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Joined 1 years ago

Musk will need to draw from his Twitter profits to get by

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The way this question was phrased killed me. lmao

Anything where you’re meeting the same people on repeat occasions. It’s pretty rare to form a friendship after only meeting people one or a couple of times. Friendships are often formed gradually. It’s easier growing up because it’s structured into so many things. You see the same people in classes, sports, clubs, etc. Friendships will form naturally in those settings. Try to find something to replicate that. It could be volunteer work, a workshop to learn something new, joining a community that shares a hobby. The key is bumping into the same people over and over

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This would be more noteworthy if the search was actually working for the first time ever

Where is the chatbotsgonewild community when you need it?

Blocking sidewalks anywhere is a shitty move. If you can’t park without blocking the sidewalk, you shouldn’t park there. This includes your own driveway

I thought I was reading a headline from The Onion at first.

It’s hitting me kind of hard watching my folks in their mid-60s. Their health is starting to slip a little bit in small but noticeable ways. I never really saw it until recently

Scam for sure. Hard to say it’s been unnoticed for a long time though

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Nothing too extreme, but I’m in my mid-30s and this year has been one of the most productive of my life. I started a new job in late December. The pay is similar to the job I left. The stress is much lower. Immediately I felt like I had a better work life balance. I have so much extra energy every day.

I started dieting and taking long walks. I lost 35 pounds in 6 months. I listened to a bunch of audiobooks while walking and I’ve also read some ebooks. Together I’ve read 25 books and counting this year whereas most years I’ll read 2 or 3. Once I was nearing my goal weight I increased my calories and started exercising more intensely, with a goal of gaining muscle and losing fat while maintaining weight. I picked up indoor rowing. I’m on week 11 of a 24 week training program. I row hard (working up an intense sweat) 5 days a week Monday- Friday in the mornings. In addition to this I’ve started weightlifting 2 days a week and will gradually increase to 4 days a week while keeping up my rowing routine.

Financially, I started budgeting with YNAB and it has transformed my personal finances. My savings rate has increased significantly and wasteful spending decreased. I moved my savings into a HYSA. I left a financial advisor who was charging excessive fees and moved my investment and retirement accounts to Fidelity where I now manage my portfolio myself. Some of my reading was investing books which gave me confidence I could do this. I’ve tripled the amount I’m contributing to my 401k.

Although I’m new to my job I’ve received constant praise from multiple people in the time I’ve been there. I feel like I have room for growth to move up positions. At the rate I’m going I think I could realistically expect to move up in another 6 months or so.

What was Musk's logic? Was there any? It's like he ruined the reputation of Twitter and decided to try a restart under a new name but it's predictably failing.

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Is this common for this time of year? I know I’m online less in the summer. Reddit is going/has gone to hell, but it seems like there are other factors here

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They’re losing subscribers and money so I guess it’s not surprising. I’m down to zero streaming services after cutting back this year. The last couple subscriptions I’ve gotten I immediately cancelled and binge watched for the month my subscription lasted. There was no need to extend the subscription after that. Most services you can exhaust the content in a month or two of heavy use.

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I liked forums. It was a bit easier to develop a close rapport with a small group of users than I’ve found on Reddit or Lemmy. Small Discord servers can replace that to some extent though

DM stands for Dungeon Master, the person who makes up the story in the game Dungeons and Dragons

Creating a budget. I’m naturally frugal so I did okay without a budget. Stayed out of debt, saved for retirement, etc. Making a budget took it up to completely new level. It added clarity into all of my personal finances. I plan and save more. I know exactly when to expect upcoming expenses and have emergency funds earmarked for unexpected. I have a much better understanding of how much I can contribute towards retirement while keeping a sufficient cash flow for my budget. A budget made everything more clear and reduced stress

Rowing machine. I use it Monday-Friday before work. Puts me in a good headspace and makes my workday feel less stressful. I’ve lost a bunch of weight also. I like that I can workout hard multiple days in a row without risking injury.

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Reddit is a walking corpse. Pretty much everyone openly hates it, including those still hanging around

I can’t do games with micro transactions. I got hooked on one and it was hard to break out of it even after I recognized how stupid my spending was. I was drawn into the games community which made it hard to let go and easy to get carried away with spending. It was a team atmosphere and cutting back made it feel like I was hurting our group. Eventually I sold my account to get out. It was very hard to do though. This type of spending looks really stupid from the outside looking in but there’s a strong draw that’s tough to escape when you’re in the middle of it. I just have to avoid them entirely now because I’m afraid getting addicted again. I don’t really play mobile games anymore because of how common it is

The official Reddit app is just a miserable experience. Take away the ads and bugs and I still don’t like it. Navigation, layout, voting are all inferior to Memmy already and the gap is only widening

It definitely does not always go through. I usually end up unsubscribing by any means available and blocking emails on top of that

I don’t really understand this either. I only have 1 account on Lemmy.world. I can see why some people have a backup. For me, it doesn’t seem necessary unless I’m missing something. If the server goes down temporarily, I’m fine with just waiting for it to come back. If it goes down permanently, then I’ll go ahead and create an account on another server.

!watch_party@lemmy.world I think could be good fun if it becomes more active

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Forget everything about this guy

I expect it’s a low percentage of overall users. Many are using the official Reddit app and just complaining about it. Others have switched to surviving third party apps. Still others are strictly Old Reddit on desktop.

The moderator community have likely felt a greater hit.

Dystopia for Reddit seems like it has the best staying power since it serves an accessibility need that the bloated official app can’t. I’m down to that and Old Reddit. If they kill off both, I’m probably done.

i don’t have experience with donkeys, however I grew up on a farm with mostly cattle, but we also had pigs, sheep, horses, chickens, etc on occasion. I wouldn’t recommend leaving any farm animal on its own if it can be avoided. Especially if you’re going to be gone for days on end. Get 2 donkeys if you can, or another animal companion for it, and make sure there is someone who can check in once or twice a day when you’re gone

I work from home.

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We haven’t seen the fallout from mod departure and good bots shutting down yet. This is going to get ugly

Google is getting passed by in many ways. Chrome feels like a second rate browser now.

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If you’re looking for a physical activity, consider indoor rowing. I picked it up at 35. It was getting harder to find regular exercise that didn’t kill my joints. This one fits the bill. Gives me a great workout without leaving aches and pains.

This would be a huge blow. I use Google a ton to find relevant content on Reddit. It's still a useful way to find helpful comments even after the mass exodus and deleting of old comments. This seems like it would be much more harmful.

They deserve a ticket or getting towed at this point. Taking up two spots is mildly annoying, this goes way beyond that.

Long walks while listening to Libby audiobooks

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I made it in! Excited for something new after 10 years on Reddit

I can’t get the login to work but this looks awesome! Thanks for the link.

I will gladly read news blurbs wherever if reporters switch to another site

I can walk for hours listening to audiobooks on Libby

I have an iPhone. Apple Watch probably makes more sense for me, I think I'll try to get an old used one and see how I like it. I could see Garmin being really good for a lot of people though.

Same here. Sometimes the waitlist is months for popular books