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Joined 1 years ago

It's not even that their results suck, per se, but they straight up ignore most of my search query and focus on one or two words only. Obviously that makes your search results suck.

What the fuck is this bullshit article? China gives subsidies for green tech? GOOD! And then they want the EU to stop is? See, this is why we can't have nice things. When we lay parched on our barren sun baked fields this is who we can thank.

Except Valve said they don't want a mid-gen refresh. They want game developers to have a fixed target for performance optimalisation.

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I don't know which company I would trust developing my brain implant, but it sure as hell isn't Tesla. Their software and hardware history is less than stellar.

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I don't think it will make me happier to spend 1.5 hour in the bus and train instead of 20min by car.

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Red flags: wants constant attention, nags constantly for me to make her dinner, sometimes physically hurts me.

Green flag: when it's my cat.

This reminds me of a text I read on a veterinarian website the other day, "Sterilizing your cat is good for them because then they don't have to go through heat all the time." I imagined this text on a hospitals website and the shitstorm it would bring.

Before, elliptical curve encryption has been hailed as the new golden standard, only too bad there is a serious weakness where if you know the seed you can crack the code. And guess who has the seed? Starts with N and ends with SA.

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Everyone is deleting data, but with proper backups that's not a problem. How about:

curl insert_url_here | sudo bash

This can really mess up your life.

Even if the script isn't malicious, if the internet drops out halfway the download you might end up with a "rm -r /", or similar, command.

Which is exactly why big companies can pressure normal people (and small companies) in not messing with them and basically can get away with anything.

Oh you gave us bad publicity, we'll sue you for defamation. Even if the chance of them winning is very slim, the risk of having to pay millions in legal fees is enough for most people to roll over. Sad, really.

I feel like this should be limited to what the losing party paid in legal fees, basically doubling it. It's not my fault they hired 200 high-end lawyers vs my single cheap one.

I love how fast they are with this. Some random IT guy to his boss: Oh we can't use Twitter anymore, let me spin up a mastodon server real quick, no probs.


Maybe not even a bad idea. The police probably doesn't do shit, but the mom (or dad) might smack some sense into him. At the very least they can keep an eye on him with other girls.

Chromium, not chrome. Which means also Brave, Edge, Opera, Vivaldi and a lot more. Basically only Firefox and Safari are left as the big non-chromium ones.

But that's not the worst of it. Even if you tear out this code, more and more websites will be built that rely on it. Which means Firefox etc also need to include it to keep functioning.

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So whenever he sees a giant Dutch girl that would destroy his noodle arms in arm westling he's now officially a tiny little girl.

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People are so shortsighted about this. Spend billions on Microsoft products to prevent spending millions on a safe solution that will never be suddenly deprecated.

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The first casualties would be the billions of animals that are dependent on humans. Pets, zoo animals, farm animals in stables or enclosed meadows, animals in laboratories and research centers.

Some would go extinct, those who are dependent on breeding programs, like rhinos and some primates. Of course the extinction rate will immediately start to level off to almost normal rates. Once the forests and other nature grow back it will be back to normal and new species can evolve to fill the niches left behind by now extinct species.

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Just because he's in tech does not mean this is tech news. Please stop posting this and leave it to the gossip websites.

Isn't roaming free for all EU members? Oh.. wait.

Not really fallen for, but at some point you don't really have a choice. So in Bali near the waterfalls you sometimes have these people who claim to work for some official company asking for the entrance fee, but of course they don't. But are you gonna just say no and keep on driving to save like 2,50 bucks when 2 burly guys are telling you to stop?

I wouldn't even be surprised if it came out the FBI was hosting fediverse servers aimed at some crime. Like a instance dedicated to digital piracy.

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Funny how a soldier behind enemy lines has top secret plans with him, printed out, unfolded and uncrinkled, coincidentally targeting the exact thing that makes people hate them. Sounds all very plausible and totally not planted.

All cheap cars are made ugly on purpose to make the expensive models more attractive to buy.

Ai porn isn't deepfake porn. The default is just a random ai generated face and body. Unless you want to it's difficult to deepfake someone.

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People with XX chromosomes and no hormonal therapy.

What's not to understand?

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Apparently my great grandmother didn't like any music. And people in general. But of course this was in the gramophone era, so maybe she was just an audiophile and couldn't stand the quality..

The Linux copy command raises some eyebrows. And even a warning.

Something that's often overlooked as being federated: Nextcloud.

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I just read about Solidworks. Don't pirate that, it still contacts home and gives them all the info it can pull from your pc: ip, your name, company info, etc. and then they send you a huge bill for the costs of 5 years or so of licensing. Also don't have an illegal copy next to a legal one, because then the legal one will detect the illegal one and send the info. Or open projects created with pirated software with a legal version.

Of course this data snooping would be illegal in the EU, but outside that I would be careful.

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I cant wait for the more streamlined slogan: "I'm a prisoner!"

Same with google maps. With no 'web and search history' enabled the local searches I did on my local device won't be remembered. So every time you'd need to fill in the entire address. That's just bullying you into accepting their tracking.

It was midichlorians all along.

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My favorite hypothesis is we just didn't invent something akin to subspace radio yet. It's like thinking your little remote island is the only populated place in the world because no one responds to your smoke signals, while the rest of the world uses radio.

But they offer a new API. Any disadvantages with the new one?

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Shit, I still can't recognize your daughter.

See here for the new permissions the Simple mobile tools apps require after it was sold to an ad-company. I think that speaks for itself:

Bing itself cannot upscale it or generate a higher resolution, it just can't. Vast majority of ai generators can't, by the way.

You can either Upscale it yourself using something like upscayl ( which is probably the easiest option, although not very customizable. Or learn to use something like comfyui ( for more control. And you can even generate images with comfyui if you want.

You can also try the online option by using something like nightcafe ( Upload your image, select upscale and generate. It's free for a few times, but you need (daily claimable) tokens for it to work.

Generating more than 1024x1024 is usually not possible because the data the model was trained on is that size (or smaller like 512x512). Try to generate any higher and you'll get very weird and ugly results.

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The fatality rate of avian influenza is about 55%, so a bit more deadly than corona (about 3%).


Probably until I get sick or die of old age.

I'll probably do things like ransack my local library for book like the SAS handbook, plant identification, etc to bring with me, hijack a truck that's already ready to go, load all useful stuff including a small backup car/motorbike and head for the sub-tropics somewhere to a forest next to a city.

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After using Linux for years now I still don't understand where programs install to, it's always in some random ass folder.

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