US Drone Flights Over Gaza Supported Israeli Operation That Killed Over 200 Palestinians in Nuseirat to politics – 85 points –
US Drone Flights Over Gaza Supported Israeli Operation That Killed Over 200 Palestinians in Nuseirat - News From

Not enough for Biden to just fund it, he's got to get a little of that genocide action himself apparently...

Ah the blame game. Nice propaganda, but let's look at the facts.

Hamas kidnapped Israelis. THEY took Israelis hostage. THEY chose to hold the hostages among civilians. Many civilians chose to help THEM. Israel came to rescue the hostages. THEY fired at Israel. Israel fired back.

Hamas, not Israel or the US, are to blame for ALL civilian casualties.

Ah yes, this all happened right after my neighbor killed my son. So what I did was I went to each of his neighbors and I killed all of their sons. This was the right way to handle it, because of course, he started it.

That and the fact that genocide is infinitely more evil than terrorism. Terrorism isn't good, but genocide can never be the response to terrorism. Because terrorism will always exist, and genocide never can. If genocide was an acceptable response to terrorism then there would be genocide every day, rather than never.

Ignoring the decades of illegal occupation, Israel continues to hold ten times the number of hostages that Hamas has ever held. No one is buying your hasbara anymore.

Exactly. And the West Bank is hamas. That’s why the settlers are detaining it. Dead pregnant women? They were actually blinds for little hamas snipers. Historical abuses of Palestinians by Israel is just a hamas psyop. Journalism? More like hamasism!

"Look what you made me do."

The very last person you want around you when the bullets fly is one that believes there should be a cause with no effect. Even Hamas knows this. Hamas was well aware of the consequences of its crimes and counted on more victims, which is why it held hostages in a densely populated area. Only Hamas and those who help it are responsible for these actions.

Saving this for the next time someone says no one here supports genocide.

All the liberals here support genocide. Every single one. Most are too afraid to admit it and hide behind cries of "vote blue no matter who" and accusing anyone who opposes the genocide in Gaza of being a trump supporter or Russian bot, this one was just dumb enough to say the quiet part out loud. If I were smart and cared about my mental health I'd just block every librart on here (: their shit is never entertaining, just frustrating and depressing

Holy fuck, you poor moron.

Considering the source that's a compliment

I often forget idiots like you exist. People so deranged they blame the people who were forced to violence so they could be blamed for the genocide against them. People who were abused and tormented who decided to fight back with less than pure means.

Don't wake up tomorrow.

Forced to rape and murder?

Same mindset as bin Laden. How'd that work out for him?

Ask the US military if they've ever raped or murdered someone who didn't deserve it.

Every fighting force has psychos in it

For that we have the US Military Code of Coduct, and we put such military in prison or death. Don't talk about things you know nothing about.

Which gets broken constantly and you're a moron if you think it doesn't go unpunished. Take Israel's dick out of your mouth, they don't care about you.

There's a special wing of military at Ft. Leavenworth that would disagree. Sinwar won't fuck you even though you have that cute kufiyyeh on.