
5 Post – 66 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

General Motors, Firestone Tire, Standard Oil, and Phillips Petroleum were convicted of an actual conspiracy related to the monopolization of transit systems, which replaced beloved streetcar (rail) systems with rubber-tired oil-burning buses.


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And many plantations converted to prisons that are still in operation to this day.

And many states can't reduce their prison populations because then they'd lose free labor.

And some states use prison labor to staff the governor's mansion with butlers.

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If you can't feel your hand heating up if you hold it near the oven and sensors or thermometer strips don't register any temperature increase outside the oven when it's on then nothing substantial is escaping. The amount of 2.4ghz energy required for indoor communication is on the order of tenths or hundredths of a watt, whereas the amount of energy required to cook food is on the order of 1000 watts. So you're talking about a 10,000-100,000-fold difference in magnitude.

For non-ionizing EM radiation like radio waves and normal light (as opposed to ionizing radiation that can cause cancer by knocking bits off your DNA like UV rays and X rays) the danger is in, essentially, cooking your flesh. For radio professionals determining if a microwave antenna or cell phone is safe for your body, we calculate watts per square centimeter, in other words how much electrical energy is delivered to your skin's surface. When a radio professional messes up and gets exposed to dangerous levels of energy, they experience it as feeling very warm or burning, and may suffer symptoms similar to a sunburn or, worst case, like putting a body part in a microwave oven.

Also because of how rays of energy work mathematically against surfaces, every foot you stand away will exponentially decrease the amount of energy you'd possibly receive: standing 6 feet away will give you 2.8% the dose versus standing 1 foot away. So even if you have a dangerously defective oven, just don't hang out with your face pressed to the glass and you'll have much bigger things to worry about in life.

TLDR: there's no voodoo scariness behind microwaves, just try to make sure they're not warming you up and cooking you, especially for extended periods of time. You'd probably notice if they were.

The main hazard of putting an electronic device in a microwave is that it heats up and catches fire or ruins your food.

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Exactly why I refuse to participate anymore among a dozen reasons.

My partner liked specific communities there but kept getting recommended upsetting stuff (got sucked into AmITheAsshole in a bad way, etc) so I uninstalled the official app and installed Apollo instead and their mental health greatly improved. But healthy satisfied people aren't profitable for corporations.

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I like "bing" just fine, in the sense that I'm pretty sure duckduckgo uses Bing search results

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It used to be that everything in Linux was a file, ideally a text file, so if you could find the right file you could access or change what you wanted. Systemd is a big program that manages a bunch of stuff and creates unique commands within its programs for doing so, which moves away from that principle and turns system management into what feels a bit more microsofty (like the registry editor program vs editing config files, etc) and a lot of people don't like that. But to its credit, it does solve a few problems with cobbling together a modern system that doesn't suck.

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No, Linux and Mac can open ZIP as easily as anything besides TGZ.

I absolutely hate this situation and I was going to write a whole thing about how we wouldn't do the same thing if an upstanding husband and father was convicted of murder, except oh yes people literally actually do do the same thing. You'll literally have letters written like "he made a mistake but he has kids at home please go easy on him" as if actual murder isn't a pretty big disqualifier.

I guess we humans have a blind spot to the most common sins versus the mythical perfect criminal who spits on babies and hails satan...

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And that's not really "de" it's just stopping where you're comfortable at. Which is exactly what everyone should be doing anyway. "De" implies feeling like you completely made a mistake and want to undo what was done, simply stopping hormones doesn't necessarily accomplish that and non-binary is a totally valid identity

You were a good bot, RemindMe. I want you to remember that.

That photo is from a film about neanderthals. The phrase "unga bunga" has its earliest known usage in a Bugs Bunny short mocking Aborigines, but it's a generic enough phrase that I'm not sure you can write off the entire phrase as racist against Aborigines: any nonsense word could be used in its place and I'm not sure anyone creating or sharing the meme has actually watched that Bugs Bunny clip from 1950. It's just a nonsense phrase used to indicate low intelligence or nonsense. Given that the photo is of a neanderthal, I think anyone seeing the meme will understand that it's supposed to mean "a caveman would be confused by this" and not about any particular group of modern or indigenous humans. Most usages of the meme imply that the poster themselves is the confused one, so I don't think a racist would find it very funny to post something like that.


Given that the words "unga" and "bunga" have existed in print since at least 1700 AD, I'm not sure we can point to that one Bugs cartoon as the definitive and only definition of that particular nonsense phrase. https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=unga%2C+bunga&year_start=1500&year_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3

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Bee and Puppycat is also good and has similar vibes

Given that we presume someone dies either way it becomes murder or manslaughter -- it's kinda hard to be involved in someone dying without those charges being discussed -- but that gets very much into the weeds of jurisdiction specific laws and I'm not super familiar with them.

What is very interesting to think about is tort law, the general case history of negligence and liability when one person harms another but it isn't explicitly illegal. Basically the injured person or family sues someone for doing something they shouldn't have, and it gets into really interesting weird cases like could they have reasonably foreseen the injury etc. Here's a summary of some major tort precedents going back many years: https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/greedy-associates/5-classic-torts-cases-made-simple-for-1ls/

My favorite is Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Co. (1928) where a Rube Goldberg style chain of events caused Mrs. Palsgraf to be injured and it was ruled that the rail employee could not have reasonably foreseen all of that, so they weren't liable. If anything (in my opinion) the men who brought fireworks in an unlabeled container onto a train and then ran to catch it were the ones behaving negligently (i.e., the originators of the foreseeably dangerous situation.)

This is a long way of saying, if you do nothing then you're an innocent bystander to a tragedy. But if you take an action that reasonably (in this case certainly) causes injury, you're responsible for that. You might say you'd rather have one man's death on your conscience than a dozen, but that's for you to meditate on in jail.

The real problem with the Trolley Problem is that it presupposes only two outcomes. In real life we don't know what the possibilities will be and many actions are available to many people. First and foremost whoever tied the people to the tracks needs to be found and tried. Second, the trolley driver and whoever created, installed, or maintained the brakes needs to be interrogated. (Trolleys don't generally drive very fast and they almost always have low bumpers to prevent things from falling underneath.) Finally, a number of other things had to go wrong or fail to go right in order to get into the situation: the tied people have to remain there for awhile unnoticed or unhelped by anyone until it's too late, the trolley has to not notice things and be traveling too fast to slow down by other means, and every human between the people and trolley has to essentially freeze and fail to do extreme things like cut the power or derail the trolley or yell at someone for help. There are almost always third fourth and fifth options besides a singular person happening to stand by a singular track switch that points to certain death either way.

If it was me, I would yell for help and get myself and one other to man the switch and untie the single prisoner simultaneously. Even if we somehow fail, that action is more natural and moral and understandable to a jury than freezing up and choosing only the second worst option.

Ultimately it boils down to the jury, the judge's instructions, and the specific wording of the law.

If we take Washington DC as an example, the lowest illegal killing law is involuntary misdemeanor manslaughter, like if you do something illegal and someone dies even if you didn't intend it. It requires:

  • Defendant caused the death of the victim;
  • Defendant did so while committing or attempting to commit an underlying misdemeanor; and
  • Defendant committed or attempted to commit the underlying misdemeanor in a manner that created a reasonably foreseeable risk of appreciable physical injury.

So then you get into whether touching the rail switch was a misdemeanor or not (what are the laws on touching railroad stuff) and who in this unlikely chain "caused" the death. Once again we get into "foreseeable" despite the problem assuming that one person's death is guaranteed, which isn't actually how reality works.


Ironically, placing objects upon a railway with intent to cause harm OR doing something that "displaces or injures anything" related to the railroad resulting in death, is murder in the first degree in DC. So if throwing a switch counts as displacing a rail-related thing, which it probably does, the D.A. could try and get you for the worst form of murder they have. After all, in the real world you have no idea how trolleys and rail switches work. The problem supposes that you have perfect knowledge and awareness of many things, with the huge omissions of not noticing until it's too late and only having one possible action to take. I might add that trolleys often don't have switches laying around (they tend to take fixed paths) and when they do they're not immediately accessible: they're usually actuated by a separate tool or electric signal that the public doesn't have. If we're talking about a full sized railway then those levers are big and hanging around, but it's illegal to trespass onto the rails and switching yards are placed far from the public. But anyway all of this depends largely on how the D.A. is feeling, which is bad news because most D.A.s are elected officials who politically campaign on seeming tough. So do people see you as a sympathetic everyman, or a contemptible fuckup, and how's the D.A.'s career going? https://code.dccouncil.gov/us/dc/council/code/sections/22-2102

If you can afford a decent lawyer, though, they'll definitely request a trial by jury and play up the fact that you were doing your best to save as many people as you could in an awful situation set in motion by some other psychopath. Make sure to look mournful yet sympathetic to the jury. If you're a white conservative Christian man with young kids in America, even better.

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Apparently it's not super great? I haven't noticed https://lemmy.ca/post/3532299

Even then, a basic soap like Dr Bronners or your favorite "hand soap" does well for most of your body. People ask my wife how her hair is so amazing, she just washes it every couple days instead of every day and sometimes has some light argan oil or something to reduce frizz. Washing hair (especially long hair) every day damages it no matter what you're doing. The most important thing is to scrub your scalp really good.

Yeah The Intercept has had a curious history of saying things that benefit Russian foreign policy for a very long time now. Of course limiting access to the front lines of an active war is reasonable, especially when the environment and population are incredibly fluid. (This isn't America vs the Viet Cong in 1970, this is people's nephews vs their uncles and everyone's got a smart phone in their pocket.)

Being laughed at for how your body is is one thing, being laughed at for buying a fascist's ChildishCompensationMobile is another. It's a choice to buy Jeff Bezos' $100,000 Dick Mobile and drive it around like you're cool, it's another to... try and exist? As best you can? Corporeally?

Like no I don't need to worry about the feelings of anyone who gives Trump money and allegiance. They made bad choices that materially affect me (how many Twitters can these guys buy up and turn into a KKK Safe Place with this money?) and I can tell them they suck for it. Completely not the same as giving redheads swirlies.

Like, for context I also give distainful looks at poor drivers in BMWs and Benzes: obviously money didn't give them sense. So yes I'll laugh at anyone giving Musk money after knowing his true colors.

Can't wait for the AI and Metaverse bubbles to pop.

Turns out people like working with other people and enjoying reality. I'm darkly amused that "touch grass" has quickly become both an insult and sincere life advice.

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Some airlines don't have seat assignment until you print your boarding pass

Yes, Reddit has messaged mod teams and pressured them into reopening. So far I don't think there's a case of them forcing their own mod team in to replace striking mods, but it's absolutely on the table.

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The kinds of people who think that "the cultural elite" (Jewish people living in blue states, let's be honest about that dog whistle, it never seems to apply to Rush Limbaugh or Trump or Tucker Carlson or Elon Musk or Kanye West even though Robert's main claim to fame is being a Labor Secretary for four years in the nineties) control anything are also the kinds of people who take biased headlines as gospel and don't bother reading anything further.

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Text is cheap. It doesn't cost a ton of money to run these instances at least not yet, so people can do it as a hobby or with a few supporters.

It does however pay to ask your instance admins what their plans and policies are for moderation, defederating, finances, backups, having a money buffer in case things need to be spun down, and having multiple admins in case of disaster.

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Welcome to many many many CEOs/entrepreneurs/MBAs. I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often, then again it's relatively rare to be in this kind of business and your own passenger

Be aware that OnlyOffice is developed by Russians and headquartered in Latvia, it may be perfectly fine but it's worth being aware of. At least one company claims to have severed ties as a result, and supposedly you have to pay for full features? LibreOffice is completely FOSS. https://dms-solutions.co/blog/dms-solutions-stops-doing-business-with-onlyoffice-due-to-onlyoffice-close-ties-with-russia/

The memo as a whole is encouraging employees to keep working and not lose faith or get scared; that part is telling them that they're not going to get laid off due to declining revenues.

Of course it's all BS, businesses can't predict the future, but I'd agree that advertisers and subscribers didn't suddenly cancel en masse. It'll take more action to see effects there.

Do you have a source for that? I was trying to figure out if that was the case but couldn't get evidence

Problem with the norms is it's harder to fit five people in a proper sub than a cheap sub. He wanted to "innovate" (cut corners for profit and fame) not do things the right way

Unfortunately there are many dog whistles and they're constantly shifting. Again, Joe Rogan is measurably more culturally powerful than Robert Reich, yet such terms never get applied to him. Instead they're used for C-list media personalities of a certain demographic, implying that they're controlling everything from behind the scenes, which is itself the dog whistle.




That can sometimes be ad/tracker blockers, where maybe they know they got a hit but not from where

Your contributions won't vanish, I can still see comments from people from dead servers on Mastodon because it's cached on my server. The bigger issue is when you set up a new username on a new server, how can you show that you're the old person. So ideally pick a server that has policies in place about offline notices, multiple admins, a funding plan, backups, policies about Nazis, etc.

Japanese do this too especially in pottery, it seems like a very old form of artisanry

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About as much sense as building a company off free volunteer labor and then acting like you own those volunteers and the money they helped you earn

It doesn't take a ton of effort to make a website and an app, Lemmy is already hockey-sticking off entirely volunteer everything.

I'm not sure if anyone involved actually admitted their wrongs, it sounds like Ashton is sorry people felt bad not that he did it

Lots of roofs in Asia are blue and I have no idea why lol

Mission failed successfully! We bombed a lot of "Nazis" and their local weapons capabilities! Pay no attention to the fact that we've radicalized an entire generation of brand-new nationalists, strengthened our enemies, and ensured free flow of cutting-edge weaponry into their country while feeding an entire generation of our young men into a meat grinder.

Mastodon is what you make it and it can be hard to find the community you want. I promise there's plenty of Japanese art (maybe try pixelfed, friendica, diaspora?) and you can/should unfollow people who just talk about stuff you don't care about.

Also a linguist would of course dedicate a chapter to the pure joy of rhymes, verses, and words that feel fun to say

The captain and inventor is betting his life and reputation on it!

Idk about Endeavour but I use Duplicity and don't currently regret it.

I mod a smaller sub and haven't received this, seems like they're negotiating with the biggest subs/mods only. I haven't gotten a single communication from Reddit about this outside of what's publicly posted or in the news.