Writerly Gal

@Writerly Gal@lemm.ee
1 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Writer, poet, creative dabbler, geek, cycling and star trek fan. Tends to ramble on about things she likes.

(the username was a suggestion from a url generator for a writing related website, and I immediately made it my nickname all over the internet)

Making food, either baking or cooking. They focus you on the here and now and you eat well to boot.

A hobby that has helped me a lot is knitting. It’s simple to learn and it’s another truly mindful thing to do for you.

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My excitement is maybe small, but I’m excited about the 5-ish hours of sleep I’ve just had, which is such a gift after weeks of pain waking me up all the time

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I see you shiver with antici…..


And as this post sorely misses classic romcom:

  • I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her
  • Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms.
  • peeeeeecaaaaaaaaaan piiiiiiieeeeeee

I really miss IRC and usenet. And I know both still exist but I miss the communities there 😊

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I’ve been on namecheap for a long time. They have a sale going on now. But they are really good, hardly ever a problem and if there is, their customer service is stellar.

I find the climate change deniers way more tiring.

Tea! Any tea.

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My health. It's made me lose so many connections, and lately it's made me feel like I'm invisible. Not even those closest to me really know how to deal with me and me having to cancel things because my body says no.

My Brother HL 230 laser printer is so reliable. Had it for years and it never failed me.

The first thing that came to mind: an olive fork. It was an expensive brand too.

I don’t eat olives and the giver knew that. The fork is still unused in my junk drawer.

This could be me. I first really fell in love in my thirties. Before that I had book boyfriends. Characters who I related to because of how they were written.

I didn’t know what aromantic/asexual was at the time, but they both fit me. I’m now married to a man who is my best friend and who accepts me as I am.

And being aro/ace doesn’t mean that I don’t have feelings. I do. I just have no idea whatsoever on how to express them and still feel like me, I guess?

Create a reading space, no tech allowed. Then every time you want to go read (could set alarms for that), you set everything aside, go to your space and read.

Try it with oatmilk. It’s so delicious!

I especially love the barista oat milk with cereal. It’s a little more expensive, but delicious.

Almond milk is so wonderful as well.

There is a thrift store in town with a carpet store attached, which is giant but 1/4th full. When we walked in the owner looked surprised we came to look at the thrift section. It was crap, and looked all untouched for a long long time

Thank you so much!

I used a couple of full spectrum bulbs in my old west facing office and the lighting was perfect for my art. Have since then moved to another spot, need to set the bulbs up there too before winter. 😀

I don’t get migraines but just pretty bad headaches and what helps me is staying in a dark room, putting an ice pack on my forehead and using a peppermint essential oil roller on my forehead and temples and then a muscle balm on my neck because often my neck muscles stiffen and that tends to make the headaches worse.

I hope your migraine lessens soon!

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Vlogbrothers has been a favourite for many years. They do so much good! And do lots of silly stuff too, like making a series of videos with titles taken from smash mouth’s rockstar 😀

I once managed to trip over a 5 cm metal ledge that I only noticed when I kicked into it while walking into a parking garage.

I fell over, fell on a knee that was just healed after another less stupid fall and scraped both hands badly too when I tried to break my fall.

So stupid!

Oh and it was after a concert and there were a lot of people present just watching me get up, crying in pain.

So it was my most embarrassing one too.

I do sometimes go back, but most of the places I used to visit are empty other than bots sharing crap. It used to be such a great place, had really supportive groups but also many many weird ones.

When I look back on my life, I always regret things I did out of fear or anxiety or any other emotions.

Trusting my gut, however, always led to the best for me in the long run.

In your case, did you follow your gut when heading home?

Also, your gut feelings are maybe muddled by emotions about the breakup, which is logical.

So give yourself some time to weigh your options and let your family and friends help you as well?

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I'm having a quiet recovery day instead of a day at a barbecue with family. I hate that this latest bug is soooo difficult to get rid of.

Door half open so the cats can walk back and forth, but not so much that it’s too light in the morning.

Very niche, but I would love to see a (bullet) journaling community on here. it was one of my favourite places to go on reddit. Also miss the fantasy community, but as I understand it, there are a lot of new communities in beta related to favourite authors and such.

Onmail is pretty awesome. You get 10gb free and it has a function where you have to approve first contacts. Very easy way to block spammers.

I use it to get mail from two other accounts.

I have used proton before and it’s fine but the one annoyance is that it treats mail in trash as archived mail, which means that you get a lot of: there is deleted mail in this thread.

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Most welcome! If you need any help, just ask. I make my own rollers a lot so I can help with any question.

I make them myself! I buy the best peppermint essential oil I can find and I have some aromatherapy rollers on Amazon.

Then I add 5 to 10 drops of the oil to the bottle, top it off with almond oil or something like that and then put on the roller top. Put on the lid, and shake it and then remove the top. Roll it on your hand and check the scent, opening it up if the roller needs more and then I roll it on my forehead and temples when needed.

And I might have migraines then because I can’t stand light when the headaches strike.

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I chose lemm.ee because it came highly recommended and rightfully so. Great management and great communities too

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He is my best friend

I’m a pen to paper gal, but also keep a Daylio journal as a health tracker.

Xfce is just amazing. I’ve used it for many years, starting with Xubuntu I think and it’s my go to Linux version. So minimal and functional.

There definitely is a difference. A gut feeling aka intuition comes without emotion. It just is like a knowing something for sure but not knowing why.

I trust my gut feelings implicitly. My emotions? Not so much. Emotions are always fleeting. There one minute, gone the next. Anxiety replays old fears time and time again.

When I think about or see rollercoasters for instance, I immediately am afraid. When I ask myself why, I remember instantly what I felt when I had an asthma attack in the middle of a rollercoaster ride. That fear replays as something new but isn’t.

I’ve read a lot about emotions and emotional wellbeing, I guess that’s why I’ve learned to tell the difference

Came here to answer PTerry too. I cherish his books (going to re-read them all again soon). I love the way he gave the fantasy genre an unadulterated joy. His books are the only ones that can make me cry with laughter, even on trains where I try to behave 😀 Also, he’s the only author who made me want to read footnotes 😂

The world got a little darker when he died.

I certainly do! Reddit was just too loud in every way.

Yeah you can. But a notebook is just always there and doesn’t need a chord to charge.

All kidding aside: if you have ADD tendencies, your phone often distracts you before you can write down that thought or that idea. This is why I always have a notebook with me.

And, also, there’s science https://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/dec/16/cognitive-benefits-handwriting-decline-typing

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I could never carry an A5 around. I have both an a5 watercolour and sketchbook on my desk, but for on the go I use an A6 sketchbook if I want to sit longer for sketching as it’s a hardcover, but usually my notebook is my go-to.

And I’ve had a similar convo with myself about writing things down, but if I don’t, I get overwhelmed and forget. And yes, I do remember the important stuff I write down, but I think it’s a good thing, because it stays in the forefront of my mind until I check it off 😀

I think that people will still stick with Reddit just like there are a lot of people still using Twitter: it feels like their home online.

Here’s a funny thing though, I’ve seen so many posts on Lemmy by people saying they were lurkers on Reddit but they do (intend to) post here.

That can’t be a coincidence 😊I am one of those former lurkers/occasional posters and I’m kinda active here.

(As an aside: I do wonder if the lack of overload due to constant ads can be attributed to that)

I really don’t miss Reddit much now, because the communities on Lemmy are wonderful, and they can only grow more.

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I work mostly with texts, but if I need something office-y, I go old school: gnumeric for spreadsheets and abiword for documents

Most welcome. Hope you check it out!

The latter for sure. I get email from two other accounts in my onmail. I’m not sure if they have imap themselves as I’ve never wanted to 😀