An AI company has been generating porn with gamers' idle GPU time in exchange for Fortnite skins and Roblox gift cards to – 480 points –
An AI company has been generating porn with gamers' idle GPU time in exchange for Fortnite skins and Roblox gift cards

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Ai porn isn't deepfake porn. The default is just a random ai generated face and body. Unless you want to it's difficult to deepfake someone.

Their photos are still unwittingly being used as training data.

Whose photos?

Excellent question.

You can't just say "excellent question" when someone asks you to clarify your point lmfao

"They're trying to force our kids to get vaccines so they can manipulate them with 5g wifi"

How could they manipulate your kids with 5g signals?

"That's a good question innit"

I guess this was just one level of abstraction too much for you huh?

The entire issue here is AI being trained on people's data without them knowing or giving permission. The question of who's likenesses and which photos are being used is an excellent question and it's a big part of the problem here.

Agreed. Because without an answer, it's just a baseless claim.