
4 Post – 493 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

Fascists, Racists, Transphobes, Terfs, Homophobes can fuck off.

Let the infinite forking on infinite platforms commence.

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A rapist who is not only sickeningly still walking free, but is the frontrunner for the Nazi party.

I'd say that it's a new low for the Nazi party, but we all know it's not.

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Oh Elon. You're gonna need a whole lot more Ketamine to convince yourself you're a good father.

There's more than a few reasons why Linux can't make the jump to holding a dominant position in the desktop market.

One is simply preinstallation. For companies (and therefore the general public) to adopt the Desktop Linux, they'd need it simply to be installed for them, with a Desktop Environment like Gnome or KDE.

Secondly is updates. As much as Linux users tout the control they have over when and how updates take place, and how much Windows users will always complain about having to update their systems, until system updates on Linux are made automatic (or at least given the option to be made automatic), there cannot be a mainstream Linux Desktop. This means updates that happen very much like Windows, no administrator/sudo password, just happens on reboot regularly.

The reason for this is mainly that the average user would never update unless forced, and then when something inevitably breaks, they are left, as always, frustrated that their computer just didn't work as expected forever without any upkeep, understanding, or updates.

Lastly is support. And this is multifaceted. By support I mean software support by companies like Adobe. I also mean a much farther reaching swath of random devices that literally plug and play like on Windows.

As an aside, I'll also say that since there is a move towards Wayland, there also needs to be a No Configuration Necessary way of running Nvidia on Wayland. This is less a Linux issue, and more a Nvidia one, but until pretty much any and all hardware works on Linux the way it just works on Windows, this sadly affects Linux Desktop adoption as more and more of the Linux Desktop ecosystem moves towards forcing Wayland adoption.

Finally I'll say that the Microsoft corporation at large obviously relies mainly on Corporate Adoption of its products and services, and that the Windows Desktop is simply one part of that greater whole. Their approach to competing with Apple and their walled garden ecosystem has been to slowly but surely create their own, its just so much larger you forget there are walls. They have done this by absorbing more and more of the tech ecosystem either by acquisition, invention, or otherwise. Examples ot this include Bing and All Search Engines that Use it, the pushing of TypeScript into JavaScript Development, the predominance and proliferation of VSStudio/VSCode in modern software development, their heavy involvement with OpenAI and aggressive pushing of AI products/services, their acquisition of Github and subsequent further expansion of influence over software development and distribution, and much much more.

Despite the privacy invasion, enshittefication of the user experience, and their various other ways they have mistreated their users specifically via the direction they've taken Windows, Microsoft has established itself as THE Desktop, as THE Workstation, and as THE company that comes to mind when the average person mentions "computer", and the majority of people associate computer related productivity and play with Windows.

For all the advances made to Desktop Linux, especially in recent years, it is unlikely that Linux Desktop adoption will ever proliferate to the kinds of mainstream adoption that its accolades desire. Until Linux (or at least a Linux distribution) can demonstrate what I've mentioned above (preinstallation, automatic/automated updates, and wide spread software/hardware support from various 3rd party vendors) along with demonstrating a work flow/user experience that is somehow both familiar to the user and also better than the experience on Windows, then the day of the Linux Desktop will never come.

This aforementioned demonstration, btw, would have to become obscenely apparent to the average every day computer user who just wants to get their work done, play a Video Game, and watch Netflix, all without having to ever even know what a terminal emulator is.

I love Linux, and I think the Linux Desktop is not only a superior user experience, but is just better in general than Windows. But the average user I've encountered generally hates their Computer if it doesn't work as expected 110% of the time. Linux, and honestly computers, will never be able to do that, but the closer the Desktop (and user facing GUIs more broadly) get to creating that illusion of "it all just works all the time", the more adoption you'll see.

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This man's mouth deserves to be treated as nothing less than a literal toilet.

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When he finally ends up in prison where he belongs, he'll claim he was never Donald Trump.

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Damn...makes me want to take the time to pirate games I already bought and own...

And then write it in my will that those who inherit my few earthly possessions have to play through each of my games at least once in front of a lawyer in order to receive their inheritance. Lol, I kid, 😂...or am I 😈?

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My only advice to the rich executive fat cats is to just give the actors what they want.

If you think you can replace them with AI, you can't.

If you think you're paying them enough, you're not.

If you think you're safe in your hidden bunkers, know that you're neither hidden nor safe. The poors are already inside and right behind you...and they're fucking starving...

Save yourselves now and just give the actors what they fucking want, assholes.

Nah. Trump came along and basically said "Hey, you know how we've been openly and loudly racist? Let's do that...but MORE open and LOUDER."

That's what "make America great again" means.

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They are paying 2/3rds of their income from a 80 hour warehouse job for a 1 futon closet in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, and then being told they are living too frivolously by assholes.

That's it Microsoft...keep pushing more people to use Linux. 🐧

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I'm looking forward to when the Linux community, and society at large, has forgotten about noninclusive Transphobic assholes like this fuck.

I honestly don't care if the work you've done saves the planet and proves you're the smartest human to ever live. If Vaxry can't understand why being sympathetic to the LGBTQ+ community by adhering to their conventions around identifying pronouns is a good thing, then he's simply chosen to align himself with those who don't care, i.e. Transphobic hate groups.

That's the company he keeps now, and it might as well be who he is.

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If he really wants to go down this route, then perhaps he should call out Nick Fuentes over his desire to have a child bride first. Both shithead monsters can fuck off and die.

If I'm going to Hell, then I am sure as shit seeing these two assholes there. And I'm looking forward to accompanying them while we burn. Seriously, fuck them both.

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My parents. Asked me to upend my job and life, move halfway across the country to be closer to them as they approached their elder years so I could help them out as their health is slowly declining. They've told me all my life they just don't want to go to a nursing home when they got older.

So yeah, I did it. Me and my parents have issues for sure, but ultimately I love them and they always have done right by me.

I had to adjust a bit, but I work from home and am single with no kids of my own, so it wasn't as difficult as it is for some people I'm sure. But yeah, I have never done as much for any other family member or friend, but if I were given the choice again, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.

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At this point they'd rather forsake god as a socialist than believe the Nazi...ahem...”Republican” party can do wrong.

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Well with all the bribes Thomas is probably on the take for, yeah, it would be.

If Thomas were only getting the legit government salary, Oliver's offer would be over three times as much per year. Not to mention he gets that... sweet RV cringes /s

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Exactly. It's a massive stretch to think there's a false equivalency between "support" and "preserve, protect, and defend".

But of course...this is Trump here. He's willing to bend himself into a pretzel if it means he can avoid responsibility for anything bad.

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I use Artix Linux with runit and am happy. Artix offers multiple init systems other than systemd. If you're familiar with using Arch Linux, basically Artix is the same without systemd.

You can install the various ISOs and see the differences for yourself, but the complaints launched against systemd that have any validity are either technical and/or philosophical in nature.

In a lot of ways, systemd has become like the JavaScript of init systems in that it handles a lot more than what it originally was needed for (init starts other processes after boot, JavaScript adds small amounts of interactivity to web pages).

As opposed to what each became (systemd now handles DNS, cron, bootloader, and is a suite of tools tightly coupled with the init system) (JavaScript has now become a scripting language with access to the C level exec library to the point where an OS can and has been written in it).

In the early days of systemd adoption, there was much controversy over its seemingly sudden mass adoption. SysV init needed a modern replacement, and indeed, alternatives like Upstart, openrc, and others were in production to eventually replace it. Lennart Poettering and Kay Sievers over at Red Hat created and heavily promoted systemd.

Lennart was already somewhat beloved/hated in the community as he had developed PulseAudio, which was a boon over the previous Alsa implementation, but was considered bloated and unnecessary by the less audio oriented Linux users of the time. He was inspired to create systemd after researching Apple's new init implementation, launchd.

Controversy spread as Lennart would dismiss adoption of systemd into the BSD family of UNIX like OSes. He also dismissed competitors like Upstart, as their implementation of certain modern features like CGroups was not as developed as systemd at the time. Additionally, Linux users at the time were heavily concerned that Red Hat was trying to take over the entirety of the Linux space, enforcing a more corporate and commercial influence on what had previously been a community more in line with the aims of the FSF.

Much of this culminated in a months long email exchange on the Debian email list, where many of these grievances, pros and cons of systemd adoption, and overall discourse around this topic took place in 2013-2014. Eventually the result was that Debian adopted systemd as the default init system, which along with Fedora, Arch, and other distros, sealed the fate of other alternative init systems as being fringe, out of date, and irrelevant.

More and more system admins would learn the ins and outs of systemd as it would become required for their jobs, and the criticism of systemd became more and more quiet as it just became part of the every day Linux experience.

Truth be told, the birth of systemd really heralded in the death of the UNIX philosophy as an old way of thinking about software development and program scope. Doing one thing only, and doing it well, while looking good on paper, and oftentimes is a good general rule of thumb, doesn't apply to modern application development, for better and worse.

I personally like runit not for its speed, but for its simplicity. I can peruse the C code in an afternoon and appreciate it for what it is, an init system. I can't say the same when I look at systemd's code.

But most could care less. As long as it works. And all the power to them...

It does surprise me somewhat, however, that Linux users will condemn bloated browsers, electron apps, and text editors, but will give a pass to systemd, which holds so much more importance over whether pid 1 even launches and starts user space.

Let the downvoting commence.

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The FBI data also shows a 59% reduction in the U.S. property crime rate between 1993 and 2022, with big declines in the rates of burglary (-75%), larceny/theft (-54%) and motor vehicle theft (-53%).

Using the BJS statistics, the declines in the violent and property crime rates are even steeper than those captured in the FBI data. Per BJS, the U.S. violent and property crime rates each fell 71% between 1993 and 2022.

And an NPR article on the same topic:


But in 2023, crime in America looked very different.

"At some point in 2022 — at the end of 2022 or through 2023 — there was just a tipping point where violence started to fall and it just continued to fall," said Jeff Asher, a crime analyst and co-founder of AH Datalytics.

In cities big and small, from both coasts, violence has dropped.

"The national picture shows that murder is falling. We have data from over 200 cities showing a 12.2% decline ... in 2023 relative to 2022," Asher said, citing his own analysis of public data. He found instances of rape, robbery and aggravated assault were all down too.

Yet when you ask people about crime in the country, the perception is it's getting a lot worse.

Great article. The author, Ed Zitron, covers this same topic on his podcast, Better Offline. I highly recommend it.

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Ugh, I know they don't deserve the sweet embrace of death, but I honestly would appreciate it if him, his whole family, and anyone who ever remotely supported him even for a brief moment just dropped dead already.

Face it Republicans, you couldn't make America white... ahem... "great" again. Perhaps you'll have better luck in Hell? Fucking Nazis and their sympathizers can fucking die.

Here here! Let the money I spend go to the people who actually made the fucking product!!

When Biden wins, who's betting we'll see Trump on the ballot again in 2028? And if not, in 2032? And so on, and so on...and if not him one of his kids...and if not them someone far more insidious and intelligent than them all...this is only the beginning. Trump is just the tip of evil rearing its horrific head.

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The developer included furry porn art as part of the code base of his other browser project, Thorium. He removed it after it was discovered.

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Nice find. Here it is without JS, or giving medium your traffic:


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Trump supporters are more pathetic than the man himself. This is exemplified simply because this demonstration of his ineptitude as well as his various acts of indecency and immorality cannot and will not sway their opinion of the man.

The only way to change their opinion of him is for Trump himself to "go woke" so hard they no longer recognize him as their Cheeto covered Jesus.

Good article. Makes me sad though as I'm a self taught web dev starting out. Just gonna keep going though. Nothing much else to do tbh.

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Awesome. I've been using GrapheneOS on my Pixel 7 for almost a year now and it's been great. I won't be using this feature, but am happy it might attract more users.

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Well he's got the politician frump face down.

"Welp, I tried to accomplish something, but I blame my colleagues across the aisle. I'm a good politician, now pay me your tax money while I listen to my actual lobbyist constituents."

Well, tencent did make a sizable investment in Reddit a few years back.


But then again r/fuckthecpp was a pretty active sub that received pretty much no censorship from the CCP as far as I know.

I try and avoid Discord though ...they farm way too much data. I use it only when co workers insist on using the platform, but I always begrudgingly mention Matrix clients like Element instead.

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Coffee, Tea, and caffeinated beverages have been a double edged sword to humans, and specifically human society, since its discovery.

Michael Pollan authored a book on the subject a while back. Here is an article which summarizes some of it.

Ultimately, Capitalism as we know it today would not have been possible without stimulants (like caffeine) and the invention of the lightbulb. These two factors allowed human beings to remain awake and alert 24/7, vastly expanding the time window for us to consume and produce, and ultimately further solidify Capitalism's hold on the world at large.

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Cyberpunk 2077 here we come! I need me some fucking Gorilla Arms! Lets Fucking Go!! Lol, j/k

Lol. Wait until we're saying the same thing about Trump in a decade or so. You really think we've hit the bottom yet? We're riding this thing straight past the nine circles of hell.

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There are many legitimate reasons to not use ecosia, and yes, from the ecological perspective.

Planting trees has shown to be not as effective at curbing the effects of climate change as previously thought. Contrary to popular belief, the oceans have a much larger effect on our climate than our forests, and we aren't doing nearly enough to clean those up because the task would require us to fundamentally change the way we farm, fish, and obtain oil (i.e. pretty much stop everything we're currently doing).

This isn't to say planting trees doesn't have some benefit, but there are much better ways to curb your CO² emissions which you can see at the end of this rant/post.

Sneak peak though, if you eat meat, and actually give a fuck about the forests, perhaps you should stop consuming animals. Eating meat in particular is directly related to deforestation, as often deforestation is done to make room for massive CAFOs, which even if the deforestation didn't occur, would still significantly contribute to climate change.

Ecosia's funding comes from advertisements, which incentivizes consumption, which itself contributes to climate change innately. Every purchase you make, every meal you eat, every time you travel by automobile, airplane, or petroleum powered boat, contributes to the ever growing mass of CO2.

Advertisements and marketing exacerbate climate change by cultivating a never ending consumerist desire for products that are almost entirely produced using a petroleum derived process and/or packaged in petroleum derived plastic, resulting in the consumerist behavior being inherently responsible for climate change.

Ecosia is a moldy old band aid on a gushing neck wound that honestly is causing more harm than good by distracting people from the real source of the climate crisis, which is modern capitalism and the resulting consumerism.

Actually fighting climate change requires more of you than some passive empty gesture. Here's a bullet point list of things you can do today to make a real difference:

  • Stop eating and utilizing animal based products.
  • Stop eating foods that were grown using petroleum derived fertilizers (i.e. eat Organic).
  • Stop eating foods that had to be trucked in from over 100 miles away (i.e. eat local).
  • Stop buying plastic packaged goods.
  • Stop traveling by any means that require oil.
  • Stop living in or working in places which utilize electricity from the standard fossil fueled grid.
  • Abandon the fast fashion industry.
  • Only buy local goods and services.
  • Stop buying new electronic devices unless absolutely necessary.
  • Stop buying things you don't absolutely 100% need to survive.
  • Don't use AI as it utilizes an insane amount of fossil fuel generated electricity and consumes an exorbitant amount of water.
  • Same goes for playing AAA video games on high end GPUs.
  • Same goes for participating in Cryptocurrency mining/trading.
  • Protest the continuation of the exploration of space until Earth's climate has stabilized, as the utilization of resources required for space exploration greatly contribute to climate change and encourages a techno futurism that "solves" the climate crisis by abandoning Earth, rather than actually creating a future where humans are the stewards of the Earth, not its masters.
  • Get politically involved to pressure your local governments to implement safer spaces for pedestrians and cyclists and generally improve public transportation infrastructure like railways and metros.
  • Spend all your spare time fighting the fossil fuel, plastic, and privatized water industries, because all of the above only makes a difference if those industries are GONE FOR GOOD.
  • Don't have children (biggest contributor to climate change is more consumerist humans).
  • Don't leave this problem to the next generation to solve. The moment is now or never. You either care about the future of humanity and their place on Earth, or you don't.

There is a reason climate scientists are increasingly becoming climate activists. This is not something you can buy, recycle, or search engine your way out of.

As I've pointed out, there simply are far more impactful ways you can make a difference today than using a search engine that gets in bed with marketers and advertisers all in order to make relatively empty gestures while playing nice with corporations that, I guarantee you, are far more interested in pursuing business as usual than preserving the planet for their own children, let alone you and me.

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Oh god please, p PLEASE just burst the AI hype bubble now.

I honestly, but respectfully, disagree.

Brodie has been playing the apologist lately, and finding himself on the defensive when Nicco criticized Brodie for giving a floor to Lunduk, who is another example of a toxic individual within the Linux community. Brodie basically has played the card , "I'll hear out anybody because it's important to get both sides of the story."

But imho it shows he lacks spine to take a real stand. I get why, he needs to retain his audience which is a mix of people from different political and social backgrounds. I just don't respect it.

This latest video of his shows exactly his own reasoning. He says something along the lines of, if you take a position, you're going to lose a lot of your audience. He was talking specifically about the FDO iirc, but he might as well have been talking about himself.

I do have some sympathy for Brodie, I've been following him from almost his first video when he was still in Uni showing off his BSPWM configs, etc. And I don't think he ever thought his channel would become politicized nor do I think he ever wanted to address his own political leanings on his channel. But in my own life I've just noticed you can't avoid that, even in a public platform. Everything is political, and if you don't show people who you stand with, (like solidly, on one side or the other, you CANNOT have it both ways) then you just are saying you'll sit on the sidelines while the people you're supposedly advocating for (the Linux community) burn from within.

Until he's willing to have Danielle Fore (Trans Developer on the Elementary OS Distro) on his Tech Over Tea Podcast, I'm going to say he's giving a lot more attention and positive exposure to toxic people than not. And he's not exactly actually on Both Sides, like he wants us all to believe.

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After the shenanigans with that dev and his other project, Thorium. No fucking thanks.

14 more...

Meanwhile Nick Fuentes wants a child bride...it's almost as if sad excuses for sacks of shit republicans want to control the sexuality of children...


I wish all the inhumanities and sufferings this world has to offer befall him. I personally would not bat an eye at the headline "Trump first American sentenced to serve life sentence in solitary confinement."

Almost anyone else in this world I'd say that's inhumane, but for him, I'd simply say "That is just, that is moral, that is right." And then I'd do everything I could to forget he ever existed. I would remember shits I've taken more fondly.

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