Alabama Mayor Kills Self After Right-Wing Blog Outs His Cross-Dressing to – 1217 points –
Alabama Mayor Kills Self After Right-Wing Blog Outs His Cross-Dressing

Bubba Copeland shot himself in front of police on Friday, days after he begged 1819 News not to expose his private life.


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Mehta tweeted. “The problem? It’s not clear he’s a hypocrite. If he’s not a bigot, why is he being outed?”

Maybe we shouldn't be outing anyone. One's personal sexuality isn't anybody else's business. Even if one is a bigot.

I think there is a good argument to be made for outing someone closeted who is using their power to oppress LGBT+ people, but there is also a trend of labeling any homophobic politician as being in the closet when a lot of them are just plain old bigots.

I think there is a good argument to be made

I'm sorry, but I must vehemently disagree. There is absolutely no reason to discuss publicly someone's private sexual preferences. Otherwise, you have the society they want where witch-hunts can be started over rumors.

there is also a trend of labeling any homophobic politician as being in the closet

That is also bad, and should not be tolerated.

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nah, if you're an elected political official with power over other peoples lives, and you're a bigot, it's open fuckin season, and i'd recommend outting every single last goddamned one of them

Except he wasn't outed as a bigot. He was outed as "not a bigot".

All Republicans are hypocritical bigots, by definition. It's the core of their political party, it's who they signed up to be identified with, it's who they are, or in the case of this poor bigoted fuck, were. I don't want to see any "but this was a nice republican" bullshit. After the Southern Strategy in 1964, all Republicans are trash, every single one.

Institutionalized racism, misogyny, homophobia, and white Christian separatism as party platform. No matter how "conservative" Republicans claimed to be, The Southern Strategy was the core value and singular driving force for the past 60 years. MAGA isn't a symptom, it's result.

Maybe the politicians, I could agree with that, but most Republican voters are not on board with the southern strategy and all of this other stuff.

All the majority know is that they hate Democrats, and that is why they vote the way they do. Human beings are creatures of habit after all.

Besides, even if a group of people are doing bad things en masse, it's ultimately counterproductive to lump the followers in with the leaders. It makes it harder for the followers to break from the leaders that are leading them down the wrong path.

I am anti-republican politics, and I don't get along with Republican voters, but I'm not going to call the guy at the gas station evil because he votes Republican because his dad voted Republican because his dad voted Republican.

"They don't know what they're voting for" is not a defense, frankly. If you're truly ignorant of what a party stands for and you just can't bring yourself to vote for their opponent, maybe don't vote at all?

If you vote Republican then you are "on board" with the southern strategy and all of this other stuff. That's what voting signifies, that's the whole point of voting. It's a binding statement to the world that you want the person or group you're voting for to be in charge, and in the case of Republicans we know very well what them being "in charge" entails.

They aren't evil, doesn't stop them being ignorant, stupid, wrong, and detrimental to society. Ebola isn't evil, but it'll fuck up your life if you don't kill it first.

Republican voters are cancer, they might not want to kill you, but they will.

Maybe the politicians, I could agree with that, but most Republican voters are not on board with the southern strategy and all of this other stuff.

It's certainly a not big enough deal for them to leave.

I’m not going to call the guy at the gas station evil because he votes Republican because his dad voted Republican because his dad voted Republican.

I am.

If they're voting to for and supporting the party that does evil stuff, it really doesn't matter the reason they do it for.

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Out the ones that could be a part of the ones who could effect change so they can be ousted and replaced by another run-of-the-mill Republican demon. Smart. Real big-brained move.

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Mmmmmmmm... No, you know what? fuck that. You don't get to be a bigot and then expect privacy in your own life. Response to even if one is a bigot


This is classic conservative rules for thee bullshit.

This is classic conservative rules for thee bullshit.

This is anti-conservatives sinking to the level of conservative rules for thee bullshit.

You're literally saying "it's ok to be queer, unless..." Either it's ok, it it's not. Spoiler alert, it's fucking ok.

Yes I'm saying it's ok to be queer and not ok to be intolerant. What the fuck is wrong with your reading comprehension?

No one is saying that it is ok that he was outed. They're saying he was making rules as a Republican official that bound LGBTQ people and the instant those rules would apply to him he killed himself..

Rules for thee but not me.

Do u get it now, junior?

No one is saying that it is ok that he was outed.

Plenty of people are saying exactly that. Are you reading a different thread?

Do u get it now, junior?

Go back to Reddit, you muppet.

Uk u lost when you resort to "go back to reddit" followed by an ad hominem.

Typical Redditor. Thinking every insult is ad hominem. You don't get to start throwing insults around and not expect some in return.

You don't get to be a bigot and then expect privacy in your own life.

You have it exactly backwards though. You don't get to expect privacy in your own life if you refuse to respect the privacy of others.

Also, why would you fight bigotry by demeaning the very thing they oppose with their bigotry? You're only adding fuel to the fire.

Imagine outing someone as straight. Essentially it's a weird attempt to enforce a degree of group think

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