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Joined 13 months ago

Time for malicious compliance: "Kids, today we're talking about two girls got their dad drunk and raped him to get pregnant.

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It's dumber than that. We could do it if we cared about long term profits rather than next-quarter profits.

You know, I'm tired of this one. Every insult being an insult to blank is getting too predictable here.

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Currently, the top women don't come close to the top men. Considering how few female chess players are in comparison, it's not a surprise.

Having a women's league means you can have chess news about women's tournaments and champs and give them some visibility.

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I swear I remember a better example that's a perfect mirror for OP, but this is te best I found in 30 seconds.

...for "loitering."

To summarize further: ACAB. Loitering and "resisting arrest" are the new "mopery".

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This is more the shitty gun they bought to scare their neighbor. Also, their kids are skipping another meal.

I never considered it may have been a genuine accident until this quote.

Talk about a test of principles for those doctors.

They're minesweepers. That's like an unwarship.

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Twenty six of the 39 studies suggest that teleworking reduces energy use, and only eight studies suggest that teleworking increases, or has a neutral impact on energy use.

Your source does not say what you seem to think it says.

Sorry to break it to you, we stopped using CFCs because a cheaper alternative came along. That it happened to be less suicidal was a happy coincidence.

At one time both capybaras and puffins were classified as fish by the church to allow their consumption on all days. They were just too convenient to ignore.

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A lesson shared in the famous poem First they came for...

Anyone can use this lesson by Singh. If I'm called gay, I could end it by pointing out that's not true, but I don't think that would be right.

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Torgo's executive powder.

"which include a ban on selling tobacco to anyone born on or after Jan. 1, 2009"

Is this you saying that or are you quoting some other people?

I'm not expecting good faith here, but those reports were for Initial military.

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That gives me an idea. I'll come back to the office... In pog form!

He got rich making shovelware "educational" games and then selling the company with a gross overevaluation. He's a conman through-and-through.

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They still have Iran and North Korea. If that doesn't trigger "are we the baddies?" I don't think anything will.

"Forgive me father, for I have sinned. I've masturbated 9 1/2 times since my last confession."

"And a half?"

"Well, it's 10 times, now."

The debate is on intent. If the cause was incompetence and bad policy, then it's not genocide. It is, however, criminal incompetence.

Also, unrelated to the argument, modern figures have it as fewer than 5 million deaths.

Hate crime (not hate speech) is an aggravating circumstance to a given crime (in this case, murder) that in many places carries a harsher sentence.

That this is a murder is obvious. That this may be part of some "retaliation" against Muslims is what makes this world news (though not in the Reddit/Lemmy sense).

What the other guy said, but also, last time Mali had this problem flair up just a few years ago France did the intervention.

"Zevulon the Great. He's teriyaki-style."

References aside, this is far from the most elaborate hoax of this sort. I look forward to this "amazing discovery" to fade away with no further fanfare, as usual.

"Wars and rumors of wars" is like "a day that ends in Y." It has never not been applicable.

"We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas"

Not everyone enjoys encyclopedic knowledge of The Simpsons.

If Uttar Pradesh seceded today, it would be the 4th or 5th most populated country on Earth. Considering all the other circumstances that is a lot of potential NSFL news articles.

They're local news stations that carry the Fox brand and play Fox TV (Sitcoms, dramas, etc) the rest of the time on the channel. They don't have to show outwardly reactionary opinions of Fox news or show Tucker Carlson, for example.

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I just took a gander at the list as a refresher, and it is not 100% a war crime. You can argue this is an unjustified or excessive attack on civilians, but a judge may rule that is is required to defend against the enemy (Hamas).

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Women are voting like they are so fucking special.

Female cat/"Chatte", though

...on a public sidewalk near a famous tourist destination. He also is not obligated to show ID unless he is being arrested, which he had no reason for being so. So basically, arrested for resisting arrest.

Maybe not your source but I heard this from Hikaru Nakamura, in case anyone wants a source.

What would help is not speaking in analogies and fables. Unless your people understand your code, then by all means...

... And looks like a duck and walks like a goose.

There's a French poem I'm desperate to find again about a scientist trying to make an atomic bomb in service of France, but he can't get a blast over more than 2 meters.

He eventually figures the issue wasn't the yield, but targeting, so it concludes with our scientist detonating it in a small room among the politicians and generals he worked for.

I love history, and I think people should learn about all of it, but if I had to pick I'd dump ancient history for more contemporary history. People need to know in detail the 100 years leading to today far more than the 5000 years before that.

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Sixth times the charm! (France is on its fifth republic for those who wouldn't get it otherwise)