
1 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

You can google "women in computing" for more details, or check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_computing - it's amazing how much women contributed to this field and how little known that appears to be. (I only learned about it a few years ago myself.)

But the gist is:

Early on (i.e. the 1940s and 50s), men thought the prestige and honor was in building the giant machines (which back then could fill a classroom or more). Actually programming them was considered easier, "just like following a recipe", so women got jobs as "computers" who did this part. To quote that wikipedia article: Designing the hardware was "men's work" and programming the software was "women's work."

Fast forward to the 1970s and people had started realizing that programming was actually hard, and so it was promoted as a field boys should get educated in, while girls were encouraged to instead become nurses and teachers and such.

No, you give the AIO container access to your docker daemon and it will create / handle / supervise all the other containers nextcloud needs.

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Sorry, but it appears you are quite wrong.

From the article:

β€œShe was indefatigable. She just kept going,” he said Tuesday. β€œShe was not someone who would take naps in the afternoon, or not show up for any function, dinner or anything else. She was always there, fully present. She kept going, always.”

I believe it was more like: a guy was accused of cheating (against Magnus Carlsen), and anarchychess on reddit came up with the buttplug theory. Now everyone thinks it actually happened.

I literally have an account there dedicated to porn. Have had it for years. I stopped using Twitter after the muskocalypse, except I still check my porn account every once in a while.

You have to actively go looking for porn there, but once you do it's a neverending rabbit hole. Especially if you're into some niche/fetish stuff. There's some unique stuff to be found there...

In addition to the art there's also a library with historical documents and books, last I saw it was unknown if those were saved or not.

There also seems to be open security vulnerabilities, which could potentially make it possible for a malicious actor to take control of the entire system. Consider implementing some safeguards against that.

Just like every year...

No, this guy at least isn't speaking Norwegian. Sounds more like Finnish.

You are probably thinking of apetor, who made some crazy videos, often involving vodka and swimming in icy waters. He was Norwegian and died a few years ago. I don't think this is him though.

There are many ways in. Sometimes no one has to click on or do anything, instead the attacker finds a security vulnerability in e.g. a web application, which gives them access to the server the app is running on. From there the attacker can look for other vulnerabilities to penetrate further into the network. Or if the system/network admin hasn't properly configured/secured the network, then the attacker can easily move into other parts of the network.

The Lannisters send their retards.

I tried Volumio recently, and was prepared to maybe get the paid version if it was as great as it seemed. But the user interface was so god-awful! Absolutely unusable for me. Would never pay for it.

Instead I googled a bit and found Moode - a million times better, and free. Don't remember if it does multiroom audio, but personally I don't need that currently.

I also had one who went crazy if he smelled olives in the house πŸ˜‚

I knew a guy who was a very outspoken but peaceful vegan, didn't want to harm anything. Animal rights activist. Super nice guy, when sober.

But he also had a drinking problem, and totally flipped when he drank, you could almost see the switch happen in a few seconds when he was at 4-5 beers. His drunk personality was angry, paranoid, quarreling and violent, and he would often get blackout drunk and get into fights and whatnot. Got himself banned from several bars.

I didn't know him well, but he probably had some trauma/bad shit in his life. He never talked about his family, except his grandmother who apparently had raised him, more or less.

If you want to make your playbooks/roles more universal, there's a generic package module which will figure out what package manager to use based on the detected OS.

Or, if that doesn't fit your needs, you can add conditions to tasks (or blocks of tasks), like

when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"

and use that for tasks specific to a given Linux distro/family.

Ansible will detect a lot of info about each host and make it available as facts. See for example https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/playbook_guide/playbooks_vars_facts.html

You can self-host Bitwarden, and sync your vault to your phone. Maybe not an option for everyone since it requires some technical skills, but very doable.

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It actually wouldn't surprise me if this turned out to be true

Oh yeah, I was there for that! Good times! πŸ˜‚