4 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I played the enhanced editions on Steam which have a native Linux build. No issues.

If you're not just being facetious, is a good source.

According to them ~58% of anti-cheat games work. There's been a large uptick of anti-cheat support since the Steam Deck.

According to ProtonDB, 86% of the top 1000 games on Steam function (Silver+ rating). It's a pretty safe bet that the most of the missing 14% is probably due to anti-cheat.

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Comparing prices directly like this is almost irrelevant imo. And doesn't really dictate what the price of games should be.

Reasons old games should be pricier:

  • Hardware involved (cartridges/electronics).
  • Total number of customers were smaller, you have to subsidize development with less total sales.

Reasons why new games should be pricier:

  • Development has inflated to hundreds of people and multiple years (instead of dozens of people and multiple months)

But at the end of the day, business just price what the market will bear. It's only indirectly related to the cost of production. The margins on some games are insanely high compared to others.

Not surprisingly, North Korea's Red Star OS has a closed source fork of KDE.

I understand the sentiment, but it seems like you're drawing arbitrary lines in the sand for what is the "correct" amount of power for gaming. Why waste 50 watts of GPU (or more like 150 total system watts) on a game that something like a SteamDeck will draw 15watts to do almost identically. 10 times less power for definitely not 10 times less fidelity. We could all the way back to the original Gameboy for 0.7 watts, the fidelity drops but so does the power. What is the "correct" wattage?

I agree that the top end gpus are shit at efficiency and we should could cut back. But I don't agree that fidelity and realism should stop advancing. Some type of efficiency requirement would be nice, but every year games should get more advanced and every year gpus should get better (and hopefully stay efficient).

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I agree with the other posters, your hardware is going to hold you back. But you could try switching to a lighter desktop environment like LXDE instead of GNOME. This user found a small increase in performance:

But they had somewhat beefy hardware. If you're truly at the limit of your specs, 100% CPU/RAM usage, your performance increase could be even more.

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Not surprising since they literally made a game for recruiting in 2002.

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It's confirmed steam deck compatible at launch, so it'll work fine.

Higher DPI can improve text rendering. I want this screen specifically for small text. It also doesn't force you to render everything at 1200p, you can choose to render some games at the old 800p depending on performance or scaling.

After I going through my second ~$30 bidet. I upgraded to a ~$300 Toto bidet with heated water and seat. No regrets.

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As far as I know, it's mainly games with DRM that might trigger on multiple installs/computers. So companies will disable family sharing. Not sure how common this is.

You might like Ixion, it's a pretty tight city builder that's story driven. People's main gripe with it is the difficulty, but they added a difficulty slider that should fix that. I found the original difficulty just right, but your mileage may vary.

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"Sure, you can do everything it does with a phone"

No, you can't do everything with a phone. A phone doesn't have the same radios, GPIO for expandability, IR transceiver, etc. Not to mention the radios a phone does have doesn't like it when you start forcing it to do fun things.

I've been using Vulkan in Linux with an AMD card. Seems mostly fine except the occasional black boxes during cut scenes (about 15% of the edge of the screen). I haven't tried DX11 yet.

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My understanding is the display uses MIPI (not eDP) which doesn't support VRR.

For those curious, I threw 🥤^i - 🥤 = 3 into wolfram.

🥤 ≈ -2.97983 + 0.0388569 i... or 🥤 ≈ 0.27972 - 0.748461 i...

It's a great game, but so was Divinity: Original Sin 2. The main difference, besides the rules swap, is the cutscenes and dialogue animations.

I think BG3 is riding on the D&D brand and marketing campaign. In my mind there isn't a massive difference between BG3 and D:OS2 (or other titles they've done) from a pure gameplay perspective.

Regardless, I'm for it. Hopefully we'll see more innovative and high budget CRPGs.

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I'm also in the desktop camp. But I just purchased a Framework 16. The upgradable dGPU (assuming they release new ones) might make laptops more viable for gaming.

I bought it after waiting for the server issues to resolve.

Pushing the limits of technology is how technology improves. Not all games need to do this, but I don't see it as a bad thing that some do.

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Performance out of the box was pretty terrible for me. But after a few tweaks the performance is okay. Running 4K with mostly high settings.

On the game side, I think they have a lot of improvements mechanically. I think my biggest gripes come from the lackluster animations and details in the game. For example, every building has a large crane during construction, even tiny suburban homes. The radio loops the same talk-show audio between songs. They need more variety or make just have a cooldown on playing certain clips.

Also there's a few bugs and weird issues. Some businesses don't have a road connection (even tho their neighbors do), destroying the building doesn't fix it. My low income housing complains about rent costs constantly? What was the point of the low income housing.

Still a good game, just half baked.


  • OS: Fedora 38
  • GPU: 6900XT
  • CPU: 5900X
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A solid that isn't undergoing any sort of chemical reaction isn't going to smell because there isn't anything to smell. You need a molecule to enter your nose to smell. That's my basic understanding, someone smarter than I can explain it better.

Also I'm not sure any country still uses iron for coins.

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As others have mentioned, there are two schools of thought.

Crisp 4K rendering, no jagged lines, higher details added in textures, etc

Or emulating the look of a CRT by using high density displays to create the same look. goes into it a bit. This shows off a device for actual consoles. But the same principal applies when doing it in software for emulators.

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I can play Quake II RTX on my 6900XT just fine (with dynamic resolution scaling). I think new games are going to be hit and miss until the drivers mature.

As someone who owns an LG C1, not a single DP in sight.

Good news, It's coming out on PC.

I think we'll be in bad shape when you can't trust any opinions about products, media, politics, etc. Sure, shills currently exists, so everything you read already needs skepticism. But at some point bots will be able to flood very high quality posts. But these will of course be lies to push a product or ideology. The truth will be noise.

I do think this is inevitable, and the only real guard would be to move back to smaller social circles.

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I think that's too simplistic of a view. Part of the high cost of nuclear is because of the somewhat niche use. As with everything, economies of scale makes things cheaper. Supporting one nuclear plant with specialized labor, parts, fuel, etc is much more expensive then supporting 100 plants, per Watt.

I can't say more plants would drastically reduce costs. But it would definitely help.

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Yes to those and the battery is bigger. 50Wh vs 40

Yes which is why I chose Vulkan over DX11. But depending on the Vulkan implementation for a specific game, sometimes converting DX to Vulkan might function better.

Yea such a shame since the first has support. A lot of other games published by Paradox has it. Has there been any word from the devs yet?

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My only worry is one day there will be nothing left to rewrite in Rust.

I'm on, looks to still be federated?

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What? This is one of the most ridiculous things I've read in awhile and people are up voting this misinformation. No rover that's on Mars is using a rpi. Here are the actual specs:

I googled around to see where you could have gotten this information from. You might be thinking of this educational rover:

Go to a library, some have scanners with feeders that will scan to a flash drive.

There's a few that focus around inventory management. Backpack Hero and Dredge come to mind.

Use it for every flight and long train/bus ride. Brought it to LAN parties instead of bringing my desktop. Typically I only play indie games or non-demanding games.

For comparison: I also own a GPD Win 2, it was more of a hassle and I didn't play on it as often.

Better link: !