
15 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 1 years ago



i know i can just go look it up but I feel slightly wronged by the crop here.


then how do they pee?

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classic liberal moving, trying to trick us into eating water bugs

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the element picker built into it.

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legal action from a giant shitty corporation that steps on our rights to preserve access to our purchases is never a W. grow up.

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alt text isnt supposed to provide context for media that even sighted people would have to recognize.

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you've never stayed with friends or family out of town? you would ask a murderer about the body you found in their freezer instead of getting out and calling the cops? until the public record is set on whats going on, good journalism keeps the facts relatively open to avoid being incorrect and/or bringing on a lawsuit. the outlet likely doesnt have more information than this that cant be used for identification.

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i feel incredibly seen

eternity is p good imo, not everything is fully implemented yet though

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alot of stuff you can read about meditiation is hooey, but practicing mindfulness and letting thoughts pass you by is a useful skill to practice. it takes some work, especially if you have a focus/anxiety problem. dont let your mind dwell on a thought, but dont push it out of your head, just "finish the sentence" as it were and move on to the next empty moment. it helps some people to visualize wiping a white board, smoothing sand, calming waves/ripples, etc.

dolphin uses secret numbers they arent allowed to distribute, that doesnt mean we shouldn't support dilphin. not everything thats good is totally 100% good, life is complicated. emulation is simple, and should be protected on the merits that nintendo is attacking it.

i cant imagine eating it unopened is good for digestion.

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highly recommend some thicker neoprene gloves for chemical work if youre doing a lot of tle work.they last a good while if you use them right.

align your projector setup

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will that treat 15 gallons of beverage or waste?

you seem less than fully aware of the current situation. https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/01/1145807

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sol goodboy


i too am plagued with rbf.

me n who

the appearance of the weapons or the owners?

clone wars/bad batch pretty hot too

if you feel like it

really cute beat. 😺

tons of people eat mcdonalds for the same reason, that doesnt make it taste bad.

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this might be more of an "i'll call you right back" situation

Pray that theyre on some sort of Jorn/Seedborn/Urza strategy so the game still ends.

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if i mounted a gun to a sandworm would it be a technical?

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estrogen doesnt change your voice, testosterone does though.


many homes in the uk are under or uninsulated due to a historically mild climate.

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le epic comment take my upvote XDDDD

totally fair, you're free to be as detailed with your own alt text as you like, i just dont see the value in playing editor for someone who already went above and beyond.

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youre probably not the type to keep a body in your garage to begin with in that case.

we need to get those numbers up, those are rookie numbers. /s

::: spoiler #nonspon jets has pretty great dough if you like a chewy handtossed/pan style pizza :::


still no option to change default download location but it has matured alot since i last tried it, thanks. 😽