Humane AI Pin: much-hyped gadget rocked by bad reviews to – 135 points –
Humane AI Pin: much-hyped gadget rocked by bad reviews

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Humane AI Pin: much-hyped gadget rocked by bad reviews

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The original was posted on /r/technology by /u/BubblyMcnutty on 2024-04-17 10:40:02.


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Who exactly was hyped about this?

Personally, I typically want my interactions with technology to be quiet. I don't want it talking, and I don't want to be talking to it.

Not to mention the privacy implications of an always-on camera and microphone connected to the internet

Yeah i don't know. From everything i ever read or seen about it month ago, everyone seemed to agree that it's proper shit.

Who exactly was hyped about this?

IDK Trekkies maybe? Except it's shaped wrong, and beaming up doesn't work.
If they manage that, maybe there's a market. 😋

bluetooth enabled comm badges are already available and not that big of a success.

Do keep in mind the microphone is only on when you touch the touchpad, this device doesn't use "wake words" like Alexa, Google Assistant, etc

One of few good aspects about it, but only if you don't think about it too much. The question remains is if you can actually trust this, because there is no physical button disconnecting microphone and camera. It's all just in software and could be unsafe.

That's the case for every phone except that one model with hardware switches

You can make the camera blind with a sticker or one of those slidey cover things, although it's much more annoying since that fad of cut outs for cameras has started.

Also, like I said in the other comment, my phone isn't attached to my chest like a body cam and constantly in a position to film everything in the room. If the NSA wants to see my feet, the ceiling or my face, they are free to do so.

Except if the OS is open-source and was proven to not have such spontaneous functionality.

Same goes with your phone, unfortunately

The fewer devices listening in on me, the better.

Sure, but at least my phone doesn't have a wide-angle lens that could be constantly filming everything, because it's attached to my chest.