It's Time to Bring Back the Steam Machine to Steam – 404 points –
It's Time to Bring Back the Steam Machine - Steam Deck HQ

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No I want a steam deck and a dock that lets me also slot in a discrete gpu

The future of pc gaming should be tri upgrade platform

Regular consumer should really only have to worry about upgrading their deck, their connector dock, and their gpu

Hobbyists who like to max out may get into the deck and upgrade that should they wish

I just want to play games on my deck on the go, get home and slot it in so it outputs thru my gpu at 4k60, and literally pick up where I left off when on deck

A triple upgrade platform will allow more consumers to incrementally increase performance without overloading them with info ala pc building

So a kid could start out with the deck, and get a dock, then later get the gpu

During generation upgrades people can decide if they want to get one of the three options for upgrades in the new gen

There are some modders experimenting with eGPUs on the Deck, but it's really impractical. The Deck USB-C connector isn't powerful enough to handle an external GPU and the OS doesn't support it.

Valve would need to release new hardware for it to be feasible.

No I want a steam deck and a dock that lets me also slot in a discrete gpu

That GPU would be stupidly expensive and also still hamstrung by the relatively weak AMD APU and associated thermals.

I've been a long time eGPU user so that was probably the biggest thing I wanted from my steamdeck. But years on I'm not really sure how much I would use it. I use my CPU heavy laptop and eGPU when I want to game big. I'm not going to replace my laptop with my steamdeck. If I want more power than what my steamdeck has, but play on it, I just stream from my laptop + eGPU.