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Not even in the Mayo clinic?

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Gregg Abbott looks like a Thunderbirds puppet.

15 year old me tried to drink a bottle of gin (because I tought it would make me even more cool). Woke up in the hospital the next day, was asked if it was an attempted suicide. I didn't even know you could die from alcohol poisoning. One year later I crashed my friends car upside down into a canal (back then the minimum age where you learnt to drive was 18 years old in my country). I did some pretty dumb things as a kid.

Sorry, but, mb, in lowercase? Like millibit?

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Old zeeland is still where it used to be. (I would make a joke about Germans here, but can't think of anything clever right now)

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Which works every time, unless it doesn't work.Like when Hillary Clinton lost against Donald Trump.

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The general idea is that these parties do not want to be seen as anti-semetic, especially considering the German past. Which leads to no criticism towards Israel whatsoever. It's a shame actually, because this opens the door to the AfD party, who dont have qualms about these kind of things.

Unless you work with rotary equipment.

Any job can be a bullshit job actually. But for me:

  • People who seem to be on Linkedin most of the day, looking for leads "lets get a cup of coffee together".
  • Corporate communications.
  • People who's job consists mostly of copying data from one excel sheet to the next.
  • Government consultants, especially in IT (but not limited to IT only)

You should read the comments for the linked article. Though it seems to be an Isreali site.

Since 1985 everybody knows it's 1.21 GW.

I just hope no wars will be started over here (western Europe) in the next ten years, so my sons won't get drafted.

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At this rate with this mentality, we are going to have photo "evidence" of bigfoot and UFO's before 2030.

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  1. Make sure you can't see a clock at night. Not knowing how late it is will stop your mind from going over at least one detail, how much time you have left to sleep.
  2. Get a notebook next to your bed so you can write things down if something urgent comes up in your mind. If you're like me, changes are you'll never write down anything.
  3. Try to not think about anything for 10 seconds or better 10 breaths. No toughts whatsoever.
  4. If everything fails, have a book or e-reader ready, so you can relax while reading for a bit. Nothing with LCD screens though, they tend to wake you up even more.

These gems probably weren't even on display in the museum, just hoarded in storage forever.

In the Netherlands we've always had coaxial connections as long as I can remember. A quick google search tells me this has been so since the introduction of TV in the 1940's.

I disagree with you on this, because actions tend to speak even louder than words. I do agree with some other people in this thread that OP should look inwards to his own feelings, and determine what hé has to change to prevent him feeling awkward.

I'm an engineer. Most of the time I solve the tricky technical problems. Other times I design some new technical thing, or I think of new ways to do something.

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Fair enough, how are you doing now? Any word out from them yet?

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Imagine finding a suspect with this method, and not taking their actual finger prints to check if the match is correct.

Had it in 2021, taste was gone for only three days. Afterwards some things tasted off for a few weeks, chocolate tasted like ammonium. That's gone now. Endurance was mostly gone afterwards, and I stil have trouble remembering names, even of people I've known a long time.

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For what it's worth, I hope they find something to get you well again.

In my experience this is because they confuse an 80% change of rain with 80% of the time it's gonna rain.

Don't worry, I get that reaction a lot. Also the "that's just aging" reaction regarding both the forgetting and the endurance (stamina?). But if you can't remember the names of people you speak every week, and who don't have forgettable face and demeanor, that's not normal for me. Also, if you suddenly are exhausted after walking a stair where this was no problem before, that's also not normal.

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Ask Trump, he has close ties with Russia, but is also a US citizen and presidential candidate.

About four years on average. I would go longer, but at that point the phones I buy tend to go buggy. I buy phones in the € 250 to € 300 range.

Yearly income is less than 70k for most Europeans. In Denmark the average income is higher, but the rest of Europe is lower, average would probably be less than 40k.

The link is correct, but direct linking is blocked for some reason. If you go to the link from here you will get the article.

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Looks a lot like the classic Dutch meal of "hutspot".

It's the same word on paper, but pronounced different. Italians tend to speak the vowels longer, with a slightly different sound (the "a" in American sounds like an "uh", in Italian like a long "ah"). They also speak out both t's separately.

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She was at least slightly less worse than Trump though.

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Stress, especially about money, makes you tired. So it's got nothing to do with being lazy. I just switched medication because the old ones made me tired. It adds up quickly to feel debilitating IMO.

Mind you, this book is considered one of Heinlein's worst. In my opinion Heilein was great SF writer, but under the surface there's always something off, which can be explained by his political views. This book has a high percentage of libertarian propaganda.

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One catch is that carbon black is mostly made from fossil oil.

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As a Dutch person, please don't make it about the hair. Make it about the far right policies.

That sums it up.

Shouldn't it be MEIR(u)L(e)?

Probably not since OP is on a Mac.

Pop stars like these two are pretty common for all ages. Like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera and Pink, and Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey And all the others before.