
1 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

This. 100% this. Ipv6 underrated.

I was aware of this trick also, the first thing I tried. Nothing changed. I even tried it in 2 double double zipped freezer baggies for a week. No difference in acoustics from the drive after spin up.

However thanks for bringing this up; I forgot I tried this lol.

Yeah... That probably because either the drive thought it was falling and triggered the HDD falling mechanism (often found on 2.5" hdd) which would move the arms off the disks to prevent them from hitting it and damaging the platters to unrecoverable states.

Or if done on 3.5" without this feature built into it, could just damage the platters.

Would probably be less risky to open it up and unstick the arms yourself.

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The phrase Tiananmen Square massacre in each file.

Yup this was the first thing I tried. Nothing changed.

We got the notice 2 months ago, I played dumb asking for their proof and they sent a 5 hits detected from ips we owned. Which was a joke.

https://openjdk.org/ for pre built binaries or for installers and jre, use: https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html

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Rage against the machine for everyone who doesn't know.


But ...their catchy 8bit music!

Alpha to Bet...Full release! Yeah that's exactly how development goes! I played it 8 ish years ago and have like 600 hours in it. I still follow the release changelogs it and played it here and there but it's still 100% in Alpha. I feel they ran or are running out of money and by releasing it and increasing price will let them get free advertisement and therefore sales. Is it a bad game? No, just needs tons more work.

Microsoft, yes but they use the wording to buy windows license for example. Game companies still use wording "buy" game. Unless they change the purchase wording, I, as a consumer, am assuming I am buying a copy of the game I can play indefinitely while I own the game.

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Openjdk: https://openjdk.org/

Or for people that use jre or want installers: https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html

We just went through all of this and we just switched to openjdk without issues.

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GL finding a fire ant free spot.

Recently my wife and I both tried and can confirm that taking Calm (check Amazon) 1 hour before bed allows us not only to fall asleep easily, but felt like we slept well. No I don't work for them.

Also don't drink anything with caffeine in it past 3pm.

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Not that I know of but I could create something. I would feel icky if I didn't get the creators approval first however.

Buy 2 joints and get a free handgun!

I backed it and watched the live stream during the end time. He is truely a geniune guy and enjoyed backing not only for the content but for original content.

Yeah change the headline to pounded

👍 thanks a ton! I've been reading up a bunch on espresso machines and from what I've researched you need a metal grinder thingy which increases the cost well over 100$ and the cheap ones all have plastic ones which means more micro plastics in your drink and uneven grind/crush leading to a variable flavor. This is the only reason holding me back. Is there any good premade Expresso that I could just measure out for my drinks? Might start that way first and if it gets crazy expensive will put money and time aside to get an all metal Expresso machine.

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Seriously, you are lol.

IIRC, they are in beta testing to allow multiple people play multiple games from same account at same time, and you can now buy multiple licenses for your account so can both play same game at same time on same account . Don't ask me the specifics, I only know that I can buy multiple licenses for my account currently.

Can someone provide me the breed of this dog? Thanks!

Yes, I understand that point. However, the point I am making is (going to make as black and white as possible, oversimplifying it on purpose):

If you're selling a digital product (a non physical item), and use any of the following terms:

  • buy (ex. Buy now, buy today, etc)
  • purchase (ex. purchase now, purchase today, purchase to play, etc)
  • Own (ex. Own today, own and play today, etc)
  • Copy (ex. Get your copy today, your copy is waiting, we have your copy waiting, etc)

Then, I, as consumer of physical goods, being used to these types of wording meaning ownership of a copy without the ability of the manufacturer to come to my house and take the product away when they feel like or disable/remove songs, parts of movies or whatever by coming to my house and scratching off that part of the Blu-ray or DVD or whatever, should not be tricked into this by having to then read a 1000 word essay of legal speak saying you do not own what you are buying but are infact:

  • Renting
  • Licensing
  • Borrowing
  • Leasing

Said product, then that should violate some law about false advertising.

Powdered Magnesium supplement.

Idk if I should block this user or the word CNBC.com to clean up this trash. Thoughts?

GUI and cli, however, has no where near the options pihole or adguardhome have; my limited experience is with it in opnsense, so by far isn't complete but I disable it and forward everything to adguardhome.

What it can do in opnsense (for an example of what can be done with it, blocklist near bottom): https://docs.opnsense.org/manual/unbound.html

Guess it's time to evict them eh?

A big red flag with a gold hammer crossed with a gold sickle

Beat me to it. Was going to post an alcohol bottle.

Go on... Can you list those suggestions?

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Putting the grounds in a sealed mason jar in the fridge will keep flavor for over a year, tested it lol. So what what kind of Expresso machine am I looking for if it doesn't have a burr built in? Do those exist?

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Fucking shit, that sucks

Only if used as primary DNS service for whole network, however, has no where near the options pihole or adguardhome have; my limited experience is with it in opnsense, so by far isn't complete but I disable it and forward everything to adguardhome.

What it can do in opnsense (for an example of what can be done with it, blocklist near bottom): https://docs.opnsense.org/manual/unbound.html

You mean no aluminium or copper? Im not sure if that's difficult tp remember or do. Am i missing something?

Ours is People's Team.

Weird. Glad you found a stable solution but that sucks.

Sorry forgot about support. You are right.

Which brand gpu?

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What's a good bar amount? Should I buy a hydraulic press to get that 1k bar? I should message that channel to see if they can make some really good Expresso using their press

Sorry forgot about support.

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