What open source solutions do you use or want to use?

ohlaph@lemmy.world to Programming@programming.dev – 52 points –

Inspired by tools like Grafana that I just discovered, what other cool open source tooling do you use?


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Now that I've finished the first draft of an article on setting up rootless Podman on Guix System, I'm using and building out a set of tools to support a new article covering an all Red Hat stack from inner loop to CI.

So far, it's

  • OpenShift for the platform services run on
  • Podman for my local container engine
  • Podman Compose for inner loop development
  • OpenShift Pipelines for CI
  • Shipwright for building container images locally with Buildah
  • Quay for image scanning and storage
  • OpenShift Serverless for scale-to-zero deployments

I really want to like Podman Compose but since the very beginning it's been noticeably tougher to work with than Docker Compose. I get that it's because it's just an extra script rather than a first party tool, but still.

For something simple that just needs a bind mount like

      context: .
      target: base
      - ./debaser_studio:/opt/app-root/src/debaser_studio/debaser_studio
      - "3000:3000"
      - "8000:8000"
    user: default

I haven't found any issues. Do you have more complex needs?

I wish podman or docker had an IPFS registry. When dockerhub or quay decide to be slow for whatever reason, then all you can do is sit and wait. With IPFS it would be possible to pull from multiple hosts and even mirror images.