2 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Because it uses OCI images, it auto-updates like a Chromebook, and you can switch between modes, like say a gaming mode that's a full SteamOS replacement, to a mode that gives you an entire development environment without needing to install and configure these layers or stacks of capabilities yourself.

That's very powerful. For cloud native developers like myself who are used to working with container images as the deliverable artifact, this makes that workflow very easy. Podman is included. You can create entire development environments at will that are totally "pure": no side effects because everything you need is in the container. That's a Dev Container.

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Hmm, well Fedora on its own (so no Silverblue) is very much your classic way of shipping a distro. That tends to mean that, over time, "cruft" accumulates as you upgrade your system, uninstall/reinstall packages, etc. They leave bits of themselves behind that can cause unwanted behavior.

Fedora Silverblue, that Bluefin is based on, treats the entire system layer as "immutable". Basically, it ensures consistency so that upgrades and package upgrades don't leave the system in an inconsistent state.

What Bluefin adds on top of this is a set of opinionated, pre-configured layers suited for getting particular groups of tasks done. Those layers are also immutable and tested as a whole, which makes shipping those layers at velocity easy (faster upgrades, less wonky behavior on upgrade) and easy to swap between, so you can go from gaming to developer mode without worrying about an accumulation of cruft.

Is that helpful at all? There's also this announcement blog post, which I found very helpful in understanding the value proposition.

Racket but I'll take Guile Scheme as a close second. Then Hy, a lisp dialect of Python. I'm writing a blog written in a DSL of Racket right now, Pollen, that makes authoring a joyful experience. Hy gives me access to the entire Python ecosystem plus access to things like macros. Guile Scheme is the configuration language of the Linux distribution, Guix System. Guile's G-Expressions are so powerful for writing packages.

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Come over to team Guix System, we have cookies 🍪

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I'm very sad I paid for a Fold and don't get 7 years of updates.

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Can't believe I'm the first one to come in with Guix System!! I like it because, just like NixOS, it's immutable, declarative and pure. I also dig that everything is written in Guile Scheme, a full-fat programming language. You don't need to know the language exhaustively to get started. There's some wonderful folks in the community though it's a bit spread out since not everyone wants to chat on IRC and mailing lists.

The Guix sublemmy.

Sorry, I should have clarified: Bluetooth or USB-connected trackpad. I use a fancy mechanical keyboard so I need some other input device that isn't my laptop's integrated trackpad.

I use and love Telegram. I use almost all of its features. All of its clients are open source. It has an incredible API for writing bots (which I also do). Their desktop Linux app is native! When I'm traveling I use Stories to share the experience with friends and family. I love the new topics to separate group discussions. It's the one app I've been able to onboard absolutely everyone to. I was never able to do the same when I tried to with Matrix and you only get so many chances before people stop moving.

What is crufty garbage to you?

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My employer,, offers pipelines you can run anywhere: in GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, locally, wherever! We capture all your dependencies in a dependency graph, then cache all your inputs: builds, tests, run scripts. We're open source at

It should be harder to support Docker, which hasn't released a new open source product since before Docker Desktop, which is also proprietary. Podman Desktop? OSS. It'd be hard to name a product Red Hat supports that isn't OSS.

I'm devastated they didn't choose to pick up webOS for this.

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If you're looking for the GitLab version of Codeberg's hosted Forgejo Git forge, there's Framagit hosted by Framasoft.

Logseq is FOSS and easily one of the best notetaking apps out there. It's got whiteboards, interlinking at the block level, a big ecosystem of extensions and multiple panes so you can derive context as you write.

It's my choice for the majority of writing I do in my day to day and hasn't let me down once. My only wish list feature is multiplayer but that's coming soon.

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Now that I've finished the first draft of an article on setting up rootless Podman on Guix System, I'm using and building out a set of tools to support a new article covering an all Red Hat stack from inner loop to CI.

So far, it's

  • OpenShift for the platform services run on
  • Podman for my local container engine
  • Podman Compose for inner loop development
  • OpenShift Pipelines for CI
  • Shipwright for building container images locally with Buildah
  • Quay for image scanning and storage
  • OpenShift Serverless for scale-to-zero deployments
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What has GOG done for Linux? I care about OSS and companies supporting my preferred OSS operating system. To that end, Valve continues to be a steward without peer.

I believe Logseq also has this built-in via Tldraw integration and it's fully FOSS which I dig.

The original EverQuest theme song was mine. Captured the epic wide-eyed wonder of going on an adventure perfectly.

There's real usability benefits too. I've collected some anecdotes from Reddit:

Rootless podman is my first choice for using containers now, it works fantastically well in my experience. It's so much nicer to have all my container related stuff like volumes, configs, the control socket, etc. in my home directory and standard user paths vs. scattered all over the system. Permission issues with bind mounts just totally disappear when you go rootless. It's so much easier and better than the root privileged daemon.


If you are on Linux, there is the fantastic podman option "--userns keep-id" which will make sure the uid inside+_the container is the same as your current user uid._+


Yeah in my experience with rootless you don't need to worry about UID shenanigans anymore. Containers can do stuff as root (from their perspective at least) all they want but any files you bind mount into the container are still just owned/modified by your user account on the host system (not a root user bleeding through from the container).


The permissions (rwx) don't change, but the uid/gid is mapped. E.g. uid 0 is the running user outside the container, by uid 1 will be mapped to 100000 (configurable), and say 5000 inside the container is mapped to 105000. I don't remember the exact mapping but it works roughly like that.

I try to write about it as much as I can here! There's also !

Pixel Fold. I had a lot of concerns about durability with the scare stories the media has reported but everything about it is fantastic. Big fan of the giant viewfinder and using the rear cam for selfies. The reading experience unfolded feels like reading a paperback. Side-by-side apps unlock a whole new productive side.

Hey, thank you for this comprehensive feedback! I've emailed the guix-devel mailing list to draw attention to your critique because I think it's important.

Hey I live in Denmark! How unexpected it is to hear Linux runs in some municipalities: in my sector you only hear of Microsoft running on most of the public infra but my knowledge is limited to Copenhagen.

The Intel discrete cards are fantastic value for money. There's plenty of folks on the internet who can attest to this. Intel's support story in general (so not just graphics cards) on Linux has been nothing less than sterling. If you're using any Linux kernel you can expect Intel stuff to just work. It's been this way for at least a decade.

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You can use Git, Syncthing or any other FOSS sync tool of your choice.

Some folks may not know this but Logseq has a built-in whiteboard feature too that's also FOSS. I use it all the time to mind-map new blogposts and newsletters.

In Logseq the starting page is always the journal page for the day. This allows you to build up content without worrying about where it should go. Once you have something you feel you can run with, then you can move it to its own page.

EDIT: more features enabled by Logseq's block-based (bullets) architecture over on Mastodon.

Check my comment history for an example of a simple bind mount compose.yaml I use for developing a small Python project. It's exactly the same as Docker Compose (since Podman Compose follows the Compose spec) but if you're just getting started, it might be a good skeleton to build on.

Logseq is block-based. Each bullet is a block. This is very powerful because it allows you to interlink concepts, ideas, at the level of the block vs page.

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I did a little research and found a Redditor who was able to answer better than me:

Logseq makes it easier to work with blocks, transclusions can be edited in place, and you can automatically be building another page consisting of blocks you’re writing in your daily journal or another page.

EDIT: I was really curious about the major differences and what is enabled by Logseq's block-based architecture so I asked my network on Mastodon and got some great answers!

I use Logseq for everything. I've found the more you throw into it the more useful it becomes since your touch points are so frequent and that gets you thinking through and exploring your graph more. I've yet to use any of the data query features but I've heard they're incredibly powerful.

Whiteboards are just a fantastic way for modeling a topic or themes you know you want to turn into a deliverable when the how is uncertain.

For something simple that just needs a bind mount like

      context: .
      target: base
      - ./debaser_studio:/opt/app-root/src/debaser_studio/debaser_studio
      - "3000:3000"
      - "8000:8000"
    user: default

I haven't found any issues. Do you have more complex needs?

Hey there, for a very simple start there's the compose.yaml file at the bottom of my comment here.

This sounds like something on your end as I get cached builds every time, rootlessly even. Podman also supports cache mounts.

I love Guix and want to see it get more recognition but I've never been able to get Distrobox working on Guix System, have you? I opened a discussion on the Distrobox GitHub but it was quickly closed.

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The old homegrown Pardus was really something special with its Kaptan system configuration tool and PiSi package manager.

I use Guix Home too and love it! Never been able to figure out how to get git-annex to work, especially on an Android device.

I used to use this but nowadays I prefer the single, declarative file approach of Guix Home and Home Manager.

I use Linux on my home desktop and my work desktop but I also keep a Windows install on my work machine when I need to test Windows things there. On Windows, I haven't found a better Git GUI than It's not open-source but it is what one of my favorite creators calls "organic software": Ukrainian husband and wife duo that warms my heart. The evaluation period is unlimited without nags. I've found it to be the perfect Git teaching tool and the best merge conflict resolver I've ever seen.

I've never experienced any bugs with the new topics feature.

That's what I thought but I've tried five or so images without success including the more mainstream ones like Fedora.

For what it's worth, I just wrote up a compose.yaml file as I'd write it for Docker Compose and it just worked. See the bottom of my comment on this GitHub issue for an example. I think the team's intention is for it to transparently support whatever you'd write for a standard Compose file but of course we don't have things like the brand new Docker watch. They do point to the Compose spec in the Podman Compose README. Bind mounts are good enough for me, thus far.