
0 Post – 90 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Bidet attachments for your toilet are about $30 and you can install it yourself with zero skills in 30 minutes.

Wouldn’t you pay $30 to never have to wipe shit again? Just dry off and that’s it. Greatest thing imaginable.

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This is to train the AI claw machine that will place us into our movie seats in the future.

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That’s because I Google this question every day and reply to all of them.

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Wouldn’t it be sick if once your company got up to a net worth of ONE TRILLION DOLLARS you’d just stop trying to shoehorn in new ways to make profit?

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Like what is actually going to happen?

No one can afford rent. No one can afford houses.

How are landlords and home sellers making money if no one can afford anything?

I don’t understand it. Who are these people out there paying $2200 per month for a one bedroom, or half a mil for a 1500 sq ft house? How are there that many buyers of these services to where the prices aren’t dropping?

People need to live somewhere. Wtf is happening and what is going to happen?

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The job of the AAA gaming company is to make money, not good games.

For the same reason McDonalds is never going to serve filet mignon, big gaming companies are never going to release feature-compete passion projects.

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74 felonies. How big of a health bar does this boss have.

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Unfortunately, there are lots of situations in life where being a piece of shit gets you rewards.

That person cutting you off in traffic, grabbing the last item on the shelf when you were there first, cutting in line, cheating on their taxes, stealing the job you were in line to get, along with the infinite examples of this in the business and political world.

The vast vast majority of assholes never face real consequences, and those consequences rarely outweigh the benefits they’ve enjoyed from being an asshole.

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By a bidet attachment for your toilet right now. It’s like $25 and you can install it in 30 minutes.

Wouldn’t you pay $25 to never have to wipe your ass again? Go do it.

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Almost all attempts at taking freedom away are done under the guise of increased safety.

Salon.com articles always sound like a 21 year old Redditor wrote them.

“The grifters that make up the troll-industrial complex are not okay.”

Who writes this lmao. Do they spin a wheel of buzzwords and just write a sentence with whatever comes up?

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It’s difficult to figure out what to do when copies of your particular niche community exist in 5 different places, all with very similar subscriber counts.

broadly gestures at everything

So what you’re telling me is that written tests have, in fact, existed before?

What are you some kind of education historian?

Nope just water water. You get better at it and start to know how much time you have to spray before it’s all clean.

I just got the rabies series of vaccines.

Bill was $9800. After insurance it was $285.

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rm -rf /telemetry-data

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I spin on my head til its dry

Yeah there is a reason why stories or videos or movies showcasing justice are so popular. It’s because very rarely in your life do you see real justice.

You need those movies and videos to show you the good guys winning because most times in life the bad guy wins.

The way you keep employees and build a strong team is by giving them things you aren’t obligated to provide.

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Yeah the very top post on hot right now has 9 comments lmao.

There is no one here. I mean I love the platform and the apps. I don’t go to Reddit anymore on my phone. But there’s no one here.

If I don’t go to Reddit at least once per day I’m going to miss news and events that are important to me.

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Why is it on the reviewer to be level-headed and not the consumer?

Take some personal responsibility. If you see a game at 1/10, read the reviews. Do some research.

You’ll get much further teaching yourself to be smart instead of teaching society to be smart.

With corporations owning politicians, an education crisis, a housing crisis, and the entire country hating eachother it doesn’t matter what voting system you tack on. We need some sort of reboot as a country on many levels.

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Yeah I built a few react apps that made it to production about 7 years ago.

Now the react syntax I used back then is basically a dead language.

Waiting for a Primus fan to make the joke

Active Directory?

So what you’re saying is spez will be richer than 80% of people instead of 90%

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What I’ve heard is that it prevents “tyranny of the majority”, whereby the majority would just get their way 100% of the time.

I know that sounds like exactly what should happen, but I think the thought is that sometimes the majority does not vote in the country’s best interest.

As an exaggerated example, say there is some budget concern that would allocate all money to urban business and zero to rural. Depriving rural business like farms of this funding would cripple the country’s food reserves. But the majority live in urban environments, so they’d vote selfishly and fuck up the country. So rural voters are given more power to balance it out.

Now in my opinion - I don’t care about any of that. And I think if the majority votes one way and fucks up the country, so be it. Gotta learn to vote in the country’s interest and not your own.

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Because the #1 reason why employees will stay at a job that underpays them is because they like the people they work with. And you can’t form those bonds remotely.

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Trump fears the people around him will tell the truth when asked questions

Honestly it’s just stupid how few good open world fantasy games exist.

At least Elden Ring exists.

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But like - ok the conglomerations charge too much for rent and then no one can pay it. So then prices would fall right?

I just don't get who is ultimately buying this stuff.

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I agree with this except for my admittedly radical opinion that anything you need to live should not be tied to work.

Food, clothes, shelter, healthcare. The bare minimum of those categories should be free. I’m talking like prison quality. You should not have to earn the right to live.

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Honestly it’s just as easy as the media deciding they want us all to be friends again.

That’s legit all it takes.

If left and right wing media outlets would just start an initiative to bring the country together, everyone would fall in line. People only think what they are told to think.

The issue is that these corporations want money, and happiness doesn’t make money.

Yeah I bought a house 5 years ago and Zillow says it’s worth $100k more now. If I was looking for a home right now I couldn’t afford the one I’m living in. In the last 5 years I make $35k more than I did then but it still wouldn’t be enough to buy this house.

Back when I bought my house is was considered aggressive to offer their full asking price, which is what I did.

The whole system is beyond broken at this point.

When all of those things happen and Reddit is gone, spez will still be filthy rich.

Instead of being more rich than 90% of people he’ll be more rich than 86% of people.

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This hit me so hard my phone screen cracked

Have you tried the .ics download method?

I thought that the OS would see the ics file and automatically know to open your calendar app to deal with it.

Yeah it’s crazy how corporations just extort you when the alternative is death.

We’re gonna have to see if they can hit a moving target at 20 yards before Republicans can determine if they’re a good teacher.