Do you think that Trump will win the 2024 election?

A Cool to – -18 points –

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That same line of thinking got him in the first time.

To be fair nobody thought he would have fascist policies in 2016. Just that he was dumb and incompetent.

A lot of folks thought he would push fascist policies, though? He was notable for his nativist and protectionist rhetoric on the campaign trail. The audacity of it all is what got him all that free print and airtime.

People were calling them Nazi though. Far before he was even elected. Pride saw the writing in the walls. Now though, now it's undeniable. He's a Nazi pushing fascism and authoritarianism.

This is blatantly not true. It's what won him the election.

I’m not suggesting people get complacent. We gotta vote like our democracy depends on preventing another Trump term, because it does.

And gloom & doom about how Trump is polling or Biden is polling, a year in advance of the election, can make people give up and not vote.

Just pointing out that polls aren’t very reliable. “Red Wave 2022” back in 2021, remember?

Yeah but then people thought they were punishing the DNC then by not voting or going third-party. Those people either learned the DNC is pos but better than trump or still vote third-party.