How do you guys cope with the fact that the world isn't getting any better? to – 469 points –

I'm really worried about the state of the US despite being a white male who was I'll coast right through it. I'll also accept "I don't" and "very poorly" as answers


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I just hope no wars will be started over here (western Europe) in the next ten years, so my sons won't get drafted.

the netherlands doesn't have a draft bill now does it?

When I turned 18, I got a letter saying I would have gotten drafted if a war would break out while I was still under 30.

Oh that must've been relatively recent then. I'm 32 and don't recall such a letter.

I was among the last to get drafted (I'm 48). After my year they stopped drafting, but they never cancelled the draft bill.

We hope the next inevitable American civil war doesn't spread across the northern border to Canada. The ideologies already have and it's not good.