debate" with believers. They literally believe that you telling them they're wrong proves that they are right.

Same shit different target

But not really. It's just more of the same old Othering. It's a tale as old as time, and I'm genuinely tired of it.

To be fair, it's already pretty uninteresting.

Allowing it to be called "pro-life" has been the greatest lie told by the oppressors in quite some time.

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I think there is a good argument to be made

I'm sorry, but I must vehemently disagree. There is absolutely no reason to discuss publicly someone's private sexual preferences. Otherwise, you have the society they want where witch-hunts can be started over rumors.

there is also a trend of labeling any homophobic politician as being in the closet

That is also bad, and should not be tolerated.

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They weren't.

See? Even you are my ally!

We're discussing your reluctance to publicly proclaim your love of hentai anime after accidentally outing yourself.

I get the hate for truck beers, don't DUI folks. But what's wrong with girl dogs?

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hentai porn

Who said that? I didn't say that. You said that. That came from you.

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And we totally believe you.

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That's what I thought. I can't even explain why it seemed hostile.