These were like 50 bucks a year ago to Mildly – 313 points –

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Doing absolutely nothing meaningful about inflation is why our next president is going to be an overt and unapologetic fascist. (Granted, they'll come up with a better name for it.) The foreclosure crisis and Obama's failure to address it properly is what got Trump elected the first go-around.

The recession happened in 07/08 under Bush. Obama didn't take office until January 2009. Trump won because these two private parties control everything about our election process and one of them put up a candidate that almost nobody liked to the point that a failed businessman and reality TV star was somehow more appealing.

It doesn't matter when the recession started.

Millions of people lost their homes when Obama was president, and Democrats were somehow shocked that people who lost their homes wouldn't vote for someone campaigning on continuing Obama's policies. (Policies that included criminalizing the poor and demonizing Occupy.)

Dunno why you're all downvoting.

Every single one of you is paying 30% to 50% more to live, and you know it. And the aid you need to cope with inflation? Biden used it to fund another country's war instead.

Because "funding other people's wars" is better than waiting a couple years till it's our war too...

Did you forget about WW2?

Yeah, that's what people say every time.

They said that when our country got a whole generation of young men killed in Vietnam and wasted over a trillion dollars. They said it when we treated Saddam Hussein the same way what's-his-name is Ukraine is being treated now back in 1983, funding his war against Iran and giving him an arsenal, before we went to war against him. Twice. People still pretend that our attempt at maintaining a permanent war in Afghanistan was magically a good thing, even though we wasted several trillion dollars and ultimately learned it was completely unsustainable.

Canada has universal health care and you know how much they spend on war?

23 billion a year.

Stop repeating slogans that make absolutely no sense given our military history since WW2, and please also stop pretending that neglecting our people to blow up other countries is virtuous.

Why are you talking about Vietnam?

Vietnam is the reason we support with money and not bodies...