I'm confused... why do even Democrats seem conflicted on Kamala Harris as a replacement of Joe Biden?

GulbuddinHekmatyar@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – -15 points –

As far as I can tell, different faces, but same old, same old... I mean, literally anyone is better than Biden at the job, considering age...

What do dems worry about her?


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Mostly they're afraid that swing voters won't vote for a black woman, but are afraid of saying that out loud.

I, for one, hope that she can energize the campaign, get women to the polls and cancel out any negatives.

I willnlove to see her go against Trump in a debate, but I doubt "grab her by the pussy" Trump will even do one now since he knows he'd get steamroller.

I suspect that with what Republicans and the Supreme Court have been doing lately independent women will show up for her in a way they didn't for Hillary, so at least she has that going for her, but mostly I'm just hoping she doesn't get any real challengers within the Democratic party. That could go very, very badly, and she is not guaranteed the nomination if it happens. So far so good, but there's still plenty of time for things to go wrong.

Wrong. Gimme a black woman to vote for and I'll do it.

I'm pissed because we pissed away the emcumbant advantage but what's done is done, here's hoping we get to celebrate the first female president instead of orange Hitler.

Congratulations, you aren't skeptical of Kamala Harris, and therefore aren't the person I was talking about. Good for you, but you didn't prove anything wrong.

Or, hear me out:

Maybe, just maybe, it is due to the continuation of the status quo, similar to warmonger Hillary Clinton.

For people on Lemmy, sure, but for mainstream Democrats? Nah. Don't buy it.

Well, that can also be said for those that consume MSM vs. those on social media and the internet.

There are also groups that voted for Obama, then turned around and voted for Trump. 

Obama: Hope.

Trump: Drain the swap.

They might have learned to never trust a politician at face value.

I mean, people are complicated and different from each other. I'm sure there are lots of independents and leftists that's all true of, and I'm sure if you looked around you could even find a few members of the Democratic Party that fit that and also are skeptical of Kamala Harris.

I think most people who are within the mainstream of the Democratic Party and also worried about Kamala Harris as the presidential candidate are likely mostly people who have let demographic polling rot their brains though. That is what I was attempting to say with my original post.

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