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pic of the newly married couple

this was pretty bad. it was bad enough that even back then you had people pointing out how bad it was. it was so bad that various states passed laws so that it would be against the law, going forward.

the textbook's point is that even though this wasn't common place, it was somewhat taken for granted.

i can kind of understand somethings. like how it was probably far more common back then for people to be married by the ages of 15-18. i can get that. but the case of Johns and Eunice, it was shocking even then. that should tell you something.

that thing being that Johns was a pedophile.

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that's kind of the funny thing about this story. do you know how much of a colossal dickbag you gotta be for a company to say no to making a billion dollars? they will put up with so much shit for that kind of money. but West was a dickbag of such monumental proportions that the company is like, 'nah, fuck it, it's not worth it', to a billion fucking dollars.

on top of that we see later in the article

Still, throughout all of this, the company’s C-suite consistently “sought not to rein him in but to appease him,” with an eye to their bottom line. After the slavery comment, for example, Kasper Rorsted, Adidas’ CEO at the time, brushed it off, saying “Kanye has helped us have a great comeback in the U.S.” He only doubled down months later, adding: “We’re not signing up to his statements; we’re signing up to what he brings to the brand and the products he’s bringing out.”

and we learn once again, ironically, that appeasement doesn't work.

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this is the way. i had to break it to my friend recently, these scam callers don't have a DO NOT CALL list. they just have a list where they call you more.

i got my cell number decades ago. for many years i would get calls for a Sabrina. i explained to them many times over the years, i don't know anyone by that name and i'm not interested. every time, they'd wait about 6 months and the calls would start up again. about a year or two ago i was in the shop working, and got a call. i decided after that moment that i was Sabrina and i was interested in whatever it was they were selling.

a few days later, i got a call, told them i was Sabrina, was down for whatever services they had. i managed to get the person to give me the address they had listed, under the guise of confirming it. before the end of the week i had 3 different roofing contractors scheduled, all to show up at the same time, same day.

my only regret was that i couldn't be there to watch the drama unfold. when they called back later i told them i had no idea what they were talking about.

in the year and a half since that incident, i have received no more calls for Sabrina.

moral of the story, sometime the best answer isn't the honest one.

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same. there seems to be a lot of people that don't realize some things don't get done, not because they're impossible, but because as soon as they do it a company will put a stop to it.

it's like cracking a Xbox or something. the very next patch will render the method obsolete and nonviable. when i heard this workaround was coming for Android, my immediate reaction was how long it would last before Apple just changed something so that it doesn't work.

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remember when they all bitched and moaned about 'government death panels'?

like it hadn't been going on already at the insurance companies.

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i think that's a smart move on their part.

the CP2077 launch was rocky, but most of their previous games haven't had that level of hype. The Witcher 3 taking off like it did, gave them the confidence to go bigger. CP2077 is in a great place now, even if it didn't start that way.

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they had a tendency to overheat in hot conditions, and when stuck in traffic. this is because they need a certain amount of air flowing in order to cool properly.

they also weren't very good for heat in the winter.

air cooling is a simpler system, and as such has less to go wrong with it. that doesn't make it better or worse. there are pros and cons to both systems.

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Bing gets you answers fast.

they didn't say they'd be the right answer tho.

that depends on where you work. at some places 3 late clock ins, can be a fireable offense. in the world of contracting its usually not a big deal.

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what's really telling is just how much hate this dude has in his heart, and by all accounts it doesn't sound like he's ever really been fucked over.

he was born on third thinking he hit a home run.

It doesn’t sound like a you problem. Sounds like a problem with him. As such the agency to fix the problem lies with him.

Move on and forget about him.

the funniest part is that the Founding Fathers, having just created the Constitution, decided to kick things off with a list of 10 Amendments, they called the Bill of Rights. a list of things that should apply to all citizens. the very first thing they put on their list of important shit, was the First Amendment itself, which states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

so this shitbag doesn't even know the First Amendment, written by the Founding Fathers, to the Constitution he swore to uphold on joining the military service.

i feel like paperwork comes with that kind of stuff. like the kind of paperwork you could show to clear up the nagging question of why and how you have human skulls around your place.

the skulls themselves aren't particularly suspicious or a crime in and of themselves, but it does raise questions. the kind of questions you probably want paperwork for.

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dude should've First Amendment'd more.

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that's because it's more intensive than Ray Tracing.

i don't think we should act like journalism was in a great place before.

FB capitalized on a weakened industry, but it was the industry itself that was responsible for that state.

they really fucked themselves by not transitioning to the new market, instead insisting that it was the customers that were wrong. all these years later, i've yet to see a news outlet that would be worth the subscription fee. they're mostly recycling content from other, free sites anyway.

once the older crowd passes, traditional news outlets are done for. the ones that remain will be the ones that were providing the content all along.

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either delete the data, or move it.

those are really your only options. if the drive you're talking about is the only one in your PC, it needs some free space to do it's thing. mechanical hard drives are pretty cheap and abundant. check with whatever is local to you, about used ones if you need something on the cheap. even new ones in the 1TB range are pretty cheap though.

If you’re going to raid someone’s home. why the hell would you listen to a criminal.

you already know they're untrustworthy, that's why you're there in the first place.

really missed an opportunity for Bessaphine.

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on the one hand, i'm really amazed the thieves were able to bring it down without attracting much attention, and were able to complete their work in somewhat short order.

on the other hand, i wonder how remote that station was from civilization.

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brothers, obviously.

my cheap ass VPN service wins again.

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because the TV is that wide.

not sure what you expect them to do about it.

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it's always that way with that group.

we demand freedom! no not like that.

we support the police! no not like that.


Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits—a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage. - Hunter Thompson (journalist)

if the shows are any indication, the hair strand won't be tested, and innocent person will be charged, and in 20 years, they'll figure it out after the innocent person basically became their own lawyer and found out about the hair, then managed to get the hair tested on their final appeal.

mine was always, Ford: At least they circled the problem.

that's because it wasn't. it still isn't. the best hardware in the world won't do anything for you if there's no software to use it. with the iVRy dev working on this, and with Sony's announcement, they probably realized it was a inevitability for someone to crack the software problem.

no one ever said it couldn't be done.

i'm really not sure why so many people worry about the value of a car. it's not some super-expensive, incredibly rare car. most are average commuter vehicles. they're a tool. buy them, use them, keep them until they're wore out, and repeat the process.

i never really had a problem with car debt. i currently am driving a Cadillac Escalade with 430k miles on it. i bought it 7 years ago with 160k on the odometer, for $12k. it's been a fantastic vehicle. no telling how much money that truck has made me over the years. it was a replacement for my beat up Tahoe that had about 325k on it when i traded it in.

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be better all you want. but personally just fucking them up on sight would be ok with me.

let other people be better, but the being better part is what allows these kinds of people to freely march in the first place.

these people thrive on confrontation, and feel that confrontation will make others flock to their side. i think we should give them all the confrontation they want, basically at every opportunity. being better than them is good in the long run. being worse than them will get them off the streets.

this is Nashville, we can do both.

That same line of thinking got him in the first time.

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dude's face says more than words can relate.

repeat this process EVERY time they call.

if hard work lead to wealth, donkeys would be the richest creatures on the planet.

and without a IDF soldier with a marker, you never would have.

Lawyers for the FTX founder say he wasn’t motivated by greed but by a desire to better the world through philanthropic giving

the lie detector determined that was a lie.

most of the things they're known for, they didn't invent. but they've always been better at packaging these ideas and tech up, and marketing them well.

learn HOW to drink.

drinking isn't just about finding out how much it takes before you black out. AND FOR EVERYONE ELSE'S SAKE, DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE. if you're gonna drink, arrange transportation, or stay where you are.

also, read the Hagakure. there's some good stuff in there.

it's kind of like how Data and Lore's retarded brother was called B-4.

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on the one hand, aww.

on the other hand, fuck em.