
7 Post – 707 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

ukrainian cat ~

Amazon blocked my account while trying to purchase a gift card and are now demanding proof of ownership of the gift card they just refused to sell to me????

where can i get one

yeah these memes are wayy to relatable

the author can still sell the work, the NC prevents other people from profiting off of it without explicit permission (this does not prevent exemptions, work can still be sold under cc-by-sa as an exemption)

or CC BY-NC-SA (the non-commercial-use-only one)

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copyright will eventually expire after your death

and cc nc does not prevent derivatives, just profiting off of them without explicit permission, which is not that big of a deal

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there's a mechanical override inside the car, but from outside doors can only be opened via nfc or remotely irrc (not a real safety issue tho as the doors can still be opened by breaking the windows like in basically all other cars)

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you can try this


the whole ui/dashboard is just a web app, so it's pretty easy to "jailbreak" or modify

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don't get the negativity towards copilot in other comments.
it's a really smart autocomplete, and this is exactly what i wanted for the past 5 years.
(yeah it's not going to replace programmers or whatever people's exaggerated opinions of it are)

wanna quickly create a wgpu bind group?
let texture_bind_group = and it's smart enough to understand the context and pull in texture and texture sampler that are already defined as local variables.

too lazy to type this obvious thing in?
(like of course the next opcode islet op = self.fetch();) just press tab and move on with your life.

wanna quickly refactor something?
select, ask CP Chat to "replace all if statements with match", check if it's correct and click confirm (it will even show git-style diffs, so it's hard for something unexpected to slip in)

it's not perfect, and it's suggestions do not match your intention like 50% of the time but when they do match or your intention is REALLY obvious (like you already wrote a clear and concise variable name and need to complete the value), you're a single keypress away from completing those 2 lines of code

It's not a total deal breaker but it's definitely very useful. (especially for me, because of my very short attention span. unless i can quickly complete a thing I'm currently working on in less than a minute i will forget about the next 10 things I was thinking of doing)

also i don't believe the price is justified, but it's free for students so of course I'm gonna use it.

(you just need to verify your student email and upload a photo of your student id on education.github.com, and you get a free gh copilot subscription, gh pro account, priority support and promos on loads of services like heroku etc while you're a student)

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discord moderator horror game.
you must moderate a discord channel while sth tries to break into your house, and also you need to go to the fridge to eat regularly

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Our textbooks (in Ukraine) used to include stuff on both windows and linux (specifically, linux mint with cinnamon), and included a chapter on libreoffice/openoffice

well it has been deprecated for a few years, and they're basically asking you to play for continued support.
they have a new REST api, but you still need the old one, pay up because otherwise there's no motivation to keep it around.

the xps line is awesome, but I'd like to suggest something to whoever reads this comment: stay away from budget consumer grade dells! (aka inspirons and similar limes)
i got an awesome deal on mine (used) but the build quality is atrocious and it's literally starting to fall apart after like 3 months of use
ik consumer grade crap sucks but dell is the worst offender (...they're not even trying to hide it like hp lol)

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iirc they actually started adding these as mini games after getting sued for false advertising

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no, they probably dont.
they just send it to your email upon registration, which is kinda a bad idea, but they are probably storing passwords hashed afterwards.

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tomatoes are awesome tho

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what the fuck is a lunch debt???

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to be fair, the free "review" keys often end up on websites like g2a and kinguin, so if I were to publish a game on Steam, I would've replied with the same thing to anyone asking me for 'em.... the guy's based af

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well it's referencing this article now

they do collect usage stats by default though.
which include typed sentences passed through their ai model and words usage counts.
it can all be turned off and gboard seems to respect these options. it doesn't access online services unless requested with these options off.

why the fuck did you censor the word "died"?

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just put a fucking spring on the fucking door (like a weak one)

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what's wrong with it
if you mean the mobile one, it's a pretty great upgrade

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use powershell (specifically the core version!!!), or even better something like Nu shell

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I'm poor af alright?

it has the same cpu as my budget 100$ phone from 2018 lol

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99% of open source apps and tools

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to be fair, word doesn't autosave either (unless you're using onedrive)

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soviet union was basically just russian occupation with some extra steps tho

do a gdpr

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systemd is more of a set of products and software components branded under a single name rather than a single thing.
systemd itself is rather simple, as most other pieces systemd-* software, like systemd-boot, systemd-networkd and systemd-resolvd. these are usually more stable and less bloated than more popular alternatives

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Revanced. It's an universal dex patcher, primarily targeting Youtube.
it can remove ads and tracking and customize ui.

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ugh i hate the word "females". why not just say "women"

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why did you cite RT of all things tho

add some css to the wrapping box like

(put the selector here) {
  height: 1000px;

btw i predicted the whole thing a month ago
i fucking had the whole system in mind and it matches my thoughts exactly. (i was trying to come up with the most developer-unfriendly monetization strategy for unity... while in shower... for some reason)