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Joined 1 years ago

Honestly, I've kind of always wondered why they didn't just do this. It's always seemed like the obvious thing to me.

I mean, I hope it doesn't work, because screw Google, but I'm still surprised it took them this long to try it.

15 more...

Yeah, and using those is pretty good, but they don't really do anything you can't do just by changing settings in Firefox, and if Firefox doesn't have any users those die right along with it.

I'm pretty sure there's someone, somewhere at Nintendo who knows how google works. I would be shocked if they don't know more about Switch emulators than I do, and Yuzu wasn't even my first choice. Yuzu didn't get sued because it's popular. They got sued because they ran a profitable company in a country that enforces IP laws pretty strictly and tends to side with large corporations over people.

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Yeah, sure. That's why it happens on Firefox even without an adblocker, and goes away when using a user agent switcher to claim you're using Chrome instead of Firefox while using an adblocker. Because it's toooooooootally about adblocking.

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Heck, sign me up. That's basically time travel to a future where presumably humanity has gotten its shit together if they're still around inventing better ships. I see no downsides.

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Jokes on you then. I'm probably staring because I'm trying to figure out what's going on with that eye makeup, and I have no idea what that face is supposed to mean.

Oh no! The students are learning things! We must put a stop to this immediately!

3 more...

So uh... how exactly does a 3D printer use AI? Is the AI running the stepper motors? Or is this person actually suggesting that an AI could design a bridge? Because, uh, no. No it can't. Maybe someday in the distant future, but large language models aren't structural engineers. Those aren't even remotely the same thing.

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Most modern distros are either new distro trying to have more modern sensibilities, distros based off of Debian, Arch, or Fedora, or occasionally original things that are okay with being superficially similar to one of those while doing things differently at lower levels. OpenSUSE is one of the few remaining distros from the olden days that has been independent and doing their own thing for decades without spawning a bunch of forks or dying off. If you want to try something even older and crazier Slackware is sure an experience.

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If you read the article this is specifically about things needed to operate the car. Radios and AC or whatever is fine, but car manufacturers are starting to move things actually needed like turn signals into touch controls, and that is not okay.

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Free speech means I'm allowed to say whatever I want, and everyone else is also allowed to say whatever I want, right?

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Yeah, thank Tesla for that one. Because of course it was Tesla.

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I worked at a pizza place that shut down, and it never even occurred to anyone. For one thing the owner was obviously stressed out worrying about a bunch of other things, both in the restaurant and in her personal life, and you'd be surprised how much of the food you get at restaurants is really just purchased from a company like Cisco and warmed up for you. We did make the actual pizza from scratch though, and that place had the best crust of any pizza place I've ever been too. The problem there was that the recipe was very simple. Just flour, water, oil, salt, sugar, and yeast. That's it. The trick is the exact ratio, and a proper pizza oven. The oven a recipe can't help with, and for reasons I don't understand scaling down recipes, especially in baking, does not produce the same result. A recipe that starts with a 50 pound bag of flour is useless to you, and if you just try to divide all the weights by 100 the end result just isn't good. All you really know is that you can make good pizza dough with flour, water, oil, salt, sugar, and yeast. That is not exactly shocking news.

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Partly it's just worse lighting, but also 3 months of sleep deprivation isn't conductive to looking your best.

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I mean, it's at +4 and 83% upvotes. That's just 5 upvotes and 1 downvote. There's always that one guy.

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Canonical specifically went out of their way to create a closed ecosystem with snaps, and you think that's not "closed off" because they only allow you to download the open source parts of the snap software?

There is certainly some overlap in what Discord and Matrix can do, and personally I like Matrix about a thousand times better, but it's not really a direct replacement. That's not a criticism. I don't really even want Matrix to be more like Discord. I just think presenting Matrix as a Discord replacement kinda sells it short and is likely to leave people looking for an alternative to Discord disappointed.

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What even is an unbiased opinion? That doesn't even begin to make sense.

That being said, my very biased opinion is that it's a great way to install Arch without learning how Arch works so that when it inevitably breaks you don't even know how to ask the right questions.

19 more...

You can just fucking cuss here.

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That's certainly where it comes from. It's not always actually true though. Sometimes someone just liked the name and didn't even think about what it meant.

It's like the name Lakeview. I've been to more than just a couple places named Lakeview something or another. Streets, towns, apartment complexes. The only thing they all had in common is that not a single one of them had a view of a lake.

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I mean, arguing over the best sword is a silly thing to do anyway. Swords are sidearms. People carried them around in case their actual useful weapon broke, or for some reason they ended up fighting in a melee unexpectedly. Could be you were ambushed, could be you're an archer that got caught in the fighting. Point is, if you're in a sword fight something has already gone very wrong. Spending a bunch of money on a fancy high quality sword is a thing only rich people did, not soldiers, which is why fancy swords became associated with status in the first place.

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Yes. Yes I would. In this purely hypothetical situation I would tell you that I prefer Ryujinx. It doesn't perform quite as well, so it's not great if you're on a Steam Deck or something like it, but in my experience it tends to be less buggy, and it's also run like an actual open source project.

You know, hypothetically.

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Nobody cares about false negatives. As long as the number isn't something so massive that the system is completely useless false negatives in an automatic system are not a problem.

What are the false positives? Every single false positive is a gross injustice. If you can't come up with a number for that, then you haven't even evaluated your system.

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Fallout 4 kind of in a weird place where it's simultaneously a bad Fallout game and arguably the best Bethesda game. How much you like it really just depends on which of those things you're more into. I've personally never really gotten the appeal of Bethesda games. I usually end up spending 90% of my time going through my inventory analyzing the price to weight ratio of all the worthless junk I've accumulated, and the worlds have always just felt really shallow to me personally, but clearly I'm in the minority. I am sort of curious why more people seem to have agreed with me on Fallout 4 than on Skyrim though. I guess maybe it's just that the people who talk about it the most are more likely to be Fallout fans than Bethesda fans.

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Sure, but there are better ways of solving that problem than destroying perfectly good laptops.

If there's nothing between you and an object you can feel it at a distance. Texture is a little dulled, and some textures are easier to feel than others, but there's also a whole second kind of texture that we call color. As light gets dimmer it gets harder to feel the difference between those textures, and it gets harder to feel the distance to things, until there is nothing left but a single all encompassing flat texture at a single unknowable distance which we call dark.

Also, some objects only partially block your ability to feel what's behind them, and things like windows are designed to be so easy to feel through that it's hard to feel them at all. Unless they get dirty. Then you can feel the dirt on them.

You think Xfce has been "faster to the fight" on what exactly? It's famously slow to do anything. It still doesn't even have Wayland support at all, let alone support as good as Plasma.

Plasma vs Gnome is a lot more subjective depending on your priorities, and Gnome was certainly faster to get to Wayland as it's primary display protocol. I'm not quite sure about what else you might think Gnome is faster at though. It's actually way behind in things like gaming support and HDR.

Plasma 6 was specifically planned to focus on a polished release and reduction in technical debt, not introducing flashy new features. I haven't tried it yet, but I LIKE those priorities for a major porting effort. I'm looking forward to trying it when it comes to my distro.

I'm generally pretty much in agreement with the idea that online services are crap because you don't really own the things you buy, but honestly I've been buying physical media since the 80s and pirating since the 90s, and the oldest games I currently have easy access to are ones I bought on Steam. I'm not a collector or an archivist or anything. Those just aren't hobbies that interest me, and I move a lot, and don't always take care of my stuff, and freely lend things to unreliable friends, and frequently wipe my drives to try out new Linux distros, so at this point even if Valve probably won't be around forever I still expect my Steam games to last longer than anything else I could get. Steam is really the only reason I ever buy games at all anymore.

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I've never heard of anyone getting an unsafe package from flathub, but they certainly aren't all as thoroughly vetted as stuff from a well maintained distro. Any major package is almost certainly fine, but if you're downloading something obscure I'd use Flatseal to make sure it's very well sandboxed, just in case.

They've also recently added verified checkmarks to the website for flatpaks that are officially maintained by the developers of the app, so that's another thing to look out for.

Most musical instruments are analog. Digitizing them is inherently lossy. I mean, it doesn't matter, you can get both digital and analog recordings that are orders of magnitude more accurate than human hearing, but claiming that analog is more inherently lossy than digital is just factually incorrect, unless the music is produced purely digitally. Including no human voices, because those are analog.

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If Trump won, it would mean Joe Biden could declare himself president for life, since his presidential immunity would protect him from any consequences of ignoring elections.

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Hey GOG! How about you make an actual Linux client instead of giving me another useless way I can't play my games? Because unfortunately I live in the third world shithole with abysmal internet known as the United States. Cloud gaming is about as useful to me as a safe to store all the gold I don't have.

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Engineers using a specialized AI to make a design slightly lighter and then using a 3D printer to print that design isn't a 3D printer using AI.

Imagine how much cheaper cities could be if 2/3rds of the real estate wasn't parking? Also, moving doesn't necessarily mean going to New York. It can also just mean moving closer to your job in a small town. Which would also be easier if you could turn all the parking lots into homes.

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Take a cold bath?

Mostly they're afraid that swing voters won't vote for a black woman, but are afraid of saying that out loud.

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Cool, can we ban all the American apps that do all the same spying too? Because otherwise this is just whining that China is stealing our shtick.

I get that Windows is kinda boring, but it's still like a thousand times more interesting and customizable than anything Apple makes. I find the whole Apple aesthetic to be painfully boring and restrictive. I get that it's more fashionable or whatever. I just hate it.

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It's not really direct cause and effect, but yeah. The incentives for a publicly-traded company make enshitification far more appealing then it would be for most other organizations.

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I'm pretty sure a twelve foot drop onto concrete isn't good for a can of soup. Maybe it'd work for a T-shirt?

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