Tech Job Interviews Are Out of Control to – 136 points –
Tech Job Interviews Are Out of Control

That graphic sums up my entire educational experience.


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Good article. Makes me sad though as I'm a self taught web dev starting out. Just gonna keep going though. Nothing much else to do tbh.

Don't give up. You got this.

Thank you for the words of encouragement.

Every rejection is a step forward. It's only failure if you learn nothing from it

You’re not alone. I feel this way too. I don’t know what else to do so I’m just going to keep going, but it definitely seems bleak at times.

I love making things and I love figuring out how stuff works so at least it’s not a chore for me.

Thanks. Yeah, it definitely seems bleak. I just keep making things though while trying to basically get a CS degree without the actual piece of paper. Lots of resources online and I have family and friends in the industry, so that helps keep me motivated.

Same. I’m in a bootcamp and college and I have 3 years experience being a sys admin for the gov. I think there’s a serious chance I’ve been rejected for every tech job on the internet.

Good luck to you on the job search. I have hope that your hard work will pay off.