
2 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The OneBlade has a transformer in the wall plug part, the actual cable going to the handheld unit is only carrying low voltage.

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That the assumedly unique, mysterious and hopefully supernatural ability I've had since childhood is actually only extremely rare and is called ear rumbling, and basically consists of a voluntary flexing of the tensor tympani.

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Wait, what?

By realising that what we now call waste will be the fuel source of the future. And also understanding that the renewables require a lot more area, material and energy to build than nuclear: https://robertbryce.substack.com/p/the-iron-law-of-power-density-part

These are the things I'm glad I got back then and would get again if they broke, that fit the price category:

  • an onion comb for dicing
  • shoehorn with a long handle
  • 3 stage knife sharpening station
  • wireless phone charger (no more fiddling in the dark with the cable)
  • magnetic keychain holder (from AntPocket tools)
  • Unicorn Beetle Pro phone case and belt holster (if you're on board with the aesthetic)
  • a pair of Klim earbuds (wired, with foam tips)
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Vandalism is always reverted on SO, even if done by the original author. No knowledge is lost. Suing OA for violating the CC-BY license might be possible, but I'd wager SO is not interested in suing them, and since they hold the rights, not much can be done by others.

Carbon isotopes and other trace elements in coal that get airborne with the smoke.

Orders of magnitude maybe?

Oh yes, teratomes are not fun. But thankfully they are comparably rare.

No, tiktok is not digital media. It's a chinese cyber warfare weapon of mass destruction.

The standard of living in Hungary has been constantly declining since orbán has been in power. His voter base is still going strong nonetheless, especially among the poorest. These people have no future, but also no present either - they'll vote for the name they hear the most often, or the one their employer tells them to. They being mostly jobless, that employer being the village mayor via the public works programme, and usually a puppet of orbán as well. Checkmate, liberal democracy.

Please name some instances when a trans person or woman has thrown a violent tantrum and ended up killing more than ten people. These issues are far from being equal or even comparable.

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Milk for the Khorneflakes!

Team watering can represents 🤙

For similar 4th wall breaking but with lot less mind horror check out OneShot.

That's why there is an entire community for shower thoughts: because people sometimes get these sudden realizations. But honestly, you got me - I realized it a few days ago and only got around to post it "now".

Editing any content to reduce its quality is considered vandalism and gets reverted on SO.

Shouldn't a dishwasher or cook be able to read and follow instructions, like regarding water temperature, food safety, etc?

SO has mechanisms in place to filter out AI-generated content.

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The hallmark of really great dumb shit.

Thanks for the heads up, I had no cracking issues yet, but after years of daily use the screen protector got worn out and the kickstand broke loose. Now I'm on the second one of the same model, but it's still going strong with no real issues.

Imagine a comic strip where the Joker is holding a kid hostage at gunpoint. With his other gun he repeatedly shoots random people on the street. Batman shows up but does nothing, for he doesn't want the boy to die. Bam, another passerby dead. And another. Bam-bam, this time it's a twofer. Then Superman shows up and eye-lasers the Joker cleanly in half along with the kid.

Whose action resulted in fewer deaths?

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Don't forget spending days standing besides a lake.

If you feel your comment did not adequately convey your intentions, you can always clarify the intended meaning.

I think it's more like they don't and can't care. It's probably the same situation as in Hungary, where Orbán basically micromanages 90% of the news sources the average citizen gets to access, so they of course overwhelmingly approve him and "his valiant fight against the evils surrounding the noble Hungarian nation".

This. In a modern society there's no natural right (or even a need) to own firearms.

And it's hard to imagine that Hamas could smuggle weapons, build rockets in basements, set up launchers between apartment blocks, fire missiles and return to step one - if the people of Palestine actually opposed them. But since they are able to do all of this, at least a significant portion of the people must actively support them and basically everyone else needs to tolerate their presence and activities.

Thanks for the non-dismissive reply and for the additional context. Just to clarify, I have only voiced my view on the "avoid killing innocents when others are in danger" situation - I admittedly lack the knowledge regarding the big picture to be able to pass judgement or offer solutions. But it seems the answer to your last question is pretty clear: everybody involved in this situation in any way is bad for some degree.

Except it's not your data anymore. By submitting any content, you transfer the rights to SO.

Ah, I think I got the source of misunderstanding: these mechanisms are not automated, but implemented as moderation guidelines and rules.

Sure, but every cell has the same DNA. Yet some "decide" to "agree" on making toenails, while others differentiate into eyes.

Yes, that's my conclusion as well. What job doesn't require any of these?

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I guess it's not about actually not being able to read, just either not caring to read or ignoring what's written.

This is not about a single coworker and a door, but intended as a generic light-hearted roast for everybody who keep ignoring simple signs such as which waste bin is for paper, how to leave a room, etc. Petty? Sure as hell. Being a dick? Wouldn't say so.