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Joined 4 years ago

Still the best browser to support, still the best hope of defending open web standards from Google. Call me when they implement the ads in an onerous way.

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Not if your bartender is properly trained and not a lazy piece of shit.

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I mean, I definitely think it's not ideal and there's room for improvement and social pressure for Mozilla to change its priorities, but I also don't think it's any reason to abandon the project. The reality is that a modern web browser is too massive of a project for a non-commercial entity to reasonably develop and keep updated, and Mozilla is the only such entity that's even remotely got its heart in the right place.

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Remakes can be awesome -- the recent System Shock remake is an excellent example of doing it right. The problem, as it always is, is capitalism and greed, which lead to lazy money-grabbing remakes of games that didn't need it. Many games that get remakes should have just gotten patches -- Dark Souls is a prime example of this. The remake barely looked better than the original and changed things about the gameplay, not necessarily for the better.

ER uses anti-cheat...

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That's absurd. You don't need to understand the inner workings of the kernel to know what a root account is. If you're regularly encouraging people to install a new OS when you aren't even confident in their ability to understand what a root account is, you're not doing them any favors.

If you're installing an OS you should absolutely understand what the root account is. That's like buying a car without understanding the concept of keys.

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It's an anti-joke. I love it.

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Stop using GitHub. Especially if you're working on anything that corpo interests will frown on, but just generally, there are plenty of alternatives (both git and non-git) that aren't owned by Microsoft.

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Look around you -- capitalism is literally burning our ecosystem to transfer wealth into the hands of the rich. If you are "pro-capitalism" you are either ignorant of physical reality or you are selfish and think you can "make it" and be one of the tiny minority that actually benefits from the system, to the detriment of almost every other living being on the planet.

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Answer from the article itself: no, they were never well represented. This is a terrible clickbait title for a decent article.

Brother beards have been in for like 10 years.

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A SOAD + Deftones + AAF concert would fucking slap.

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The issue is that X was never a mature, feature-complete, stable project. It was always a hideous and bloated hodgepodge of disparate and barely working patches. The entire point of Wayland is to do exactly what you say tech should do: solve the particular problem (graphics server) well and cleanly, and limit itself to a definable set of features so it can actually reach that point of stability.

This looks like a pithy truism but it really just sounds idiotic. You ever been to, like, a trade show?

Burning man is far from perfect but it's a step in the right direction.

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From the comment thread it sounds like the contract might be on shaky ground. The original dev seems to be under the impression that a project licensed under GPLv3 can just be freely changed to another license, which it cannot without explicit consent from all contributors. We don't know the contract language of course, but the dev said it would "likely" not remain open source, which indicates that he told them they could change it. ZippApps' lawyers will hopefully notice that and refuse to buy, though either way we shouldn't trust this maintainer again and should move to the forks.

This is just one of a hundred reasons to avoid proprietary software. The only power we have to change the behavior of closed software is not using it.

For me Doom 2016 was a hugely more enjoyable experience than Eternal. 2016 is arguably one of the greatest linear single player shooters ever made. Eternal felt like a chore once you had all the tools unlocked and I lost interest shortly after. I could have lowered the difficulty so weapon selection didn't matter, but that was clearly not the design intent.

Ultrakill does the "swap between weapons quickly for interesting combos" much better IMO -- it's not necessary but it's a value add and it's super fun to pull off.

Devs ITT biting every single argument in the article and then saying "but it's easy" is extremely ironic

Maybe you should tell us why?

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Dota has always been a drastically better game, I see this as an absolute win for Linux. League is cancer.

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I don't think particularly ham-fisted and unsubtle allegory about racism is going to do anything to convince racists that decades of drastically better media on the same subject hasn't done.

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"The pain I feel now is the happiness I had before. That's the deal." - C. S. Lewis

Inherent in any great joy is the eventual pain of its loss. Even if we were all immortal, everything changes, nothing gold can stay. Your options are to love and grieve, or to cauterize your emotions and go through life a grey husk.

Massage. I know that if I did it professionally it would become a chore and I would no longer want to massage the people I love.

You just grew up using Windows and are used to its design language -- that doesn't make it inherently intuitive.

If you are fucking with path variables you're already a power user. The settings for an OOTB Ubuntu or other user-friendly distro are pretty damn intuitive, and if you're dealing with anything more complex, I personally would far rather use bash or other Linux shells than Powershell.

The problem is not that people are typing on phones... It's that all of the apps are now driven by profit-maximizing algorithms instead of algorithms that try to find your best match. OkCupid used to be the best dating site hands down because of the match percentage from the questions, but now it's just Different Tinder. You can still have great heartfelt conversations on mobile dating apps, it's just harder now.

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river is a tiling window manager for Wayland. Most of the big tiling wms are for X, and to my knowledge not many are planning Wayland versions. It makes sense, as for a tiling wm you'd just be rewriting most of the code. So instead you get these roughly parallel projects that start at attempts to basically port wms to Wayland: Sway for i3, river for bspwm, and dwl for dwm.

Sway is by far the most popular, but river and dwl are both functional alternatives, even if the feature sets are a little barebones. Personally I'm waiting for a Wayland version of herbstluftwm, it's my favorite.

GitHub (since the Microsoft acquisition) is good to users because that's their MO, it's called Embrace, Extend, Extinguish, and the whole point is to centralize users and projects and make them dependent on the Microsoft ecosystem.

Of course now there's also the whole issue of Copilot, which means any code you put on GitHub could very well show up piecemeal in someone's AI-generated code. If it wasn't for that novel avenue of monetization, you can bet your ass GitHub would have already made the free user experience a lot shittier.

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It's very indicative of the culture though. That people pay hundreds of dollars a year just for the privilege of using their products is taken for granted.

Don't know why you're down voted, LFS is the best way to learn how Linux works from the ground up.

The Arch Wiki is great and it does cover just about everything, but it's not what OP is describing -- you certainly could exhaustively read it and all the linked pages every step of the install, but the actual installation documentation is focused on installing and getting a useable system. But LFS is exactly what OP wants: a detailed, very explicit, ground up tutorial on manually setting up every piece required for a functional Linux system.

If that sounds too technical, OP, that's because you're asking an extremely technical question. Most Linux users, even pretty advanced ones, don't understand the really low level parts of the system, they just know how to interact with them once in a while to get specific tasks done.

If you just want a general overview of how to use Linux and a detailed explanation of its philosophy, there are many YouTube channels that offer that without such a deep technical dive.

? What are you talking about?

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Please copy dota instead of league... Dota actually has a coherent design philosophy and creative devs who know how to balance a game, league is just designed around what monetizes the community most effectively.

Oh my God it's such a pain in the ass. It spawns like 15 processes that don't die when you close the browser window, and there's no indication which is the master so you just have to kill them one by one until they all die. And the search bar that pops up on the desktop is such tacky 90s spamware... I've never liked Windows but since they launched 11 they've really become intolerable, even the w10 experience is being degraded by it.

Foot if you're on Wayland, alacritty if you're not.

I appreciate KDE for being a comprehensive toolbox that will let just about anyone craft the mouse-driven GUI of their dreams given enough time and effort. I appreciate GNOME for its bold and unified vision, which isn't afraid to cull features or embrace innovation.

In what sense do you mean "faster" though? If you mean more performant, I haven't experienced that -- both desktops are extremely responsive.

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The actual way is to use dish soap under running warm water (not hot apparently, it can damage some coatings I've learned in this thread). First rinse the lenses under a stream without touching them, to wash away any loose debris (which is the reason why you should never use any sort of cloth to wipe them, they just move the debris around which causes scratches). Then use a bit of dish soap on your (clean) fingers to gently rub each lens, which will get rid of any grease or other smears. Then a final rinse -- for this one it's best if you use a very slow and even stream as it gives you the fewest water spots, but as long as you don't have super hard water it'll be moot in a few minutes.

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Ext4 for most home users, because it's simple and intuitive. Btrfs for anyone who has important data or wants to geek out about file systems. It's got some really cool features, but to actually use most of them you'll have to do some learning.

You can definitely disable the touch pad in any distro. Try the steps in the best answer here

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Hugging, definitely. No playful wrestling since high school, and what there was there was definitely more motivated by competition and testosterone than affection.

As for snuggling, I wouldn't want to snuggle with anyone that I didn't have at least some sexual attraction to, unless I was in serious emotional distress and just needed it for the reversion to childhood. So I don't snuggle with guys. I don't know of many straight women who snuggle with their platonic friends either, beyond like sharing a blanket for a movie.

Pronouns are largely used to refer to people in the third person. As such I will never declare my pronouns because they aren't for me to use, they're for other people to use to refer to me. As such they should use whatever pronouns deliver maximal clarity for the listener.

I will respect others' pronoun preferences because I'm not an asshole, but when people start trying to tell me that I'm being bigoted by not stating my own pronouns, they can fuck off.