
9 Post – 123 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I agree with you.

And youre right that the article doesnt focus on the algorithmic hate factory which to me is the main difference between social media and traditional media. For instance, and this is just anecdotal, my grandma who had nothing besides an analog telephone and broadcast tv became just as polarized and angry as someone with social media just by reading and watching Fox news (and eventually OAN and Newsmax) all day. I cant imagine that Facebook would have made it any worse.

The algorithm is probably accelerating the polarization pipeline, but i guess my point was that social media isnt necessarily doing anything new or distinct. Its doing the same thing Rush Limbaugh was doing on the radio 25 years ago, its just on a new frontier.

The 24 hour news cycle was already throwing sensational controversial stories up and speculating wildly if not outright lying about to hold on to eyeballs. The longer you watch, the more commercials you see. Etc etc.

I would love to see a study of social media vs traditional media to see whether the mean time to full polarization changes and if so, how significantly.

Good Ted talk!

Nope not really. People were already mad but its a lot easier to get mad publicly on the internet than in person. But Im sure the same people could get just as angry watching biased news channels but they cant start arguments with anyone in that context.

And also, don't forget Betteridges Law of Headlines.

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I haven't done any work for the military but i can say that all the legacy systems I've worked on were because the specific software they need was written only for Windows 98 and the developer or company that created it is long gone. Keeping it going is a chore but switching to literally anything else is out of the question.

I could see for military applications that having the known quantity of a working piece of software that isn't changing anymore and can be swapped as an entire unit is an advantage, especially if it doesn't touch the internet in any capacity. But eventually you run out of people who know what to do if any changes need to be made.

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There are several things like that in Fedora, which is already a good reason not to recommend it to first timers. They most likely won't know or care about nonfree codecs, they will just see a broken machine. Linux Mint understands that as a use case and has a "magic make it work" checkbox during install.

That all being said, I run Nobara and love it, but i wouldn't recommend it for new people.

Y'all know that Ready Player One was a DYS-topia right guys?

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Connected a Samsung smart TV to my network when we first got it. The thing damn-near crashed my pi-hole asking for so many ad/tracking domains. Factory reset it later that same day. I think my % of requests blocked went from 15% to 68% in just the 3 hours or so the Smart TV was connected.

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God i wish. And most everyone here could install a new operating system in about 20 minutes. But nobody else is going to because the learning curve for a regular user to install an os is basically perpendicular. Even if they had a linux installer already on a flash drive.

Oh just boot into the bios and find the option to boot for a flash drive and then boom installed.

Which requires a user to know, What a bios is

What booting means

What boot options mean

What the model of their flash drive is

What button on their keyboard they need to press to get to the bios

What secure boot is

Where they need to go to turn off secure boot

How and where to back up their important files

What a disk partition is

How to reverse the changes made to the bios so that it doesn't boot to usb by default.

And that's assuming they know why they want a different OS, why they care and that they know about Linux in the first place.

Most people dont and never will. All you can do is install Linux for the ones you like the most and say a prayer to your favorite deity for the rest.

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This is the sort of thing that to me highlights the inherent inefficiency of proprietary software and processes.

"Oh sorry, you'll need our magic hardware in order to run this software. It simply can't happen any other way."

Turns out that wasnt true which of course it isn't.

Imagine instead of everyone could have been working together on a fully open graphics compute stack. Sure, optimize it for the hardware you sell, why not, but then it's up to the "best" product instead of the one with the magic software juice.

Good thing broadband providers have such a stellar track record of nothing but honorable and consumer-benefiting behavior. I see no reason that we can't just trust that they have our best interests at heart.

Hey at least you won't have to sign in anymore just to get automatic driver update checking.

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That was absolutely their plan all along.

If they wanted to do time-based discounts, they could just blast a 10% off coupon to every app user in a specific geographic area.

Plus they get the bonus of user data when people sign up for the app that they can sell to the government leverage for non-industry profit streams.

True disgusting profiteering.

Wow this music player app is simple and does everything it should.

Random Commenter: why won't it play video?

MBA: Why isn't this a subscription service?

There's a toggle


There's a toggle but we moved it deep into a sub menu


If you toggle it off it also breaks a lot of other things you want to have


Toggle it off if you want but it's still going to run in the background

Until the EU sues and forces them to have an option to actually remove it.

Cool. But no it doesn't. Ive heard enough from him that I can imagine it just fine.

TLDR: Android 15 is going to keep the Android System Webview ram-resident at pretty much all times so that when an app needs a "web popup page" it will load significantly faster.

Here is an article from Android Central detailing how the component works at relatively high level.

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Checks to see what serverless services are running on?

Kubernetes Server Cluster.



As someone with literally thousands of hours in RCT 1 2 and 3 combined this looks genuinely awful to me.

OpenRCT2 (RCT2 Mod) has better animations and most likely more quality of life features. Really RCT1 looks better and smoother than this and it did so on a pentium 4 CPU in 2003.

I don't understand how a 24 year old game is making this new one look so awful. To be fair, Chris Sawyer captured lightning in a bottle for the first game, but come on! You're telling me a huge studio with millions of dollars and tops of personnel can't do better than this?


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That was my main take-away. You're the CEO of the company. If someone writes a mean blog post about your business so what? Fix the issues with the product if they are legitimate things that need fixing. Otherwise leave people alone. If something constitutes libel then sue. Otherwise it's just someones opinion which they are entitled to.

No I have a bad opinion about him as well (please don't reach out to me either).

I've been running crunchbang++ on an older laptop since they updated to the latest Debian release.

I love how simple and speedy it is and since it's based on Debian 12 and GTK 4 I can still run all my software super easily.

It's also become my go-to live distro.

This is the exact plot of Nothing but Trouble except the mayor in the movie is a literal dicknose.

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Let them fight.

It will be interesting to see what sort of branding changes come from this. Will the WD Red blue and black names remain for the consumer parts? Will they change back to SanDisk? Will they go to something completely new like Toshiba did with Kioxia? Will their portable SSDs still break immediately after they get halfway full? Only time will tell.

Wow! Spoilers much?! I can't believe they spoiled the "Beer Ending" in the trailer...

I will say though that even though I know it will just be a text adventure, I kid of want to play it now.

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All I see around is old Cisco enterprise stuff and 1000 would be a low price for that. Not to mention the potential for quite loud fan noise.

Unifi has one with 10 gig uplinks for the same price as used Cisco stuff and it has poe also. Still 1600 bucks though.

Another casualty of the Warner/Discovery clusterfire it seems.

Not that Rooster Teeth were bastions of well-run businesses but still. If you have a favorite Warner or Discovery movie or show better get the DVD before its too late.

When that first happened I switched to KISS Launcher. Fully search based. really simple and really fast.

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There's a new proof of concept malware that when an AI processes it causes arbitrary code execution and spreads itself to everyone on the victims email list.

This requires no input from the user

Yes please put more of this crap into every crevice of the OS.

I don't have YouTube Pro or whatever its called now and when I listen to music on my Google home it plays an ad after ever song. Since I have switched to Pihole and blocked googles DNS servers the only ads I get are to buy premium YouTube which I assume are hardcoded into something somewhere.

We better be careful, with Googles track record they will be getting rid of YouTube soon and rolling it into whatever they are calling their Skype clone nowadays.

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I think a lot of people get caught up in wanting Linux to "win" be getting more market share or getting XYZ software ported to Linux but Linux is doing great. Unlike Microsoft aggressively pushing Windows and sacrificing their own users on the altar of market share, Linux can just be.

More share would be great and greater software availability would be awesome but Linux doesn't need to "beat" Windows or Mac to be useful or relevant or good. It already is. And I for one look forward to any new DE's that anyone wants to make.

It would be nice to get some kind of more usable CAD program on Linux though but it's not up to Pop_OS to do that, it's up to Autodesk or a team of extremely talented FOSS programmers or a Blender Foundation situation where the whole industry commits to a new open standard.

A full desk-size mouse pad.

If you work at a desktop it makes a huge difference to overall ergonomics.

Also the squatty potty. Especially if you have a high toilet.

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This seems like it might be a perfect use case for Tailscale. The open source version of the control plane is called Headscale but you'd have to host it in a vps somewhere if you wanted to use it.

God I really hate to see Oracle involved. Everything they touch turns into an IP lawsuit.

If they really loved open source so much they wouldn't have close-sourced ZFS and OpenSolaris in 2010 after they were already open source.

CIQ and Rocky are solid but remember just because Oracle is the enemy of the enemy doesn't make them even close to a friend.

I had a client as of a couple of years ago with a custom fronted software build on top of an access mdb database running on windows 98 continuously since 2000. They had been backing it up onto a 18 year old 1GB flash drive every night for years. Their interest was exactly zero in upgrading to anything newer.

What do you mean? Its easy!

Teams White and Purple=hotmail

Teams Purple and White=365 for business

Teams Lavender (new)=Electron App

Teams Mauve (with Knuckles)=Teams except you are talking exclusively to Copilot AI

Teams Royal Purple (360 Edition)= Used by the Kansas City Royals baseball team

Teams Sky-Blue and White (Me)=Skype for Business

Teams Periwinkle= Codename for Slack

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I was genuinely convinced they offered 10gig service in some markets. Doesn't surprise me that its all marketing nonsense.

Just a tip for anyone who wants to know, if you have Comcast business internet they'll tell you you have to use their modem but, you can swap it out with a 3rd patty modem and use the live chat service to get it activated. Then you can send back their modem for free at a ups store. Every salesperson will tell you its not possible but it absolutely is.

Love to see this and hate to see it at the same time.

I wonder how long interoperability will last or if they will immediately start forging a new path.

I tend to agree. Especially with midroll ads. And I also see YouTube Red/Premium/Plus as too expensive especially compared to free.

I wonder if it cost $1-$3 per month instead of $14 if they wouldn't get so many more subscribers that they would still end up making more money.

Of course they would still be incentivized to slowly raise prices over time but I could be talked into $2 a lot quicker than $15.

I was devastated when Android Signal removed SMS support. Since then I'm down to just 3 people that I still use signal with.

Its been a shame to see the direction its gone since the huge influx after the last WhatsApp controversy.

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Dope Wars Classic. The best modern recreation of the TI Calculator/Palm Pilot game Drugwar.

Still awesome to play to this day.

Only 1000 times? It's interesting that there's such a bias there but it's a computer. Ask it 100,000 times and make sure it's not a fluke.