1 Post – 140 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I use Torque per cubic foot.

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But how's the java support? If it's better than vs code then it might be worth something.

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Someone show this to the guy who asked about how to walk through a field of cows.

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The Constitution is just an interpretation of the teachings of the Founding Fathers. SCOTUS is the only body that has a direct line of communication to the Founding Fathers. We can rely on them to convey to the masses what the Founding Fathers truly intended.

(I think this is sarcasm, but I wouldn't be surprised if they used this logic)

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HR could be gathering intel on current market conditions, like what salaries people are expecting, etc.

Tell the ladies that you have to pee before riding a bike so your balls are empty.

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They literally don't care. Don't tell them "the truth", don't tell them "what's wrong with the company", nothing. Just say you've enjoyed working there and if things turn around you'd be open to coming back.

The best outcome for an exit interview is you leave on good terms so you can use them in the future if necessary. You never know when you'll need a reference.

Again, any criticism or negativity you bring to the exit interview will just be used against you. You'll be labeled as disgruntled, or whiny, or just didn't have what it takes. And that will cut you off from using them in the future if you need to.

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Sharing in a peanut butter pie from Costco would be a nice gift.

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Dandelions never hurt anybody.

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Huh I keep hearing the economy is actually doing well. I guess it's just the people in the economy that are suffering.

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After that fiasco I can't believe anyone still uses Wells Fargo.

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I think you would make more money if you gave handys behind the Wendy's dumpster every day for 7 years.

Real-talk, pensions don't exist anymore.

Best bet for getting benefits and flexibility is working for the government.

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I ate that silica gel pack that comes with stuff sometimes.

Hey guys! It's ya boi Walter Wiggles comin at you with a brand new constitution. Don't forget to like comment and subscribe. We're doin a new constitution every week, so leave a comment and tell us what freedoms YOU want to see!

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Because it's not about getting work done, it's about having power over your employees.

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He was lead vocalist for The Pack. Their single Crank Your Hog did well on some of the charts.

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I like to think I can read pretty good, but I couldn't figure out how the post summary is related to the article.

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Good good, thanks for asking!

But I also think FOMO is a terrible reason to do anything.

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I wonder what it will be like on a long flight with this feature: there is an army of unknown Bluetooth items moving with you.

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They don't want their kids to be able to figure out how fucked Florida is.

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I thought for a second there were consequences for his actions, but no there weren't. He resigned and hasn't been charged yet.

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Ah yes, the classic "create a database and ask criminals to register" maneuver.

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If the salary is right, you can call me whatever you want.

Seems conservative, I was thinking 7 beers. I certainly wouldn't regret drinking 7 beers before going to bed.

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Best seller lists are meaningless. She probably had her campaign buy enough copies to get it on the list, hoping it would take off after that.

If I say it, then it will have been said.

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If the job market around you sucks then you may have to just practice until you get good enough.

However that does not mean online code tests are accurate or properly reflect your skills and ability to do actual job work. They're a tool used by companies that don't respect the candidate's time and you should see that as a mini red flag.

I would start with the classic: Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug't_Make_Me_Think

Apparently there's only 50 valid values.

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I'm just trying to keep my Fem Boi Investigator happy.

They'll do it, then it'll be contested, and go to court. It will be appealed up to the SC where they'll decide it's allowed.

What happens to salaries when inflation is this high? If you wait for an EOY raise you'd starve.

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Yep, better to test if they can swim.

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That ankle will never be the same. It will forever be prone to twisting. It will be important that you keep it strong to prevent further injury.

Sorry bro.

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China wants to remove the adverse affects of gambling/addiction from it's populace, not the world. This is just another facet like their social media restrictions.

I'm learning that my civics classes could have been condensed to: "It's all just a gentleman's agreement"

Profits must always go up.

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