64% of Americans say they wouldn’t support Trump: poll

btaf45@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 759 points –
64% of Americans say they wouldn’t support Trump: poll

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How many of those trump cultists admit today to voting and supporting G.W. Bush? You know they didn’t vote for Gore, if they voted at all, but they supported Bush and they supported his vision to make the US the world’s police despite claiming they are against this.

Do you think the people who supported Nixon were somehow dumber than Americans are today? Functional literacy was much lower in the 70s.

There are large swathes of people who just support the status quo. Nixon being the villain in his own story is “common knowledge” now and Trump’s just stupid Nixon.

The difference is that when Nixon was President we all shared the same facts and reality.

Today's Republicans will simply never accept the reality that Trump is a criminal.

If you don't understand that distinction, you've been missing the big picture.


Were you alive during Nixon? I was a baby but I interacted with people Trump’s age when I was a child. I don’t know if it’s the lead in the air back then or what but more than half of all adults seemed terminally stupid. I was a child and I thought they were stupid.

We’ve clearly got a lot of people who think Trump’s smart today but Trump’s brand of gibberish was just considered “common sense” in the 80s. Social media hasn’t made us dumber, it’s just allowed the dumbest people to find each other more easily.

Regarding us all sharing the same facts when Nixon was president, that’s just not true. People lived in a very divided America then as well. Social media and the refinement of propaganda techniques does make things seem more hopeless today but the same Roger Stone who’s fucking things up today was around back then. He was doing exactly what he’s doing today back then.

The fact that the public, in the end, turned on Nixon is the REASON we have Fox News today. It's creators were anticipating the landscape today where a conservative media bubble would isolate Republicans from the facts. It works perfectly.


Yes, I’m aware of that. This is why I brought up Roger Stone. My point is people aren’t stupider or more insular today; they are actually slightly less so.

The machinery of propaganda is much more refined today.

Stupider? No.

More insular? Are you kidding me? Of course they are. It's not even close.