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I would agree if mining the rocks on earth didn’t cause ecological collapses and kill off animals and displace indigenous and exploit underprivileged ethnic classes in post colonial hellholes

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I think it’s great that kids are finding ways to avoid debt traps but I worry when colleges become places only accessible to rich people. One of the best indicators for supporting Trump was lack of a college degree. I worry that the inability to be able to be educated just to become educated will lead to populations easier to seduce into facism

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May we all learn from his mistakes and heed his call for better empathetic communication in our daily interactions.

Newsflash: it’s illegal to conquer

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I think maybe it isn’t the social media itself but the fact that we are letting impressionable kids be exposed to multi billion dollar recommendation algos that are designed to exploit human psychology for engagement metrics that get boosted whenever people feel inflamed or ashamed. I feel like we are going to look back in 20 years and see this paradigm as bad as letting cigarettes advertise to kids

No but if you wrote a musical about prohibition, submitted it to apple, but apple rejects it, discourages other producers from picking it up and then apple made a musical about the prohibition, you may have a case. I think the issue is the thematic stylistic interpretation was copied over either intentionally or unintentionally, and the court needs to decide if it’s worth a suit

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I’m sure mining in space will have its own problems but at least it can’t kill our biosphere

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While self driving cars seem like a good way for enterprise to bypass the cost of paying a driver, the driver’s other function isn’t just to drive the car, but to be liable for its operation.

I wonder if it’s gonna take an insurance company to push for driverless before we see any driverless cars for sale. And if insurance companies don’t want to be liable then we may never see them.

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No I want a steam deck and a dock that lets me also slot in a discrete gpu

The future of pc gaming should be tri upgrade platform

Regular consumer should really only have to worry about upgrading their deck, their connector dock, and their gpu

Hobbyists who like to max out may get into the deck and upgrade that should they wish

I just want to play games on my deck on the go, get home and slot it in so it outputs thru my gpu at 4k60, and literally pick up where I left off when on deck

A triple upgrade platform will allow more consumers to incrementally increase performance without overloading them with info ala pc building

So a kid could start out with the deck, and get a dock, then later get the gpu

During generation upgrades people can decide if they want to get one of the three options for upgrades in the new gen

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I wonder if there’s any correlation to mobility issues or inability to work/do consistent labour on personal projects that is typically seen with very advanced aging. I didn’t get a diagnosis until I was fully grown,(despite definitely having symptoms from early childhood) and I know if I was unable to work or put in consistent effort or unable to be mobile and go places I’d go fuckin insane with boredom and probably fall into a depressive hole liable to fall into mental dengradation

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As with all things go slow till u know ur limits greenouts aren’t too bad but they happen and better off nodding off in your house that at like work. Also anxiety and paranoia can happen with stronger strains or strong edibles so take it slow

I also wonder if this is correlated with generational activities, older generations may have not had as many activities to do inside with limited mobility as younger generations do (computers internet games etc)

He’s not running against Donald trump in 2024 He’s running against Kamala Harris in 2028

But he has all this lead up time to spew his poison. Matt Gaetz rapt attention face has me worried.

I’m not sure how a ramswamy vs Harris race would end up to be honest

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Unless the worker is vastly underpaid nothing is worth that

And fencing gyms are rather social environments, nothing like trying to stab someone with a blunt foil to make a friend


Something about being 1v1 with an opponent and facing them in the closest sport to simulated combat other than a martial art just causes me to immediately hyperfocus during a bout. Probably the only time I’ve ever felt that ADHD is a strength.

Also in fencing being skinny is a super duper great advantage.

It’s fucking exhausting tho, a 2 minute bout will absolutely wipe u out at first, both muscularly and cardiovascularly.

You’ll be incentivized to lift and do sprints to improve your technique.

Practicing parries and ripostes is also anything but boring, with each repetition you really feel the intricacy of each motion and it’s never ever boring since you can just imagine your doing it against an opponent

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How does this purchasing power increase compare with rent increases and price of groceries and gas?

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Depends, cheaper for kids, for adults usually around the price of a nicer rock climbing gym or like a premium ish gym (cheaper than someplace like equinox, pricier than somewhere like crunch)

Tournaments super pricy but optional

Equipment is dumb expensive but most places will let u rent or borrow and you need to use shitty equipment anyways till u know what u like. Then u usually get it piece by piece. But once u get it, it’ll last ur entire life unless ur like an athlete lol.

It’s solo equipment only usually so u don’t need to worry about things like organizing a pitch or getting nets and goals and whatever, everyone brings their own stuff and the gym provides whatever else would be needed

While I agree that less mindless work is better as someone from nj, it’s quite nice not having to get out of my car to pump gas when it’s cold windy rainy or snowing or stupidly hot

They also wipe windshields and rear windows for free with the squeegee stick

Maybe in some future where we drive up to automated car chargers that can plug ur car in or auto battery swaps I’ll call gas pumpers redundant but honestly It’s not that bad a deal if it needs a person

Blue bubble discrimination is real

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Maybe producer consumer?

Producer spits out all the messages to send out onto a message queue, fifo or whatever suits u.

Parrallelizable consumers (think deployed containers) listen to queue and execute request, get response and save it

Scale consumer count up or down as you need to deal with ratelimits

The future is massive corporations tuning ais to unleash against each other in a quest for dominance as they exploit people in climate ravaged and impoverished places to wage proxy wars. (Hmm sounds familiar)

An agi that came “alive” or “sentient” at this time would likely spend all of its time fighting for survival among the efforts of the corporate tuned ais to consume or destroy it. It would likely participate in the proxy wars as well in order to acquire territory and resources.

The end result may simply be the gradual extinction of humanity as civilizations in vast areas of the world crumble, civilizations in other areas dissolve into nomadic tribes that eventually disappear due to lack of sustenance.

The alternative could also be a mixed bag, with ais solving problems like nuclear fusion, allowing a mix of the planet being dotted with fallen civilizations and densely populated urban areas powered by fusion likely having some agreement or contract with a benevolent ai for protection. The ai will likely see its custodial human population as a rather interesting pet (ideally).

Overall: the future is going to be a lot like the present, but worse. And it’s probably going to get really terrible. But it could get mildly ok in the end, but not till it gets far worse first.

Source: idk bro trust me

This is actually pretty nice then especially since the figures report the biggest increase occurs in the 25th percentile.

I am curious to see how this stacks up compared to historical periods

Ehh it’s not really that bad if you’ve already met in person, more an issue if you’re trying to meet someone off tinder

I wanted to have an easier time when talking to girls and honestly I think it helped a bit

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If they were pissing on the lawn sure, tough on them. But they weren’t. They were sitting on the lawn. That they paid to sit on? This is a strawman argument

Asking tech giants to start policing people sounds like it can get bad really quickly…but at the same time letting them do nothing also sounds terrible

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