
1 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Sounds like the solution is to say, "Yes," then never show up onsite. Make them fire you, so you're entitled to unemployment benefits and any severance.

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Who exactly was hyped about this?

Personally, I typically want my interactions with technology to be quiet. I don't want it talking, and I don't want to be talking to it.

Not to mention the privacy implications of an always-on camera and microphone connected to the internet

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"Known MBTA security flaw remains unpatched after being publicly disclosed 15 years ago. Boston mad. More at 11."

Can we let this platform die quietly and stop bombarding the feed with Elmo spam?

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The best part is that this whole thing is about having the "opportunity" to purchase reddit stock at its IPO price. This user generated content farm wouldn't dare give away equity for free to users responsible for the site having any past, present, or future value.

I'm not a finance person, but the only gambling I'd do on this company is hope that Wall Street pumps the price post-IPO so I can short it.

My understanding is that the value of each reddit user is priced roughly at $2. A Facebook user is priced at roughly $40. Their only options to maybe be profitable are more enshittification, more users, or both. Or, you know, not paying hundreds of millions of dollars to the execs of an RSS feed with voting and comments.

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AdFocus is a free short URL redirection service with a twist. Get paid for links you share on the internet. You can place links on your website, forums, and more!

Yeah, no. Here is a direct link to the article:

And a link to the paper:

I think this is fair, but man the retaliatory tariffs for NSA backdoors would be atrocious

NewPipe has been my go-to for years. Available on F-Droid with regular updates.

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X gon' give it to ya

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The fact that this is the only new "innovation" worth writing an article about is sad. Technological progress has declined so much over the last decade as Big Tech has consolidated the market. Doesn't help the every minor leap gets turned into a subscription these days either.

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What happened is that the FTC is taking on Amazon in court as we speak:

FTC Sues Amazon for Illegally Maintaining Monopoly Power

Anyone got a number?

I have some very important information for them regarding expiration of their vehicle warranties.

100%. I subscribe here to learn about new advancements—to learn about technology.

The finances and politics of the tech industry have a home in those respective communities.

We're gonna have some juicy legal battles when Hollywood start leveraging generative AI more and more

Not sure what buying a short form video platform has to do with creating a new internet dedicated to privacy and open protocols, but cool? Maybe he just wants the user base

Nah, condoms have existed for ages and have many other benefits.


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This post has nothing to do with technology

That's what OP said. Unless there's an admin/IC role that pays $800k+/yr, in which case sign me up!

To my knowledge, Signal is the only verifiably secure encrypted messaging app that's market ready. Signal is fully open source, including its encryption algorithm which has been tested numerous times and even gotten government agencies like the FBI all butthurt that can't break it or get a backdoor from the devs. I have a friend whose cryptography professor contributed to the project.

It was only in recent years that Signal upped their game enough with the user experience for me to start recommending it to friends and family. In 2013, when I first recall trying it out, Signal was more clunky and always wanted to be your default SMS app. I didn't like that, because at the time they didn't have a client to send messages from your computer.

Nowadays they have an desktop app that syncs with your phone, video calling, and even stories – which some people find weird but I'm all for non-Zuccubus owned private and secure alternatives to social media. I'm pretty sure anyone on Lemmy would love to pull more power away from these surveillance based ad companies and stop being data cows.

Tl;dr: Fuck the Zuck, keep promoting Signal, democratize the internet

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Stop spamming Twitter. I don't care. I want news about actual advancements in technology.

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Elon is a megalomaniacal cunt, but I was wondering why environmentalists of all people would push to limit electric vehicle production. It seems a little brain dead while we're actively watching the climate warm at a much higher rate than was predicted when I was young.

Anyway, this is about protecting their water.

Environmentalists also worry about the pressure the factory puts on the local water supply and the risk of contamination.

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I don't think anyone in this thread thinks it's good for any government to be spying on everyone. But if we can cut off that flow of data to at least one government, great. Especially since that government is oppressive and authoritarian.

Maybe one day the US government will be cut off from mass surveillance as well.

In terms of reciprocity, the TikTok ban is long overdue. The US government's most valuable mass surveillance tools – Google, WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, etc – aren't allowed there.

Gavin Belson has entered the chat

This is the episode: https://vimeo.com/830748401

People who say things like that don't understand what regulations are or that better regulated capitalism is probably what they want


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Hah, I would assume they mean not beholden to a government that tracks its citizens with facial recognition, data mines its citizens' personal communications to arrest them before they can even organize a protest, and is run by a dictator who literally made it illegal to call him Pooh Bear.

The sphere that America exerts control over is not without its issues and is surely corrupt. But it is nowhere near as corrupt, oppressive, and lacking in individual freedom as China and the other contender for world domination. Unlike China, America has no social credit score enforced by an all-seeing mass surveillance mechanism where VPN's and other attempts to hide from it are strictly illegal. And while many Americans might be racist toward Muslims, the American government does not dehumanize them and force them into labor camps.

Your whataboutism is clearly just a Chinese troll, but I'll leave this comment as a reminder to others reading that there is zero equivalence.

You are a person arguing to do nothing to attempt to solve the problem of CO2 emissions from airplanes, which account for a very large proportion of global emissions. You are arguing incessantly about why progress shouldn't be made. Cut it out. The energy density of liquid hydrogen makes it the only viable fuel source for air travel that isn't a petrochemical. That's why this is important. Fuck your whining about boogymen in the fossil fuel industry as a backdrop to this. It's irrelevant. What matters is progress, because zero carbon air travel is probably the most difficult challenge we face in cutting fossil fuels out of modern society.

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Pretty sure I first read this headline in 2012. I'm glad the DOJ finally woke up

Lower Wacker in Chicago is a black hole

First of all, they spelled Heelys wrong. Second, Heelys are a great idea, even better as an adult in an office with polished concrete floors.

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I'll sell you the same albums for $1.19 🤫

Signal is great!

I remember when it was trash in like 2013, but it's been something I recommend to family and friends since at least 2020. UI is clean, modern, and uncluttered IMO.

Not sure I've ever seen Signal push anything crypto related.

Telegram is "pinky promise" secure with a closed source encryption mechanism. I love that it was created by the guy who created VK and fled Russia when the oligarchy wanted control, but that was years ago. Signal is fully open source, including its encryption.

They store no information on users, not even metadata like phone numbers, and this is documented in the blog posts they make when governments get mad about it after their requests for user data can't be filled.

The fact that you need a phone number to sign up bothered me early on, but over time I've realized how helpful it is from a UX perspective. Friends and family want to be able to connect to their contacts directly – not ask for a username.

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I also find it crazy that people don't understand the value of privacy. Telling people that Nissan wants to sell information about your sexual activity seemed to wake some of my social circle up. But only in the context of Nissan, which almost certainly doesn't have that data. Meta almost certainly does.

What sort of roadmap are you looking for in Signal? It does everything I need it to do, personally.

I actually didn't realize it supported anything other than YouTube. TIL

This is a major problem for all democracies, and LLM driven troll accounts probably do exist. But this xitter post is a fake error message. It's clearly a troll.

Blocking fake accounts would help with the misinformation problem, but it's a cat and mouse game. It could ultimately give additional credence to the trolls who slip through if the platform is assumed to be safe. The reality is that there will always be ways for fake accounts to avoid detection and to spoof account verification. Making it harder would help, but it's not a comprehensive solution. Not to mention the fact that the platform itself has the power to manipulate public opinion, amplify their preferred narrative, etc.

The solution I've always preferred is the mentality the 4chan community had when I was younger and frequented it. Basically, and I'm paraphrasing:

Everyone here needs to grow up and understand that no post should ever be presumed to be true or legitimate. This is an anonymous forum. Assume that everything was written by a bot or a troll in the absence of proof that it wasn't.

I think people put too much trust in social media precisely because they assume that there's a real person behind every post. They assume that a face and a few photos gives an account legitimacy, despite the fact that it's trivial to copy photos from a random account (2015/16 pro-Trump Facebook style) or just generate all of the content from scratch with AI (to avoid duplicate detection).

Trust itself is driver of misinformation. On social media, people should only fully trust posts made by people they know. That is the simplest and most comprehensive solution to the problem.

For messaging on Facebook without the app: mbasic.facebook.com

It sucks, but it works.

I feel like this thread has been bombarded by the Zuckerberg defense brigade.

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I wonder about this as well. Maybe the rights holders are different in different regions? So they need to split the revenue?