
3 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

They also bombed a lot of people who were just sitting in an apartment.

Right. And if you depend on them for your logic with cloudflare functions you will never be able to migrate to another CDN.

Never let a vender do anything for you beyond standardized features. That's why a "selling point" if we go with this guy we can do this... never makes sense. Because if option B can't do it also you wouldn't want to do "this", and you should probably implement it in a more old-school way.

It's the rule of modern engineering. You will always be served the worst possible product that can claim to have some utility. If it's not on the edge of being useful someone didn't engineer hard enough.

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But not with nearly every vehicle being one of them and operated by people with CDLs that understand a lot of the safety features of the road aren't going to work for them.

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I think maybe they are describing themselves.

Weren't you all just hating on Republicans for not voting for that bill.

How about an all bills must be fucking separate bill?

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They use dark patterns and cryptic dialog boxes to get old people to opt in.

You have ignored the possibility that even though there are finite gay people, among those finite gays one of them might be infini-gay.

This logic breaks down when you realize the laptop is mine, and not HP's or Windows. And any software that is mine, my copy of windows should also be mine and not microsoft's, can modify my device if I have selected some of my software to do that.

I think that could be possible. If sexuality were multi-dimensional and "gayness" was just a 1-D collapse of a higher dimensional space then you could pick a vector in the higher dimensional space to represent gayness, such that a few points at the extreme happen to have the same dot-product with that vector.

But then you would be defining gayness around the gymnastics of setting that up instead of something you are actually trying to estimate about people on that spectrum.

That and the fact that genocide is infinitely more evil than terrorism. Terrorism isn't good, but genocide can never be the response to terrorism. Because terrorism will always exist, and genocide never can. If genocide was an acceptable response to terrorism then there would be genocide every day, rather than never.

And because linux is 99% just the programs you install on it when you do upgrade to a new version you aren't being forced into a new system. This is why distro wars are pointless.

I know. Around the time I did the first bout of development on it, Matrix decided they were going to become Element which was going to free up the name. They decided to keep both. I'm at a loss for a good name that describes that posts have position. That the posts exist in a matrix makes sense to me. I have plans to run a poll on a name change. I know I could always do something completely random. Like Lemmy. That doesn't tell you what it does at all. But my particular brand of creativity makes me want to name things functionally. And Matrix is just so freaking perfect for what it is. All the other similar options are way too nerdy. Latent, vector. I just need to get down with the truly random.

Ideas would actually be super helpful.

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Geographically, the US.

Maybe if people understood electoral design and consensus mechanism we could have something other than the worst possible options in each party. Election mechanisms that promote popularity instead of acceptability is what got us here. The truth is the system doesn't work. When can people just start saying that openly?

There are vegans that were dictators. Therefore veganism should be illegal. Also some people who breath air have been known to be murderers.

Alexa's antinatalism is showing.

It needs an electoral system that makes third parties viable.

I have a very credible source that Thomas Massie just said that. Do you think Tucker Carlson deep faked Thomas Massie onto his program?

At least the state of Israel is more readily available to criticize, which as an ancap, I hate it when any government is worshiped. It's weirder when it's not your own. One's own nationalism is a strange phenomenon but at least I understand how it develops.

That's not what makes websites slow. It's React.

Retards with React. "I'm optimizing user experience"

I agree with you that they are both genocide enablers but calling the pandemic a genocide doesn't quite work. It didn't wipe an entire group of people off of the planet or out of an area. But yes, anyone who supports Israel right now is a genocide enabler, literally, and unfortunately both qualify, and so does almost all of congress.

If the system only gives you genocide enablers as an option it's time to stop believing in that system.

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No one would opt-in to having all of their personal files sent to the cloud. But Windows managed to get my father using OneDrive even though he had no idea what it was. He was absolutely pissed when I told him. Somehow that wasn't enough to get off of windows completely though.

Well I screwed up. The other reason why I didn't worry too much about it is at one stage it was just an internal project name and I just kept working on it, to the point that I think it's worth sharing. Yeah, figuring out the right name for it is a step I should do quickly.

Trump does look like a well spiced bird that's been under a heat lamp for about 40 years.

Biden looks like a bland bird that's been left to boil in a pot for 10.

In Christian Satanism is Jesus evil?

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Just stop using microsoft. Why would you sign into the cloud to use your local computer. Actually own your hardware with Linux or BSD. Do I own it or do they?

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As long as it all cycles back to the defense contractors the real people in power in washington would let him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD6kvDHbIYY

You have infinitely other options. search.brave.com, yandex, bing. And probably a lot of cool ones I don't know about.

All of them search more accurately your directly requested phrase instead of a blurry interpretation of your sentiment.

Too many moving parts to be solid state. Maybe about 10 minutes after one dies.

Israel has been plotting genocide for quite a while and anyone who has kept a bead on Israel knows that. If you supported them even before the immediately recent actions you are still a genocide enabler. So it's still both.

It's what they looked like, in the good old times.

Ok. That will be a candidate for the name change.

Thankfully only the baby died.

If you want society to rely less on cars stop subsidizing roads.

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He misspelled politicians.

If you don't use HP and you don't use windows you won't have the problem. You should be boycotting HP as a part of BDS anyway. https://bdsmovement.net/boycott-hp

"But I already bought an HP." If you had adopted BDS much earlier like you should have you wouldn't have these problems.

Yeah. Giving big corporations control over what other people say or think and allowing them the power to warp people's perception of consensus is guaranteed to put them at odds with their user base. And it's always a matter of time before that ends up affecting your particular user group. For what it's worth I have no interest in controlling what people say or think.

I don't know if that fully answered your question. Basically I think the line between good and bad is whether or not you are dealing with a large corporation. Federation is just one way of ensuring that. Then other is just not using corporate social media in general and you end up on the right side of the line in either case.

In some ways the web itself is decentralized. Not decentralized is when the users of the internet become concentrated on the 20 biggest sites. That's what gives you reddit. Being an element of a large decentralized whole without contributing to concentration is a kind of decentralized. My interest is to make the web itself more decentralized (less concentrated) and increase the diversity of algorithms and distinct communities people see the world through and interact with.

Either way it's something I made and people can check it out. That's what I love about the web as a layer of decentralization. Not many other kinds of decentralization let you do that.

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They think LGBT is benefited by having more visibility. In reality it puts them center stage for anti-LGBT rhetoric and the world is more antagonistic. In the 90s nobody cared about the gays.

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